$Global:Version = "2020.6.18.91" $ExecFunctions = { $columns = 4096 $Global:ThreadPool = $null $Global:ChelsioDeviceDirs = @{} $Global:MellanoxSystemLogDir = "" # Alias Write-CmdLog to Write-Host for background threads, # since console color only applies to the main thread. Set-Alias -Name Write-CmdLog -Value Write-Host <# .SYNOPSIS Log control path errors or issues. #> function ExecControlError { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Function, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Message ) $file = "$Function.Errors.txt" $out = Join-Path $OutDir $file Write-Output $Message | Out-File -Encoding ascii -Append $out } # ExecControlError() function ExecCommandText { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Command ) # Mirror command execution context Write-Output "$env:USERNAME @ ${env:COMPUTERNAME}:" # Mirror command to execute Write-Output "$(prompt)$Command" } # ExecCommandText() enum CommandStatus { NotTested # Indicates problem with TestCommand Unavailable # [Part of] the command doesn't exist Failed # An error prevented successful execution Success # No errors or exceptions } # Powershell cmdlets have inconsistent implementations in command error handling. This function # performs a validation of the command prior to formal execution and will log any failures. function TestCommand { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Command ) $status = [CommandStatus]::NotTested $duration = [TimeSpan]::Zero $commandOut = "" try { $error.Clear() # Redirect all command output (expect errors) to stdout. # Any errors will still be output to $error variable. $silentCmd = '$({0}) 2>$null 3>&1 4>&1 5>&1 6>&1' -f $Command $duration = Measure-Command { # ErrorAction MUST be Stop for try catch to work. $commandOut = (Invoke-Expression $silentCmd -ErrorAction Stop) } # Sometimes commands output errors even on successful execution. # We only should fail commands if an error was their *only* output. if (($error -ne $null) -and [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($commandOut)) { # Some PS commands are incorrectly implemented in return # code and require detecting SilentlyContinue if ($Command -notlike "*SilentlyContinue*") { throw $error[0] } } $status = [CommandStatus]::Success } catch [Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] { $status = [CommandStatus]::Unavailable } catch { $status = [CommandStatus]::Failed $commandOut = ($_ | Out-String) } finally { # Post-execution cleanup to avoid false positives $error.Clear() } return $status, $duration.TotalMilliseconds, $commandOut } # TestCommand() function ExecCommand { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Command ) $status, $duration, $commandOut = TestCommand -Command $Command $duration = ("{0,6:n0}" -f $duration) ExecCommandText -Command $Command if ($status -eq [CommandStatus]::Success) { $logMsg = "($duration ms) $Command" } else { $logMsg = "($duration ms) [$status] $Command" Write-Output "[$status]" } Write-Output $commandOut Write-CmdLog "$logMsg" } # ExecCommand() function ExecCommands { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $File, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String[]] $Commands ) $out = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath $File) $($Commands | foreach {ExecCommand -Command $_}) | Out-File -Encoding ascii -Append $out } # ExecCommands() } # $ExecFunctions . $ExecFunctions # import into script context <# .SYNOPSIS Create a shortcut file (.LNK) pointing to $TargetPath. .NOTES Used to avoid duplicate effort in IHV commands, which are executed per NIC, but some data is per system/ASIC. #> function New-LnkShortcut { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $LnkFile, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $TargetPath ) if ($LnkFile -notlike "*.lnk") { return } $shell = New-Object -ComObject "WScript.Shell" $lnk = $shell.CreateShortcut($LnkFile) $lnk.TargetPath = $TargetPath $null = $lnk.Save() $null = [Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($shell) } # New-LnkShortcut() <# .SYNOPSIS Replaces invalid characters with a placeholder to make a valid directory or filename. .NOTES Do not pass in a path. It will replace '\' and '/'. #> function ConvertTo-Filename { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Filename ) $invalidChars = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() -join "" return $Filename -replace "[$invalidChars]","_" } function TryCmd { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) try { $out = &$ScriptBlock } catch { $out = $null } # Returning $null will cause foreach to iterate once # unless TryCmd call is in parentheses. if ($out -eq $null) { $out = @() } return $out } # TryCmd() function Write-CmdLog { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $CmdLog ) $logColor = [ConsoleColor]::White switch -Wildcard ($CmdLog) { "*``[Failed``]*" { $logColor = [ConsoleColor]::Yellow break } "*``[Unavailable``]*" { $logColor = [ConsoleColor]::Gray break } } Write-Host $CmdLog -ForegroundColor $logColor } # Write-CmdLog() function Open-GlobalThreadPool { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Int] $BackgroundThreads ) if ($BackgroundThreads -ge 1) { $Global:ThreadPool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $BackgroundThreads) $Global:ThreadPool.Open() if ($BackgroundThreads -eq 1) { # Execute most commands in the main thread, except when # Start-Thread is used directly. Set-Alias ExecCommandsAsync ExecCommands } } } # Open-GlobalThreadPool() function Close-GlobalThreadPool { [CmdletBinding()] Param() if ($Global:ThreadPool -ne $null) { Write-Host "Cleanup background threads..." $Global:ThreadPool.Close() $Global:ThreadPool.Dispose() $Global:ThreadPool = $null } } # Close-GlobalThreadPool() function Start-Thread { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Hashtable] $Params = @{} ) if ($Global:ThreadPool -eq $null) { # Execute command synchronously instead &$ScriptBlock @Params } else { $ps = [PowerShell]::Create() $ps.RunspacePool = $Global:ThreadPool $null = $ps.AddScript("Set-Location `"$(Get-Location)`"") $null = $ps.AddScript($ExecFunctions) # import into thread context $null = $ps.AddScript($ScriptBlock, $true).AddParameters($Params) $async = $ps.BeginInvoke() return @{Name=$ScriptBlock.Ast.Name; AsyncResult=$async; PowerShell=$ps} } } # Start-Thread() function Show-Threads { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Hashtable[]] $Threads ) $mThreads = [Collections.ArrayList]$Threads while ($mThreads.Count -gt 0) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $mThreads.Count; $i++) { $thread = $mThreads[$i] $thread.Powershell.Streams.Warning | Out-Host $thread.Powershell.Streams.Warning.Clear() $thread.Powershell.Streams.Information | foreach {Write-CmdLog "$_"} $thread.Powershell.Streams.Information.Clear() if ($thread.AsyncResult.IsCompleted) { # Accessing Streams.Error blocks until thread is completed $thread.Powershell.Streams.Error | Out-Host $thread.Powershell.Streams.Error.Clear() $thread.PowerShell.EndInvoke($thread.AsyncResult) $mThreads.RemoveAt($i) $i-- } } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 33 # ~30 Hz } } # Show-Threads() function ExecCommandsAsync { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $File, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String[]] $Commands ) return Start-Thread -ScriptBlock ${function:ExecCommands} -Params $PSBoundParameters } # ExecCommandsAsync() function ExecCopyItemsAsync { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $File, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String[]] $Paths, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Destination ) if (-not (Test-Path $Destination)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType "Container" -Path $Destination } [String[]] $cmds = $Paths | foreach {"Copy-Item -Path ""$_"" -Destination ""$Destination"" -Recurse -Verbose 4>&1"} return ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $OutDir -File $File -Commands $cmds } # ExecCopyItemsAsync() # # Data Collection Functions # function NetIpNic { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $NicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $name = $NicName $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "NetIp") New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "Get-NetIpAddress.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetIpAddress -InterfaceAlias ""$name"" | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetIpAddress -InterfaceAlias ""$name"" | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetIpAddress -InterfaceAlias ""$name"" | Format-List", "Get-NetIpAddress -InterfaceAlias ""$name"" | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetIPInterface.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias ""$name"" | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias ""$name"" | Format-Table -AutoSize", "Get-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias ""$name"" | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetNeighbor.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetNeighbor -InterfaceAlias ""$name"" | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNeighbor -InterfaceAlias ""$name"" | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNeighbor -InterfaceAlias ""$name"" | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetRoute.