#requires -version 2 <# .SYNOPSIS Gets folder sizes using COM and by default with a fallback to robocopy.exe, with the logging only option, which makes it not actually copy or move files, but just list them, and the end summary result is parsed to extract the relevant data. There is a -ComOnly parameter for using only COM, and a -RoboOnly parameter for using only robocopy.exe with the logging only option. The robocopy output also gives a count of files and folders, unlike the COM method output. The default number of threads used by robocopy is 8, but I set it to 16 since this cut the run time down to almost half in some cases during my testing. You can specify a number of threads between 1-128 with the parameter -RoboThreadCount. Both of these approaches are apparently much faster than .NET and Get-ChildItem in PowerShell. The properties of the objects will be different based on which method is used, but the "TotalBytes" property is always populated if the directory size was successfully retrieved. Otherwise you should get a warning (and the sizes will be zero). Online documentation:,_Blazingly_Fast MIT license. Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Joakim Svendsen All rights reserved. Svendsen Tech. .PARAMETER Path Path or paths to measure size of. .PARAMETER LiteralPath Path or paths to measure size of, supporting wildcard characters in the names, as with Get-ChildItem. .PARAMETER Precision Number of digits after decimal point in rounded numbers. .PARAMETER RoboOnly Do not use COM, only robocopy, for always getting full details. .PARAMETER ComOnly Never fall back to robocopy, only use COM. .PARAMETER RoboThreadCount Number of threads used when falling back to robocopy, or with -RoboOnly. Default: 16 (gave the fastest results during my testing). .EXAMPLE . .\Get-FolderSize.ps1 PS C:\> 'C:\Windows', 'E:\temp' | Get-FolderSize .EXAMPLE Get-FolderSize -Path Z:\Database -Precision 2 .EXAMPLE Get-FolderSize -Path Z:\Database -RoboOnly -RoboThreadCount 64 .EXAMPLE Get-FolderSize -Path Z:\Database -RoboOnly .EXAMPLE Get-FolderSize A:\FullHDFloppyMovies -ComOnly #> function Get-STFolderSize { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Path")] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Path", Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Alias('Name', 'FullName')] [string[]] $Path, [int] $Precision = 4, [switch] $RoboOnly, [switch] $ComOnly, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "LiteralPath", Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string[]] $LiteralPath, [ValidateRange(1, 128)] [byte] $RoboThreadCount = 16) begin { if ($RoboOnly -and $ComOnly) { Write-Error -Message "You can't use both -ComOnly and -RoboOnly. Default is COM with a fallback to robocopy." -ErrorAction Stop } if (-not $RoboOnly) { $FSO = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject -ErrorAction Stop } function Get-RoboFolderSizeInternal { [CmdletBinding()] param( # Paths to report size, file count, dir count, etc. for. [string[]] $Path, [int] $Precision = 4) begin { if (-not (Get-Command -Name robocopy -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Warning -Message "Fallback to robocopy failed because robocopy.exe could not be found. Path '$p'. $([datetime]::Now)." return } } process { foreach ($p in $Path) { Write-Verbose -Message "Processing path '$p' with Get-RoboFolderSizeInternal. $([datetime]::Now)." $RoboCopyArgs = @("/L","/S","/NJH","/BYTES","/FP","/NC","/NDL","/TS","/XJ","/R:0","/W:0","/MT:$RoboThreadCount") [datetime] $StartedTime = [datetime]::Now [string] $Summary = robocopy $p NULL $RoboCopyArgs | Select-Object -Last 8 [datetime] $EndedTime = [datetime]::Now [string] $DefaultIgnored = '(?:\s+[\-\d]+){3}' [regex] $HeaderRegex = '\s+Total\s*Copied\s+Skipped\s+Mismatch\s+FAILED\s+Extras' [regex] $DirLineRegex = "Dirs\s*:\s*(?