<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0 .GUID 1e0439af-b40f-44a9-860d-4a579b29c1e4 .AUTHOR Shihan Pietersz .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS vmware powercli srm srmreplication vm .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES VMware.VimAutomation.Core .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .DESCRIPTION Get vmware srm replication state #> #Requires -Version 5.0 #Requires -RunAsAdministrator #Requires -Modules VMware.VimAutomation.Core #Name : Get-SrmEvents #Created By: Shihan Pietersz #Date: 08/09/2017 #Purpose: Check vmware replication issues #TestedON: Vmware 5.5 and SRM 5.8 <# .SYNOPSIS The Script will connect to a existing vSphere and SRM infrastructure and check SRM replication health of virtual machines .DESCRIPTION Check the health status of SRM and report back. at the end of the script fill, in the parameters to run. all output will be written to console and log files. Two types of log files will be created .log and .csv the .log file contains information if the SRM protected vm is protected or in error the .csv file contains basic VM information and SRM replication information .EXAMPLE ./Get-SRMEventInfo -VcenterServer "VmwareVsphere01.vsphere.local" -LogFileFolder "C:\scripts\Logs\" -DataStoreFilter "SAN_PROD" -TO "" -FROM "" -SMTPSERVER "mymailserver" The Parameters are as outlined below $VcenterServer – Vcenter server name $Logfile Folder – the path where all log files to be stored in Example, “C:\scripts\logs\” (with quotations) $DataStoreFilter - The filter which datastore you would want to filter by. Example, a datastore with a name PROD_SANxxx the parameter would be “PROD_SAN”. This will get all Vmware data stores that start with PROD_SAN $TO – recipient email address $FROM – Sender email address $SMTPServer – SMTP Server address $PasswordFileLocation - secure password file location .NOTES if the script needs to be run as a task. a secure user and password file needs to be genarated. follow the below process to genarate the file $username = TestUser" $password = "Password123!@#" $secureStringPwd = $password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force Set-Content "C:\temp\Password.txt" $secureStringText Point the $PasswordFileLocation to the password file. .LINK #> function Get-SRMEventInfo { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=1)] [String]$VcenterServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2, ParameterSetName="ParameterSetName", ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="Path to logfile one or more locations. ex c:\Logs\")] [string]$LogFileFolder, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3, HelpMessage="datastore to filter from ex: PRD_SAN")] [string]$DataStoreFilter, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$TO, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$FROM, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SMTPSERVER ) $HtmlHead = '<style> body { background-color: white; font-family: "Calibri"; } table { border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } th { border-width: 1px; padding: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; color: #ffffff; background-color: #f70404; } td { border-width: 1px; padding: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; background-color: White; } tr { text-align: center; } </style>' Try { if((Test-Path -Path "$LogFileFolder") -eq $false) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $LogFileFolder } $Logfile = $LogFileFolder+(Get-Date -Format O |ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace ":", "."})+"SRMProtectionStatusReport.log" $CSVFile = $LogFileFolder+(Get-Date -Format O |ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace ":", "."})+"SRMProtectionStatusReport.csv" $ErrorCSVFile = $LogFileFolder+(Get-Date -Format O |ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace ":", "."