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetRoute -InterfaceAlias ""$name"" | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetRoute -InterfaceAlias ""$name"" | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # NetIpNic() function NetIp { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "NetIp") New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "Get-NetIpAddress.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetIpAddress | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetIpAddress | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetIpAddress | Format-List", "Get-NetIpAddress | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetIPInterface.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetIPInterface | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetIPInterface | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetIPInterface | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetNeighbor.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetNeighbor | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNeighbor | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetIPv4Protocol.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetIPv4Protocol | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetIPv4Protocol | Format-List -Property *", "Get-NetIPv4Protocol | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize", "Get-NetIPv4Protocol | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetIPv6Protocol.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetIPv6Protocol | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetIPv6Protocol | Format-List -Property *", "Get-NetIPv6Protocol | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize", "Get-NetIPv6Protocol | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetOffloadGlobalSetting.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetOffloadGlobalSetting | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetOffloadGlobalSetting | Format-List -Property *", "Get-NetOffloadGlobalSetting | Format-Table -AutoSize", "Get-NetOffloadGlobalSetting | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetPrefixPolicy.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetPrefixPolicy | Format-Table -AutoSize", "Get-NetPrefixPolicy | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetRoute.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetRoute | Format-Table -AutoSize", "Get-NetRoute | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetTCPConnection.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetTCPConnection | Format-Table -AutoSize", "Get-NetTCPConnection | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetTcpSetting.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetTcpSetting | Format-Table -AutoSize", "Get-NetTcpSetting | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetTransportFilter.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetTransportFilter | Format-Table -AutoSize", "Get-NetTransportFilter | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetUDPEndpoint.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetUDPEndpoint | Format-Table -AutoSize", "Get-NetUDPEndpoint | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetUDPSetting.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetUDPSetting | Format-Table -AutoSize", "Get-NetUDPSetting | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # NetIp() function NetNatDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "NetNat") New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "Get-NetNat.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetNat | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNat | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNat | Format-List", "Get-NetNat | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetNatExternalAddress.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetNatExternalAddress | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNatExternalAddress | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNatExternalAddress | Format-List", "Get-NetNatExternalAddress | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetNatGlobal.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetNatGlobal | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNatGlobal | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNatGlobal | Format-List", "Get-NetNatGlobal | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetNatSession.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetNatSession | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNatSession | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNatSession | Format-List", "Get-NetNatSession | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetNatStaticMapping.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetNatStaticMapping | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNatStaticMapping | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetNatStaticMapping | Format-List", "Get-NetNatStaticMapping | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # NetNat() function NetAdapterWorker { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $NicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $name = $NicName $dir = $OutDir $file = "nmbind.txt" [String []] $cmds = "nmbind ""$name"" " ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapter.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapter -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapter -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name ""$name"" -AllProperties | Sort-Object RegistryKeyword | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name ""$name"" -AllProperties -IncludeHidden | Sort-Object RegistryKeyword | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name ""$name"" -AllProperties -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *", "Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name ""$name"" -AllProperties -IncludeHidden | Format-Table -Property * | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterBinding.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterBinding -Name ""$name"" -AllBindings -IncludeHidden | Sort-Object ComponentID | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterBinding -Name ""$name"" -AllBindings -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterChecksumOffload.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterChecksumOffload -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterChecksumOffload -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterLso.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterLso -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterLso -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterRss.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterRss -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterRss -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterStatistics.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterEncapsulatedPacketTaskOffload.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterEncapsulatedPacketTaskOffload -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterEncapsulatedPacketTaskOffload -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterIPsecOffload.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterIPsecOffload -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterIPsecOffload -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterPowerManagement.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterPowerManagement -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterPowerManagement -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterQos.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterQos -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterQos -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds # Get-NetAdapterQos has severe concurrency issues $file = "Get-NetAdapterRdma.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterRdma -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterRdma -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterPacketDirect.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterPacketDirect -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterPacketDirect -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterRsc.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterRsc -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterRsc -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterSriov.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterSriov -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterSriov -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterSriovVf.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterSriovVf -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterSriovVf -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterUso.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterUso -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterUso -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterVmq.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterVmq -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterVmq -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterVmqQueue.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterVmqQueue -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterVmqQueue -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterVPort.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterVPort -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterVPort -Name ""$name"" -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # NetAdapterWorker() function NetAdapterWorkerPrepare { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $NicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $name = $NicName $dir = $OutDir # Create dir for each NIC $nic = Get-NetAdapter -Name $name -IncludeHidden $idx = $nic.InterfaceIndex $desc = $nic.InterfaceDescription $title = "pNic.$idx.$name" if ("$desc") { $title = "$title.$desc" } if ($nic.Hidden) { $dir = Join-Path $dir "pNic.Hidden" } $dir = Join-Path $dir $(ConvertTo-Filename $title.Trim()) New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null Write-Host "Processing: $title" NetIpNic -NicName $name -OutDir $dir NetAdapterWorker -NicName $name -OutDir $dir if (-not $nic.Hidden) { NicVendor -NicName $name -OutDir $dir } } # NetAdapterWorkerPrepare() function LbfoWorker { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $LbfoName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $name = $LbfoName $title = "LBFO.$name" $dir = Join-Path $OutDir $(ConvertTo-Filename $title) New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null Write-Host "Processing: $title" $file = "Get-NetLbfoTeam.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetLbfoTeam -Name ""$name""", "Get-NetLbfoTeam -Name ""$name"" | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetLbfoTeamNic.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetLbfoTeamNic -Team ""$name""", "Get-NetLbfoTeamNic -Team ""$name"" | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetLbfoTeamMember.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetLbfoTeamMember -Team ""$name""", "Get-NetLbfoTeamMember -Team ""$name"" | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds # Report the TNIC(S) foreach ($tnic in TryCmd {Get-NetLbfoTeamNic -Team $name}) { NetAdapterWorkerPrepare -NicName $tnic.Name -OutDir $OutDir } # Report the NIC Members foreach ($mnic in TryCmd {Get-NetLbfoTeamMember -Team $name}) { NetAdapterWorkerPrepare -NicName $mnic.Name -OutDir $OutDir } } # LbfoWorker() function LbfoDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = $OutDir $vmsNicNames = TryCmd {(Get-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID "vms_pp" | where {$_.Enabled -eq $true}).Name} foreach ($lbfo in TryCmd {Get-NetLbfoTeam}) { # Skip all vSwitch Protocol NICs since the LBFO and member # reporting will occur as part of vSwitch reporting. $match = $false if ($lbfo.Name -in $vmsNicNames) { $match = $true } if (-not $match) { LbfoWorker -LbfoName $lbfo.Name -OutDir $dir } } } # LbfoDetail() function ProtocolNicDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $VMSwitchId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $id = $VMSwitchId $dir = $OutDir $vmsNicDescriptions = TryCmd {(Get-VMSwitch -Id $id).NetAdapterInterfaceDescriptions} # Distinguish between LBFO from standard PTNICs and create the hierarchies accordingly foreach ($desc in $vmsNicDescriptions) { $nic = Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription $desc if ($nic.DriverFileName -like "NdisImPlatform.sys") { LbfoWorker -LbfoName $nic.Name -OutDir $dir } else { NetAdapterWorkerPrepare -NicName $nic.Name -OutDir $dir } } } # ProtocolNicDetail() function NativeNicDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = $OutDir # Cache output $vmsNicNames = TryCmd {(Get-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID "vms_pp" | where {$_.Enabled -eq $true}).Name} $lbfoNicNames = TryCmd {(Get-NetLbfoTeamMember).Name} foreach ($nic in Get-NetAdapter -IncludeHidden) { $native = $true # Skip vSwitch Host vNICs by checking the driver if ($nic.DriverFileName -in @("vmswitch.sys", "VmsProxyHNic.sys")) { continue } # Skip LBFO TNICs by checking the driver if ($nic.DriverFileName -like "NdisImPlatform.sys") { continue } # Skip all vSwitch Protocol NICs if ($nic.Name -in $vmsNicNames) { $native = $false } # Skip LBFO Team Member Adapters if ($nic.Name -in $lbfoNicNames) { $native = $false } if ($native) { NetAdapterWorkerPrepare -NicName $nic.Name -OutDir $dir } } } # NativeNicDetail() function ChelsioDetailPerASIC { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $NicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $hwInfo = Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -Name "$NicName" $locationInfo = $hwInfo.LocationInformationString $dirBusName = "BusDev_$($hwInfo.BusNumber)_$($hwInfo.DeviceNumber)_$($hwInfo.FunctionNumber)" $dir = Join-Path $OutDir $dirBusName if ($Global:ChelsioDeviceDirs.ContainsKey($locationInfo)) { New-LnkShortcut -LnkFile "$dir.lnk" -TargetPath $Global:ChelsioDeviceDirs[$locationInfo] return # avoid duplicate work } else { $Global:ChelsioDeviceDirs[$locationInfo] = $dir $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dir } # Enumerate VBD $ifNameVbd = "" [Array] $PnPDevices = Get-PnpDevice -FriendlyName "*Chelsio*Enumerator*" | where {$_.Status -eq "OK"} for ($i = 0; $i -lt $PnPDevices.Count; $i++) { $instanceId = $PnPDevices[$i].InstanceId $locationInfo = (Get-PnpDeviceProperty -InstanceId "$instanceId" -KeyName "DEVPKEY_Device_LocationInfo").Data if ($hwInfo.LocationInformationString -eq $locationInfo) { $ifNameVbd = "vbd$i" break } } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ifNameVbd)) { $msg = "$NicName : Couldn't resolve interface name for bus device." ExecControlError -OutDir $dir -Function "ChelsioDetailPerASIC" -Message $msg return } $file = "ChelsioDetail-Firmware-BusDevice$i.txt" [String []] $cmds = "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameVbd firmware mbox 1", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameVbd firmware mbox 2", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameVbd firmware mbox 3", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameVbd firmware mbox 4", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameVbd firmware mbox 5", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameVbd firmware mbox 6", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameVbd firmware mbox 7" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "ChelsioDetail-Hardware-BusDevice$i.txt" [String []] $cmds = "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameVbd hardware sgedbg" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "ChelsioDetail-Dumps-BusDevice$i.txt" [String []] $cmds = "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameVbd hardware flash ""$dir\Hardware-BusDevice$i-flash.dmp""", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameVbd cudbg collect all ""$dir\Cudbg-Collect.dmp"" safe", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameVbd cudbg readflash ""$dir\Cudbg-Readflash.dmp""" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # ChelsioDetailPerASIC() function ChelsioDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $NicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "ChelsioDetail") New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "ChelsioDetail-Misc.txt" [String []] $cmds = "verifier /query", "Get-PnpDevice -FriendlyName ""*Chelsio*Enumerator*"" | Get-PnpDeviceProperty -KeyName DEVPKEY_Device_DriverVersion | Format-Table -Autosize" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds # Check path for cxgbtool.exe, since it's needed to collect most Chelsio related logs. if (-not (Get-Command "cxgbtool.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $msg = "Unable to collect Chelsio debug logs as cxgbtool is not present." ExecControlError -OutDir $dir -Function "ChelsioDetail" -Message $msg return } ChelsioDetailPerASIC -NicName $NicName -OutDir $dir $ifIndex = (Get-NetAdapter $NicName).InterfaceIndex $dirNetName = "NetDev_$ifIndex" $dirNet = (Join-Path -Path $dir -ChildPath $dirNetName) New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dirNet | Out-Null # Enumerate NIC [Array] $NetDevices = Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription "*Chelsio*" | where {$_.Status -eq "Up"} | Sort-Object -Property MacAddress $ifNameNic = $null for ($i = 0; $i -lt $NetDevices.Count; $i++) { if ($NicName -eq $NetDevices[$i].Name) { $ifNameNic = "nic$i" break } } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ifNameNic)) { $msg = "Couldn't resolve interface name for Network device(ifIndex:$ifIndex)" ExecControlError -OutDir $dir -Function "ChelsioDetail" -Message $msg return } $file = "ChelsioDetail-Debug.txt" [String []] $cmds = "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic debug filter", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic debug qsets", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic debug qstats txeth rxeth txvirt rxvirt txrdma rxrdma txnvgre rxnvgre", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic debug dumpctx", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic debug version", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic debug eps", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic debug qps", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic debug rdma_stats", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic debug stags", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic debug l2t" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dirNet -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "ChelsioDetail-Hardware.txt" [String []] $cmds = "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic hardware tid_info", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic hardware fec", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic hardware link_cfg", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic hardware pktfilter", "cxgbtool.exe $ifNameNic hardware sensor" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dirNet -File $file -Commands $cmds } # ChelsioDetail() function MellanoxFirmwareInfo { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $NicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = $OutDir $mstStatus = TryCmd {mst status -v} if ((-not $mstStatus) -or ($mstStatus -like "*error*")) { $msg = "MFT is not installed on this server" ExecControlError -OutDir $dir -Function "MellanoxFirmwareInfo" -Message $msg return } # # Parse "mst status" output and match to Nic # [Bool] $found = $false $hwInfo = Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -Name $NicName foreach ($line in ($mstStatus | where {$_ -like "*pciconf*"})) { $device, $info = $line.Trim() -split " " $busNum, $deviceNum, $functionNum = $info -split "[:.