<DirCount>\d+)$DefaultIgnored\s+(?<DirFailed>\d+)\s+\d+" [regex] $FileLineRegex = "Files\s*:\s*(?<FileCount>\d+)$DefaultIgnored\s+(?<FileFailed>\d+)\s+\d+" [regex] $BytesLineRegex = "Bytes\s*:\s*(?<ByteCount>\d+)$DefaultIgnored\s+(?<BytesFailed>\d+)\s+\d+" [regex] $TimeLineRegex = "Times\s*:\s*.*" [regex] $EndedLineRegex = "Ended\s*:\s*(?<EndedTime>.+)" if ($Summary -match "$HeaderRegex\s+$DirLineRegex\s+$FileLineRegex\s+$BytesLineRegex\s+$TimeLineRegex\s+$EndedLineRegex") { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Path = $p TotalBytes = [decimal] $Matches['ByteCount'] TotalMBytes = [math]::Round(([decimal] $Matches['ByteCount'] / 1MB), $Precision) TotalGBytes = [math]::Round(([decimal] $Matches['ByteCount'] / 1GB), $Precision) BytesFailed = [decimal] $Matches['BytesFailed'] DirCount = [decimal] $Matches['DirCount'] FileCount = [decimal] $Matches['FileCount'] DirFailed = [decimal] $Matches['DirFailed'] FileFailed = [decimal] $Matches['FileFailed'] TimeElapsed = [math]::Round([decimal] ($EndedTime - $StartedTime).TotalSeconds, $Precision) StartedTime = $StartedTime EndedTime = $EndedTime } | Select-Object -Property Path, TotalBytes, TotalMBytes, TotalGBytes, DirCount, FileCount, DirFailed, FileFailed, TimeElapsed, StartedTime, EndedTime } else { Write-Warning -Message "Path '$p' output from robocopy was not in an expected format." } } } } } process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Path") { $Paths = @(Resolve-Path -Path $Path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProviderPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) } else { $Paths = @(Get-Item -LiteralPath $LiteralPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) } foreach ($p in $Paths) { Write-Verbose -Message "Processing path '$p'. $([datetime]::Now)." if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $p -PathType Container)) { Write-Warning -Message "$p does not exist or is a file and not a directory. Skipping." continue } # We know we can't have -ComOnly here if we have -RoboOnly. if ($RoboOnly) { Get-RoboFolderSizeInternal -Path $p -Precision $Precision continue } $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' try { $StartFSOTime = [datetime]::Now $TotalBytes = $FSO.GetFolder($p).Size $EndFSOTime = [datetime]::Now if ($null -eq $TotalBytes) { if (-not $ComOnly) { Get-RoboFolderSizeInternal -Path $p -Precision $Precision continue } else { Write-Warning -Message "Failed to retrieve folder size for path '$p': $($Error[0].Exception.Message)." } } } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -like '*PERMISSION*DENIED*') { if (-not $ComOnly) { Write-Verbose "Caught a permission denied. Trying robocopy." Get-RoboFolderSizeInternal -Path $p -Precision $Precision continue } else { Write-Warning "Failed to process path '$p' due to a permission denied error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } Write-Warning -Message "Encountered an error while processing path '$p': $($_.Exception.Message)" continue } $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Path = $p TotalBytes = [decimal] $TotalBytes TotalMBytes = [math]::Round(([decimal] $TotalBytes / 1MB), $Precision) TotalGBytes = [math]::Round(([decimal] $TotalBytes / 1GB), $Precision) BytesFailed = $null DirCount = $null FileCount = $null DirFailed = $null FileFailed = $null TimeElapsed = [math]::Round(([decimal] ($EndFSOTime - $StartFSOTime).TotalSeconds), $Precision) StartedTime = $StartFSOTime EndedTime = $EndFSOTime } | Select-Object -Property Path, TotalBytes, TotalMBytes, TotalGBytes, DirCount, FileCount, DirFailed, FileFailed, TimeElapsed, StartedTime, EndedTime } } end { if (-not $RoboOnly) { [void][System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($FSO) } [gc]::Collect() [gc]::WaitForPendingFinalizers() } } |