Function Get-WebCertificate { <# .SYNOPSIS Makes a web request to an HTTPS website and returns the certificate .DESCRIPTION Makes an HTTPS web request to a given website and port and returns an X509Certificate2 object. It will automatically try to connect on TLS1.2, TLS1.1, TLS1.0, SSL3 and SSL2 in that order until it successfully connects and pulls the certificate .PARAMETER FQDN The fully qualified domain name(s) of the web resource you wish to pull a certificate for. .PARAMETER Port The TCP/IP port that the resource is running on. This has a default of '443' if not specified. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-WebCertificate -FQDN Thumbprint Subject ---------- ------- FD226574BEC85E043AB2007917B9F636171D485C CN=*, O=Google Inc, L=Mountain View, S=California, C=US .EXAMPLE PS> Get-WebCertificate -FQDN -Port 1010 -Verbose VERBOSE: Trying request using TLS1.2 VERBOSE: Error pulling certificate using TLS1.2. VERBOSE: Trying request using TLS1.1 VERBOSE: Error pulling certificate using TLS1.1. VERBOSE: Trying request using TLS1.0 VERBOSE: Sucessfully pulled certificate using TLS1.0. Thumbprint Subject ---------- ------- CA5308746C1E0644D63AF61BF581C72AF90C7095 CN=*, O=Lucas Garron, L=Walnut Creek, S=California, C=US .EXAMPLE PS> $Sites = "","","" PS> Get-WebCertificate -FQDN $Sites -Port 443 Thumbprint Subject ---------- ------- FD226574BEC85E043AB2007917B9F636171D485C CN=*, O=Google Inc, L=Mountain View, S=California, C=US 1E83B66D00F2445EFFA9B2DB51118A46943AA885 CN=* 768EE9DAE0D8C91E305FBD0DD738CBF1E92DDBF7, OU=Internet Services, O=Apple Inc., STREET=1 Infinite Loop, L=Cupertino, S=Ca... .EXAMPLE PS> "","","" | Get-WebCertificate -Port 443 Thumbprint Subject ---------- ------- FD226574BEC85E043AB2007917B9F636171D485C CN=*, O=Google Inc, L=Mountain View, S=California, C=US 1E83B66D00F2445EFFA9B2DB51118A46943AA885 CN=* 768EE9DAE0D8C91E305FBD0DD738CBF1E92DDBF7, OU=Internet Services, O=Apple Inc., STREET=1 Infinite Loop, L=Cupertino, S=Ca... #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string[]]$FQDN, [Parameter()] [int]$Port = 443 ) Begin { #Set the information preference so calls to Write-Information appear in the console $InformationPreference = "Continue" #Specify a hash table of protocols. The keys are the friendly names, and the values are the #possible values defined for the System.Security.Authentication.SslProtols .NET type $AlgorithmTable = [Ordered]@{ "TLS1.2" = "Tls12" "TLS1.1" = "Tls11" "TLS1.0" = "Tls" "SSL3" = "Ssl3" "SSL2" = "Ssl2" } #The number of seconds each attempt to connect for each protocol will last before giving up #and moving to the next protocol $CertificateRequestTimeout = 2 #Outputs to the information stream and handles grammar based on the number of inputted $FQDNs If ($FQDN.Count -eq 1) {Write-Information "Requesting Certificate, please wait..."} If ($FQDN.Count -gt 1) {Write-Information "Requesting Certificates, please wait..."} } #Loops through each piped in FQDN Process { #Loops through each site in the FQDN array ForEach ($Site in $FQDN) { Write-Verbose "Attempting to pull certificate for $Site" #Resets the algorithm loop counter to 0 $AlgorithmLoopCount = 0 #Loops through each alorithm in the algorithm table. Since the hash table is ordered, #this is done in order from top to bottom ForEach ($Algorithm in $AlgorithmTable.GetEnumerator()) { #Incriment the algorithm loop counter by 1 $AlgorithmLoopCount++ Write-Verbose "Trying request using $($Algorithm.Key)" #Start a job that requests the certificate. Because the job is a separate PS process, #the module must be imported, and various arguments must be passed in. $Job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Import-Module "$($Args[0])\..\Private\Invoke-WebCertificateRequest.ps1" Invoke-WebCertificateRequest -FQDN $args[1] -Port $args[2] -Algorithm $Args[3].value -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } -ArgumentList $PSScriptRoot, $Site, $Port, $Algorithm Write-Verbose "Waiting for up to $CertificateRequestTimeout seconds." Wait-Job $Job -Timeout $CertificateRequestTimeout | Out-Null #Recieve the job into the certificate variable $Certificate = Receive-Job $Job #If the certificate is null (no certificate returned) If ($Certificate -eq $Null) { #If the current algorithm is the last in the algorithm table If ($AlgorithmLoopCount -eq $AlgorithmTable.Count) { Write-Verbose "No certificate returned. No further protocols to try." Write-Warning "No certificate returned for $Site." #Exit the function Break } Else { Write-Verbose "No certificate returned trying the next protocol." #Loop back up to the next algorithm in the algorithm table Continue } } #If a certificate is returned Else { #Output the certificate object Write-Output $Certificate #Exit the function Break } } } } End { } } |