=]" | select -Last 3 | foreach {[Int64]"0x$_"} if (($hwInfo.Bus -eq $busNum) -and ($hwInfo.Device -eq $deviceNum) -and ($hwInfo.Function -eq $functionNum)) { $found = $true; $device = $device.Trim() break } } if (-not $found) { $msg = "No matching device found in mst status" ExecControlError -OutDir $dir -Function "MellanoxFirmwareInfo" -Message $msg return } $deviceDir = Join-Path $dir "mstdump-$device" $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $deviceDir $file = "MellanoxFirmwareInfo.txt" [String[]] $cmds = "mst status", "flint -d $device query", "flint -d $device dc", "mstdump $device >> ""$deviceDir\1.txt""", "mstdump $device >> ""$deviceDir\2.txt""", "mstdump $device >> ""$deviceDir\3.txt""", "mlxconfig -d $device query", "mlxdump -d $device fsdump --type FT" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # MellanoxFirmwareInfo() function MellanoxWinOFTool{ [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $NicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = $OutDir $toolName = "mlxtool.exe" $toolPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\Mellanox\MLNX_VPI\Tools\$toolName" $mlxTool = "&""$toolPath""" $hardwareInfo = Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -Name $NicName $deviceLocation = "$($hardwareInfo.bus)`_$($hardwareInfo.device)`_$($hardwareInfo.function)" $toolCmds = "$mlxTool show ports", "$mlxTool show devices", "$mlxTool show tc-bw", "$mlxTool show vxlan", "$mlxTool show ecn config", "$mlxTool show packet-filter", "$mlxTool show qos", "$mlxTool show regkeys all miniport", "$mlxTool show regkeys all bus", "$mlxTool show nd connections", "$mlxTool show ndk connections", "$mlxTool show perfstats ""$NicName"" showall", "$mlxTool show driverparams", "$mlxTool show selfhealing port", "$mlxTool dbg oid-stats-ext", "$mlxTool dbg cmd-stats-ext", "$mlxTool dbg resources", "$mlxTool dbg pkeys", "$mlxTool dbg ipoib-ep", "$mlxTool dbg get-state", "$mlxTool dbg rfd-profiling ""$NicName"" dump", "$mlxTool dbg pddrinfo", "$mlxTool dbg dump-me-now", "$mlxTool dbg eq-data ""$deviceLocation""", "$mlxTool dbg dma-cached-stats ""$deviceLocation""" $file = "mlxtoolOutput.txt" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $toolCmds } # MellanoxWinOFTool function MellanoxDetailPerNic { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $NicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = $OutDir $driverFileName = (Get-NetAdapter -name $NicName).DriverFileName $driverDir = switch ($driverFileName) { "mlx5.sys" { "$env:ProgramFiles\Mellanox\MLNX_WinOF2" break } "mlnx5.sys" { "$env:ProgramFiles\Mellanox\MLNX_WinOF2_Azure" break } "mlnx5hpc.sys" { "$env:ProgramFiles\Mellanox\MLNX_WinOF2_Azure_HPC" break } "ipoib6x.sys" { "$env:ProgramFiles\Mellanox\MLNX_VPI" break } "mlx4eth63.sys" { "$env:ProgramFiles\Mellanox\MLNX_VPI" break } default { $msg = "Driver $driverFileName isn't supported" ExecControlError -OutDir $dir -Function"MellanoxDetailPerNic" -Message $msg return } } # # Execute tool # $DriverName = $( if ($driverFileName -in @("Mlx5.sys", "Mlnx5.sys", "Mlnx5Hpc.sys")) {"WinOF2"} else {"WinOF"}) if ($DriverName -eq "WinOF2"){ $toolName = $driverFileName -replace ".sys", "Cmd" $toolPath = "$driverDir\Management Tools\$toolName.exe" $file = "$toolName-Snapshot.txt" [String []] $cmds = "&""$toolPath"" -SnapShot -name ""$NicName""" (Get-NetAdapterSriovVf -Name "$NicName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FunctionID | foreach { $cmds += "&""$toolPath"" -SnapShot -VfStats -name ""$NicName"" -vf $_ -register" } ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } else { MellanoxWinOFTool -NicName $NicName -OutDir $Dir } # # Enumerate device location string # if ((Get-NetAdapter -Name $NicName).InterfaceDescription -like "*Mellanox*Virtual*Adapter*") { [String[]] $locationInfoArray = (Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -Name $NicName).LocationInformationString -split " " $slot = $locationInfoArray[$locationInfoArray.IndexOf("Slot") + 1] $serial = $locationInfoArray[$locationInfoArray.IndexOf("Serial") + 1] $deviceLocation = "$slot`_$serial`_0" } else { $hardwareInfo = Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -Name $NicName $deviceLocation = "$($hardwareInfo.bus)`_$($hardwareInfo.device)`_$($hardwareInfo.function)" } # # Dump Me Now (DMN) # $deviceID = (Get-NetAdapter -name $NicName).PnPDeviceID $driverRegKey = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\$deviceID").Driver $dumpMeNowDir = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\$driverRegKey").DumpMeNowDirectory if (($dumpMeNowDir -like "\DosDevice\*") -or ($dumpMeNowDir -like "\??\*")) { $dmpPath = $dumpMeNowDir.SubString($dumpMeNowDir.IndexOf("\", 1)) } else { $dmpPath = "$env:windir\Temp\MLX{0}_Dump_Me_Now" -f $(if ($DriverName -eq "WinOF2") {"5"} else {"4"}) } $file = "Copy-MellanoxDMN.txt" [String[]] $paths = "$dmpPath{0}" -f $(if ($DriverName -eq "WinOF2") {("-" + $deviceLocation -replace "_","-")}) ExecCopyItemsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Paths $paths -Destination $dir # # Device logs # $file = "Copy-DeviceLogs.txt" $destination = Join-Path $dir "DeviceLogs" $buildIdPath = "$driverDir\build_id.txt" ExecCopyItemsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Paths $buildIdPath -Destination $destination if ($DriverName -eq "WinOF2"){ [String[]] $paths = "$env:windir\Temp\SingleFunc*$deviceLocation*.log", "$env:windir\Temp\SriovMaster*$deviceLocation*.log", "$env:windir\Temp\SriovSlave*$deviceLocation*.log", "$env:windir\Temp\Native*$deviceLocation*.log", "$env:windir\Temp\Master*$deviceLocation*.log", "$env:windir\Temp\ML?X5*$deviceLocation*.log", "$env:windir\Temp\mlx5*$deviceLocation*.log" ExecCopyItemsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Paths $paths -Destination $destination } } # MellanoxDetailPerNic() function MellanoxSystemDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $NicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = Join-Path $OutDir "SystemLogs" if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:MellanoxSystemLogDir)){ $Global:MellanoxSystemLogDir = $dir $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dir } else { New-LnkShortcut -LnkFile "$dir.lnk" -TargetPath $Global:MellanoxSystemLogDir return # avoid duplicate effort } $file = "MellanoxMiscInfo.txt" [String []] $cmds = "netsh advfirewall show allprofiles", "netstat -n", "netstat -nasert", "netstat -an", "netstat -xan | where {`$_ -match ""445""}", "Get-SmbConnection", "Get-SmbServerConfiguration" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $driverFileName = (Get-NetAdapter -name $NicName).DriverFileName $DriverName = if ($driverFileName -in @("Mlx5.sys", "Mlnx5.sys", "Mlnx5Hpc.sys")) {"WinOF2"} else {"WinOF"} $file = "Copy-LogFiles.txt" $destination = Join-Path $dir "LogFiles" $mlxEtl = "Mellanox{0}.etl*" -f $(if ($DriverName -eq "WinOF2") {"-WinOF2*"} else {"-System*"}) $mlxLog = "MLNX_WINOF{0}.log" -f $(if ($DriverName -eq "WinOF2") {"2"}) [String[]] $paths = "$env:windir\System32\LogFiles\PerformanceTuning.log", "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\$mlxLog", "$env:windir\inf\", "$env:windir\inf\", "$env:temp\MpKdTraceLog.bin", "$env:windir\System32\LogFiles\Mlnx\$mlxEtl", "$env:windir\debug\$mlxEtl" ExecCopyItemsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Paths $paths -Destination $destination } # MellanoxSystemDetail() function MellanoxDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $NicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "MellanoxDetail") New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $driverVersionString = (Get-NetAdapter -name $NicName).DriverVersionString $versionMajor, $versionMinor, $_ = $driverVersionString -split "\." if (($versionMajor -lt 2) -or (($versionMajor -eq 2) -and ($versionMinor -lt 20))) { $msg = "Driver version is $versionMajor.