})+"SRMProtectionErrorStatusReport.csv" $CurrentDate = (Get-date) Connect-VIServer -Server $VcenterServer -Credential $Credential $srm = Connect-SrmServer -Credential $Credential $srmApi = $srm.ExtensionData $ProtectionGroups = $srmApi.Protection.ListProtectionGroups() $SrmErrorObjects = @() $SrmErrorObjects.Clear() foreach ($ProtectionGroup in $ProtectionGroups) { $ProtectionGroupName = $ProtectionGroup.GetInfo().Name $ProtectionGroupCount = $ProtectionGroup.ListProtectedVms().Count add-content $logfile "" Add-Content $Logfile "SRM protection group $ProtectionGroupName Total of $ProtectionGroupCount VMs" add-content $logfile "" Write-Output "SRM protection group" $ProtectionGroup.GetInfo().Name for ($v=0; $v -lt $ProtectionGroup.ListProtectedVms().Count; $v++ ) { $vm = get-vm -ID $ProtectionGroup.ListProtectedVms()[$v].VM.MoRef $vmDatastore = Get-Datastore -VM $vm | Where-Object{$_.Name -like "*$DataStoreFilter*"} | Select-Object Name, CapacityGB, @{Label="TotalSpaceUsed";Expression={"{0:n2}" -f ($_.CapacityGB-$_.FreeSpaceGB)}}, @{Label="FreeSpaceGB";Expression={"{0:n2}" -f ($_.FreeSpaceGB)}} $SrmVMInfo = $ProtectionGroup.QueryVmProtection(@($vm.ExtensionData.MoRef)) $ConfigurationStatus = $SrmVMInfo.Status if($ConfigurationStatus -ne "IsProtected") { $SrmErrorObjects += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{VirtualMachine="$vm"; ConfigurationStatus="$ConfigurationStatus"} Add-Content $Logfile "$vm | Configuration Status $ConfigurationStatus" Write-Output "Configuration error on $vm | Status is $ConfigurationStatus" $ErrorProperties = [ordered]@{'Name' = $vm.Name 'State' = $vm.PowerState 'Memory(GB)' = $vm.MemoryGB 'DataStore' = $vmDatastore.Name 'DataStoreCapacity(GB)' = $vmDatastore.CapacityGB 'DataStoreFreeSpace(GB)' = $vmDatastore.FreeSpaceGB 'OperatingSystem' = $vm.Guest 'BackupFolder' = $vm.Folder 'ProtectionGroup' = $ProtectionGroupName 'SRM Protection Status' = $ConfigurationStatus 'EsxiHost' = $vm.VMHost } $Errorobj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $ErrorProperties $Errorobj | export-csv -Path $ErrorCSVFile -NoTypeInformation -Force -Append } else { Add-Content $Logfile "$vm | Configuration Status $ConfigurationStatus" Write-Output "VM Name $vm | Configuration Status $ConfigurationStatus" $Properties = [ordered]@{'Name' = $vm.Name 'State' = $vm.PowerState 'Memory(GB)' = $vm.MemoryGB 'DataStore' = $vmDatastore.Name 'DataStoreCapacity(GB)' = $vmDatastore.CapacityGB 'DataStoreFreeSpace(GB)' = $vmDatastore.FreeSpaceGB 'OperatingSystem' = $vm.Guest 'BackupFolder' = $vm.Folder 'ProtectionGroup' = $ProtectionGroupName 'SRM Protection Status' = $ConfigurationStatus 'EsxiHost' = $vm.VMHost } $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $Properties $obj | export-csv -Path $CSVFile -NoTypeInformation -Force -Append } } } } Catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Send-MailMessage -to $To -From $FROM -SmtpServer $SMTPSERVER -Subject "Error in Get-SrmEvents script" -Body "Get-SrmEvents script failed with error $ErrorMessage" -BodyAsHtml -Priority high Write-Output $ErrorMessage } Finally { if($SrmErrorObjects.Count -ne 0) { Clear-Host $Errorcount = $SrmErrorObjects.Count Write-Output "" Write-Output "SRM Protection issues detected on $Errorcount VMs please review !" $SrmErrorObjects | Format-Table -AutoSize $body = $SrmErrorObjects | Select-Object VirtualMachine, ConfigurationStatus |ConvertTo-Html -Head $HtmlHead -Property VirtualMachine, ConfigurationStatus -PreContent '<h3>SRM Protection Report</h3><br>' |Out-String Send-MailMessage -to $To -From $FROM -SmtpServer $SMTPSERVER -Subject "** Warning - SRM Protection Issues Detected" -BodyAsHtml "$body" -Attachments "$ErrorCSVFile" Write-Output "" Write-Output "" Write-Output "SRM EventInfo script detected issues, sending email to $TO, Script completed on $CurrentDate" Write-Output "logfile located in $Logfile" Add-Content $Logfile "SRM Configuration is Detected issues, sending email to $TO, Script completed on $CurrentDate" } else { Write-Output "" Write-Output "" Write-Output "SRM Configuration is Healthy, Script completed on $CurrentDate" Write-Output "logfile located in $Logfile" Add-Content $Logfile "SRM Configuration is Healthy, Script run on $CurrentDate" } } } #Get-SRMEventInfo -VcenterServer "VcenterServer" -LogFileFolder "C:\scripts\Logs\" -DataStoreFilter "SAN_PROD" -TO "", -FROM "" -SMTPSERVER "SMTPSERVER" |