<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.1 .GUID cb19eb4b-062a-410b-aafc-9e1d455892c6 .AUTHOR CBlais .COMPANYNAME Vertikal6 .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA .DESCRIPTION "Gets the saved SSIDs and passwords" #> ##Get and cleanProfiles $Netsh = netsh.exe wlan show profiles $profileRows = $Netsh | Select-String -Pattern 'All User Profile' #For each profile name get the SSID and password $RawProfiles = Foreach ($Row in $profileRows) {$Row -split ":" | ? {$_ -notlike "*All User Profile*"}} $RawPasswords = Foreach ($Profile in $RawProfiles.trim()) { ##Catch errors resulting from 802.1x SSIDs if (netsh.exe wlan show profiles name="$Profile" key=clear | Select-String -SimpleMatch "802.1X") {Write-Output "802.1X"} Else {(netsh.exe wlan show profiles name="$Profile" key=clear | Select-String -Pattern 'Key Content').ToString().Split(":")[1].Trim()}} ##Create hash table of SSID/Password values $Count = 0 $HashTable = @{} While ($Count -lt $RawProfiles.Count) { $HashTable.Add($RawProfiles.GetEnumerator().trim()[$Count],$RawPasswords[$Count]) $Count +=1 } ##Output $HashTable.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name |