$versionMinor, which is less than 2.20" ExecControlError -OutDir $dir -Function "MellanoxDetail" -Message $msg return } MellanoxSystemDetail -NicName $NicName -OutDir $dir MellanoxFirmwareInfo -NicName $NicName -OutDir $dir MellanoxDetailPerNic -NicName $NicName -OutDir $dir } # MellanoxDetail() function MarvellDetail{ [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $NicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $MarvellGetDiagDataClass = @" using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; public class MarvellGetDiagData { private const uint B100_IOC_GET_IHV_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA = 0x80002538; private const uint B10_IOC_GET_IHV_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA = 0x80002130; private const uint B10_IHV_COLLECT_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFF; private const uint B100_IHV_COLLECT_MASK = 0xFFFFFD7F; private const uint IHV_DIAG_REVISION = 0x01; private const int FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x00000080; private const int BYTE_SIZE = (9 * 1024 * 1024); public int code; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DiagInput_t { public uint revision; public uint data_mask; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 6)] public int[] reserved; } [DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] private static extern SafeFileHandle CreateFile( string lpFileName, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] FileAccess dwDesiredAccess, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] FileShare dwShareMode, IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] FileMode dwCreationDisposition, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] FileAttributes dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile); [DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] private static extern bool DeviceIoControl( SafeFileHandle hDevice, uint IoControlCode, ref DiagInput_t InBuffer, int nInBufferSize, byte[] OutBuffer, int nOutBufferSize, ref int pBytesReturned, IntPtr Overlapped ); public int MarvellGetDiagDataIoctl(string DeviceID, string FilePath, string ServiceName, StringBuilder ErrString) { bool bResult; string FileName = string.Format("DiagData.bin"); uint data_mask_set; uint ioctl_value; string DevPath; int bytesReturned = 0; int bufSize = BYTE_SIZE; SafeFileHandle shwnd = null; FileStream file = null; if ((DeviceID == null) || (FilePath == null)) { ErrString.Append("MarvellGetDiagDataIoctl: Input parameter to MarvellGetDiagDataIoctl is invalid"); return 0; } try { // Generate device path from device id. DevPath = "\\\\?\\Global\\" + DeviceID.Replace("\\","#"); if (ServiceName.Equals("QEBDRV", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { data_mask_set = B100_IHV_COLLECT_MASK; ioctl_value = B100_IOC_GET_IHV_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA; DevPath += "#{5966d73c-bc2c-49b8-9315-c64c9919e976}"; } else if (ServiceName.Equals("EBDRV", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { data_mask_set = B10_IHV_COLLECT_MASK; ioctl_value = B10_IOC_GET_IHV_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA; DevPath += "#{ea22615e-c443-434f-9e45-c4e32d83e97d}"; } else { ErrString.Append("MarvellGetDiagDataIoctl: Invalid or not supported Service (" + ServiceName + ")"); return 0; } shwnd = CreateFile(DevPath, FileAccess.Write | FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read | FileShare.Write, IntPtr.Zero, FileMode.Open, FileAttributes.Normal, IntPtr.Zero); if (shwnd.IsClosed | shwnd.IsInvalid) { ErrString.Append("MarvellGetDiagDataIoctl: CreateFile failed with error " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); return 0; } byte[] OutBuffer = new byte[bufSize]; Array.Clear(OutBuffer, 0, OutBuffer.Length); DiagInput_t InBuffer = new DiagInput_t { revision = IHV_DIAG_REVISION, data_mask = data_mask_set }; bResult = DeviceIoControl(shwnd, ioctl_value, ref InBuffer, Marshal.SizeOf(InBuffer), OutBuffer, bufSize, ref bytesReturned, IntPtr.Zero); if (bResult) { FilePath += "\\" + FileName; file = File.Create(FilePath); file.Write(OutBuffer, 0, bytesReturned); } else { ErrString.Append("MarvellGetDiagDataIoctl: DeviceIoControl failed with error " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); bytesReturned = 0; } } catch (Exception e) { ErrString.Append("MarvellGetDiagDataIoctl: Exception generated: " + e.Message); } finally { if (file != null) { file.Close(); } if (shwnd != null) { shwnd.Close(); } } return bytesReturned; } } "@ try { $NDIS_DeviceID = (Get-NetAdapter -Name $NicName).PnPDeviceID $VBD_DeviceID = (Get-PnpDeviceProperty -InstanceId "$NDIS_DeviceID" -KeyName "DEVPKEY_Device_Parent").Data $VBD_Service = (Get-PnpDeviceProperty -InstanceId "$VBD_DeviceID" -KeyName "DEVPKEY_Device_Service").Data $file = "$NicName-BusVerifierInfo.txt" [String []] $cmds = "verifier /query", "Get-PnpDeviceProperty -InstanceId '$VBD_DeviceID' | Select-Object KeyName, Data | Format-Table -AutoSize" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "$NicName-NicVerifierInfo.txt" [String []] $cmds = "verifier /query", "Get-PnpDeviceProperty -InstanceId '$NDIS_DeviceID' | Select-Object KeyName, Data | Format-Table -Autosize" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds TryCmd {Add-Type -TypeDefinition $MarvellGetDiagDataClass -ErrorAction Stop} $r = New-Object -TypeName MarvellGetDiagData $rrrorString = New-Object -TypeName "System.Text.StringBuilder"; $Output = $r.MarvellGetDiagDataIoctl($VBD_DeviceID, $OutDir, $VBD_Service, $rrrorString) if ($Output -le 0) { ExecControlError -OutDir $OutDir -Function "MarvellDetail" -Message $rrrorString.ToString() } } catch { $msg = $($error[0] | Out-String) ExecControlError -OutDir $OutDir -Function "MarvellDetail" -Message $msg } finally { Remove-Variable MarvellGetDiagDataClass -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } # Marvell Detail # ======================================================================== # function stub for extension by IHV # Copy and rename it, add your commands, and call it in NicVendor() below # ======================================================================== function MyVendorDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $NicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "MyVendorDetail" # Try to keep the layout of this block of code # Feel free to copy it or wrap it in other control structures # See other functions in this file for examples $file = "$NicName.MyVendor.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Command 1", "Command 2", "Command 3", "etc." ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # MyVendorDetail() function NicVendor { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $NicName, # Get-NetAdapter output [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = $OutDir # Call appropriate vendor specific function $pciId = (Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $NicName -AllProperties -RegistryKeyword "ComponentID").RegistryValue switch -Wildcard($pciId) { "CHT*BUS\chnet*" { ChelsioDetail $NicName $dir break } "PCI\VEN_15B3*" { MellanoxDetail $NicName $dir break } "*ConnectX-3*" { MellanoxDetail $NicName $dir break } "*EBDRV\L2ND*" { MarvellDetail $NicName $dir } # Not implemented. See MyVendorDetail() for examples. # #"PCI\VEN_8086*" { # IntelDetail $Nic $dir # break #} default { # Not implemented, not native, or N/A } } } # NicVendor() function HostVNicWorker { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $HostVNicName, # Note: "" is a valid Host vNIC name. [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $name = $HostVNicName $dir = $OutDir $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapter.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterAcl.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterAcl -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterAcl -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterFailoverConfiguration.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterFailoverConfiguration -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterFailoverConfiguration -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterIsolation.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterIsolation -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterIsolation -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMapping.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMapping -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMapping -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName ""$name"" | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # HostVNicWorker() function HostVNicDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $VMSwitchId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) # Cache output $allNetAdapters = Get-NetAdapter foreach ($hnic in TryCmd {Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS} | where {$_.SwitchId -eq $VMSwitchId}) { # Use device ID to find corresponding NetAdapter instance $vnic = $allNetAdapters | where {$_.DeviceID -eq $hnic.DeviceID} # Create dir for the hNIC $ifIndex = $vnic.InterfaceIndex $title = "hNic.$ifIndex.$($hnic.Name)" $dir = Join-Path $OutDir $(ConvertTo-Filename $title) New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null Write-Host "Processing: $title" HostVNicWorker -HostVNicName $hnic.Name -OutDir $dir NetAdapterWorker -NicName $vnic.Name -OutDir $dir NetIpNic -NicName $vnic.Name -OutDir $dir } } # HostVNicDetail() function VMNetworkAdapterDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $VMName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $VMNicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $VMNicId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $name = $VMNicName $id = $VMNicId $title = "VMNic.$name.$id" $dir = Join-Path $OutDir $(ConvertTo-Filename $title) New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null # We must use Id to identity VMNics, because different VMNics # can have the same MAC (if VM is off), Name, VMName, and SwitchName. [String] $vmNicObject = "`$(Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName ""$VMName"" | where {(`$_.Id -split ""\\"")[1] -eq ""$id""})" Write-Host "Processing: $title" $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapter.txt" [String []] $cmds = "$vmNicObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "$vmNicObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterAcl.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterAcl -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterAcl -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterFailoverConfiguration.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterFailoverConfiguration -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterFailoverConfiguration -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterIsolation.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterIsolation -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterIsolation -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMapping.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMapping -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMapping -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMSwitchExtensionPortData.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMSwitchExtensionPortData -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNicObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # VMNetworkAdapterDetail() function VMWorker { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $VMId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $id = $VMId $dir = $OutDir # Different VMs can have the same name [String] $vmObject = "`$(Get-VM -Id $id)" $file = "Get-VM.txt" [String []] $cmds = "$vmObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "$vmObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMBios.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMBios -VM $vmObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMBios -VM $vmObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMFirmware.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMFirmware -VM $vmObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMFirmware -VM $vmObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMProcessor.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMProcessor -VM $vmObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMProcessor -VM $vmObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMMemory.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMMemory -VM $vmObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMMemory -VM $vmObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMVideo.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMVideo -VM $vmObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMVideo -VM $vmObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMHardDiskDrive.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMHardDiskDrive -VM $vmObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMHardDiskDrive -VM $vmObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMComPort.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMComPort -VM $vmObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMComPort -VM $vmObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMSecurity.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMSecurity -VM $vmObject | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMSecurity -VM $vmObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # VMWorker() function VMNetworkAdapterPerVM { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $VMSwitchId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) [Int] $index = 1 foreach ($vm in TryCmd {Get-VM}) { $vmName = $vm.Name $vmId = $vm.VMId $title = "VM.$index.$vmName" $dir = Join-Path $OutDir $(ConvertTo-Filename $title) $vmQuery = $false foreach ($vmNic in TryCmd {Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VM $vm} | where {$_.SwitchId -eq $VMSwitchId}) { $vmNicId = ($vmNic.Id -split "\\")[1] # Same as AdapterId, but works if VM is off if (-not $vmQuery) { Write-Host "Processing: $title" New-Item -ItemType "Directory" -Path $dir | Out-Null VMWorker -VMId $vmId -OutDir $dir $vmQuery = $true } VMNetworkAdapterDetail -VMName $vmName -VMNicName $vmNic.Name -VMNicId $vmNicId -OutDir $dir } $index++ } } # VMNetworkAdapterPerVM() function VMSwitchWorker { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $VMSwitchId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $id = $VMSwitchId $dir = $OutDir $vmSwitchObject = "`$(Get-VMSwitch -Id $id)" $file = "Get-VMSwitch.txt" [String []] $cmds = "$vmSwitchObject", "$vmSwitchObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMSwitchExtension.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMSwitchExtension -VMSwitch $vmSwitchObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMSwitchExtensionSwitchData.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMSwitchExtensionSwitchData -VMSwitch $vmSwitchObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMSwitchExtensionSwitchFeature.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMSwitchExtensionSwitchFeature -VMSwitch $vmSwitchObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMSwitchTeam.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMSwitchTeam -VMSwitch $vmSwitchObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -ManagementOS -SwitchName $vmSwitchObject | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # VMSwitchWorker() function VfpExtensionDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $VMSwitchId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) #FIXME: Find a non-vSwitch CMDLET mechanism to dump the VFP settings # Necessary for HNS scenarios where vSwitch CMDLETs are not available $id = $VMSwitchId $vfpExtension = TryCmd {Get-VMSwitch -Id $id | Get-VMSwitchExtension} | where {$_.Name -like "Microsoft Azure VFP Switch Extension"} if ($vfpExtension.Enabled -ne "True") { return } $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "VFP") New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "" [String []] $cmds = "vfpctrl.exe /h" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-CimInstance.CIM_DataFile.vfpext.txt" $vfpExtPath = ((Join-Path $env:SystemRoot "System32\drivers\vfpext.sys") -replace "\\","\\") [String []] $cmds = "Get-CimInstance -ClassName ""CIM_DataFile"" -Filter ""Name='$vfpExtPath'""" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $currSwitch = Get-CimInstance -Filter "Name='$id'" -ClassName "Msvm_VirtualEthernetSwitch" -Namespace "Root\Virtualization\v2" $ports = Get-CimAssociatedInstance -InputObject $currSwitch -ResultClassName "Msvm_EthernetSwitchPort" foreach ($portGuid in $ports.Name) { $file = "VfpCtrl.PortGuid.$portGuid.txt" [String []] $cmds = "vfpctrl.exe /list-vmswitch-port", "vfpctrl.exe /list-space /port $portGuid", "vfpctrl.exe /list-mapping /port $portGuid", "vfpctrl.exe /list-rule /port $portGuid", "vfpctrl.exe /port $portGuid /get-port-state" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } } # VfpExtensionDetail() function VMSwitchDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) # Acquire switch properties/settings via CMD tools $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "VMSwitch.Detail") New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "VmspRegistry.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\vmsmp -Recurse" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "NvspInfo.txt" [String []] $cmds = "nvspinfo -a -i -h -D -p -d -m -q " ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "NvspInfo_bindings.txt" [String []] $cmds = "nvspinfo -a -i -h -D -p -d -m -q -b " ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "NmScrub.txt" [String []] $cmds = "nmscrub -a -n -t " ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds # FIXME!!! # See this command to get VFs on vSwitch # Get-NetAdapterSriovVf -SwitchId 2 # Acquire per vSwitch instance info/mappings [Int] $index = 1 foreach ($vmSwitch in TryCmd {Get-VMSwitch}) { $name = $vmSwitch.Name $type = $vmSwitch.SwitchType $id = $vmSwitch.Id $title = "VMSwitch.$index.$type.$name" $dir = Join-Path $OutDir $(ConvertTo-Filename $title) New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null Write-Host "Processing: $title" VfpExtensionDetail -VMSwitchId $id -OutDir $dir VMSwitchWorker -VMSwitchId $id -OutDir $dir ProtocolNicDetail -VMSwitchId $id -OutDir $dir HostVNicDetail -VMSwitchId $id -OutDir $dir VMNetworkAdapterPerVM -VMSwitchId $id -OutDir $dir $index++ } } # VMSwitchDetail() function NetworkSummary { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = $OutDir $file = "Get-NetOffloadGlobalSetting.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetOffloadGlobalSetting", "Get-NetOffloadGlobalSetting | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMSwitch.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMSwitch | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMSwitch | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMNetworkAdapter.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMNetworkAdapter -All | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMNetworkAdapter -All | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapter.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapter -IncludeHidden | Sort-Object InterfaceDescription | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns ", "Get-NetAdapter -IncludeHidden | Sort-Object InterfaceDescription | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetAdapterStatistics.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterStatistics -IncludeHidden | Sort-Object InterfaceDescription | Format-Table -Autosize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterStatistics -IncludeHidden | Sort-Object InterfaceDescription | Format-Table -Property * -Autosize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetLbfoTeam.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetLbfoTeam | Sort-Object InterfaceDescription | Format-Table -Autosize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetLbfoTeam | Sort-Object InterfaceDescription | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetIpAddress.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetIpAddress | Format-Table -Autosize | Format-Table -Autosize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetIpAddress | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "_ipconfig.txt" [String []] $cmds = "ipconfig", "ipconfig /allcompartments /all" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "_arp.txt" [String []] $cmds = "arp -a" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "_netstat.txt" [String []] $cmds = "netstat", "netstat -nasert", "netstat -an", "netstat -xan | ? {`$_ -match ""445""}" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "_nmbind.txt" [String []] $cmds = "nmbind" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "_advfirewall.txt" [String []] $cmds = "netsh advfirewall show allprofiles" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # NetworkSummary() function SMBDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "SMB") New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "Get-SmbConnection.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-SmbConnection" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-SmbMapping.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-SmbMapping" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-SmbOpenFile.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-SmbOpenFile" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-SmbSession.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-SmbSession" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-SmbShare.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-SmbShare" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-SmbClientNetworkInterface.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-SmbClientNetworkInterface | Sort-Object FriendlyName | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-SmbClientNetworkInterface | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-SmbServerNetworkInterface.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-SmbServerNetworkInterface | Sort-Object FriendlyName | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-SmbServerNetworkInterface | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-SmbClientConfiguration.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-SmbClientConfiguration" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-SmbServerConfiguration.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-SmbServerConfiguration" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-SmbMultichannelConnection.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-SmbMultichannelConnection | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-SmbMultichannelConnection -IncludeNotSelected | Format-List -Property *", "Get-SmbMultichannelConnection -SmbInstance CSV -IncludeNotSelected | Format-List -Property *", "Get-SmbMultichannelConnection -SmbInstance SBL -IncludeNotSelected | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-SmbMultichannelConstraint.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-SmbMultichannelConstraint" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-SmbBandwidthLimit.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-SmbBandwidthLimit" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Smb-WindowsEvents.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-WinEvent -ListLog ""*SMB*"" | Format-List -Property *", "Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName=""Microsoft-Windows-SMB*""; ProviderName=""Microsoft-Windows-SMB*""} | where {`$_.Message -like ""*RDMA*""} | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # SMBDetail() function NetSetupDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "NetSetup") New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "NetSetup.txt" [String []] $paths = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\NetSetupMig.log", "$env:SystemRoot\Panther\setupact.log", "$env:SystemRoot\INF\setupapi.*", "$env:SystemRoot\logs\NetSetup" ExecCopyItemsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Paths $paths -Destination $dir } # NetSetupDetail() function HNSDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) try { $null = Get-Service "hns" -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Host "HNSDetail: hns service not found, skipping." return } $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "HNS") New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dir | Out-Null # Data collected before stop -> start must be collected synchronously $file = "HNSRegistry-1.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\hns -Recurse", "Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\vmsmp -Recurse" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-HNSNetwork-1.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-HNSNetwork | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-HNSEndpoint-1.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-HNSEndpoint | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds # HNS service stop -> start occurs after capturing the current HNS state info. $hnsRunning = (Get-Service hns).Status -eq "Running" try { if ($hnsRunning) { # Force stop to avoid command line prompt $null = net stop hns /y } $file = "HNSData.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Copy-Item -Path ""$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\HNS\"" -Destination $dir -Verbose 4>&1" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } finally { if ($hnsRunning) { $null = net start hns } } # Acquire all settings again after stop -> start services # From now on we can collect data asynchronously. $file = "HNSRegistry-2.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\hns -Recurse", "Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\vmsmp -Recurse" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-HNSNetwork-2.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-HNSNetwork | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-HNSEndpoint-2.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-HNSEndpoint | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "HNSDiag_all.txt" [String []] $cmds = "HNSDiag list all" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "HNSDiag_all_d.txt" [String []] $cmds = "HNSDiag list all -d" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "HNSDiag_all_df.txt" [String []] $cmds = "HNSDiag list all -df" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "HNSDiag_all_dfl.txt" [String []] $cmds = "HNSDiag list all -dfl" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds #netsh trace start scenario=Virtualization provider=Microsoft-Windows-tcpip provider=Microsoft-Windows-winnat capture=yes captureMultilayer=yes capturetype=both report=disabled tracefile=$dir\server.etl overwrite=yes #Start-Sleep 120 #netsh trace stop } # HNSDetail() function QosDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "NetQoS") New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "Get-NetAdapterQos.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetAdapterQos", "Get-NetAdapterQos -IncludeHidden | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-NetAdapterQos -IncludeHidden | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds # Get-NetAdapterQos has severe concurrency issues $file = "Get-NetQosDcbxSetting.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetQosDcbxSetting", "Get-NetQosDcbxSetting | Format-List -Property *", "Get-NetQosDcbxSetting | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetQosFlowControl.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetQosFlowControl", "Get-NetQosFlowControl | Format-List -Property *", "Get-NetQosFlowControl | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetQosPolicy.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetQosPolicy", "Get-NetQosPolicy | Format-List -Property *", "Get-NetQosPolicy | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-NetQosTrafficClass.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-NetQosTrafficClass", "Get-NetQosTrafficClass | Format-List -Property *", "Get-NetQosTrafficClass | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # QosDetail() function ServicesDrivers { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "ServicesDrivers") New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "sc.txt" [String []] $cmds = "sc.exe queryex vmsp", "sc.exe queryex vmsproxy", "sc.exe queryex PktMon" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-Service.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-Service ""*"" | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table -AutoSize", "Get-Service ""*"" | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds # Get-Service has concurrency issues $file = "Get-WindowsDriver.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-WindowsDriver -Online -All" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-WindowsEdition.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-WindowsEdition -Online" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-HotFix.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-Hotfix | Sort-Object InstalledOn | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-Hotfix | Sort-Object InstalledOn | Format-Table -Property * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-PnpDevice.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-PnpDevice | Sort-Object Class, FriendlyName, InstanceId | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-PnpDevice | Sort-Object Class, FriendlyName, InstanceId | Format-List -Property * | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-CimInstance.Win32_PnPSignedDriver.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-CimInstance Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Select-Object DeviceName, DeviceId, DriverVersion | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-CimInstance Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Format-List -Property * | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # ServicesDrivers() function VMHostDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "VMHost") New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "Get-VMHostSupportedVersion.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMHostSupportedVersion | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns", "Get-VMHostSupportedVersion | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMHostNumaNode.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMHostNumaNode" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMHostNumaNodeStatus.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMHostNumaNodeStatus" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMSystemSwitchExtension.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMSystemSwitchExtension | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMSystemSwitchExtensionSwitchFeature.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMSystemSwitchExtensionSwitchFeature | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Get-VMSystemSwitchExtensionPortFeature.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-VMSystemSwitchExtensionPortFeature | Format-List -Property *" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # VMHostDetail() function NetshTrace { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "Netsh") New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null <# Deprecated / DELETEME #Figure out how to get this netsh rundown command executing under Powershell with logging... $ndiswpp = "{DD7A21E6-A651-46D4-B7C2-66543067B869}" $vmswpp = "{1F387CBC-6818-4530-9DB6-5F1058CD7E86}" netsh trace start provider=$vmswpp level=1 keywords=0x00010000 provider=$ndiswpp level=1 keywords=0x02 correlation=disabled report=disabled overwrite=yes tracefile=$dir\NetRundown.etl netsh trace stop #> #$wpp_vswitch = "{1F387CBC-6818-4530-9DB6-5F1058CD7E86}" #$wpp_ndis = "{DD7A21E6-A651-46D4-B7C2-66543067B869}" # The sequence below triggers the ETW providers to dump their internal traces when the session starts. Thus allowing for capturing a # snapshot of their logs/traces. # # NOTE: This does not cover IFR (in-memory) traces. More work needed to address said traces. $file = "NetRundown.txt" [String []] $cmds = "New-NetEventSession NetRundown -CaptureMode SaveToFile -LocalFilePath $dir\NetRundown.etl", "Add-NetEventProvider ""{1F387CBC-6818-4530-9DB6-5F1058CD7E86}"" -SessionName NetRundown -Level 1 -MatchAnyKeyword 0x10000", "Add-NetEventProvider ""{DD7A21E6-A651-46D4-B7C2-66543067B869}"" -SessionName NetRundown -Level 1 -MatchAnyKeyword 0x2", "Start-NetEventSession NetRundown", "Stop-NetEventSession NetRundown", "Remove-NetEventSession NetRundown" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds # # The ETL file can be converted to text using the following command: # netsh trace convert NetRundown.etl tmfpath=\\winbuilds\release\RS_ONECORE_STACK_SDN_DEV1\15014.1001.170117-1700\amd64fre\symbols.pri\TraceFormat # Specifying a path to the TMF symbols. Output is attached. $file = "NetshDump.txt" [String []] $cmds = "netsh dump" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "NetshStatistics.txt" [String []] $cmds = "netsh interface ipv4 show icmpstats", "netsh interface ipv4 show ipstats", "netsh interface ipv4 show tcpstats", "netsh interface ipv4 show udpstats", "netsh interface ipv6 show ipstats", "netsh interface ipv6 show tcpstats", "netsh interface ipv6 show udpstats" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds Write-Host "`n" Write-Host "Processing..." $file = "NetshTrace.txt" [String []] $cmds = "netsh -?", "netsh trace show scenarios", "netsh trace show providers", "netsh trace diagnose scenario=NetworkSnapshot mode=Telemetry saveSessionTrace=yes report=yes ReportFile=$dir\" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # NetshTrace() function OneX { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "802.1X") New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "OneX.txt" [String []] $cmds = "netsh lan show interface", "netsh lan show profile" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # OneX function Counters { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "Counters") New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "CounterSetName.txt" [String []] $cmds = "typeperf -q | foreach {(`$_ -split ""\\"")[1]} | Sort-Object -Unique" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "CounterSetName.Paths.txt" [String []] $cmds = "typeperf -q" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "CounterSetName.PathsWithInstances.txt" [String []] $cmds = "typeperf -qx" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds # Get paths for counters of interest $file = "CounterDetail.InstancesToQuery.txt" $in = Join-Path $dir $file $pathFilters = @("\Hyper-V*", "\ICMP*", "*Intel*", "*Cavium*", "\IP*", "*Mellanox*", "\Network*", "\Physical Network*", "\RDMA*", "\SMB*", "\TCP*", "\UDP*","\VFP*", "\WFP*", "*WinNAT*") $instancesToQuery = typeperf -qx | where { $instance = $_ $pathFilters | foreach { if ($instance -like $_) { return $true } } return $false } $instancesToQuery | Out-File -FilePath $in -Encoding ascii Write-Host "Querying perf counters..." $file = "CounterDetail.csv" $out = Join-Path $dir $file typeperf -cf $in -sc 10 -si 5 -f CSV -o $out > $null } # Counters() function SystemLogs { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = $OutDir $file = "WinEVT.txt" [String []] $paths = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\winevt" ExecCopyItemsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Paths $paths -Destination $dir $file = "WER.txt" [String []] $paths = "$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER" ExecCopyItemsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Paths $paths -Destination $dir } # SystemLogs() function Environment { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = $OutDir $file = "Get-ComputerInfo.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-ComputerInfo" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Verifier.txt" [String []] $cmds = "verifier /querysettings" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Powercfg.txt" [String []] $cmds = "powercfg /List" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Environment.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-Variable -Name ""PSVersionTable"" -ValueOnly", "date", "Get-CimInstance ""Win32_OperatingSystem"" | select -ExpandProperty ""LastBootUpTime""", "Get-CimInstance ""Win32_Processor"" | Format-List -Property *", "systeminfo" ExecCommandsAsync -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # Environment() function LocalhostDetail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "_Localhost") # sort to top New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null SystemLogs -OutDir $dir ServicesDrivers -OutDir $dir VMHostDetail -OutDir $dir } # LocalhostDetail() function CustomModule { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String[]] $Commands, # Passed in as [ScriptBlock[]] [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) if ($Commands.Count -eq 0) { return } $CustomModule = (Join-Path $OutDir "CustomModule") New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $CustomModule | Out-Null $file = "ExtraCommands.txt" ExecCommands -OutDir $CustomModule -File $file -Commands $Commands } # CustomModule() function Sanity { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Hashtable] $Params ) $dir = (Join-Path -Path $OutDir -ChildPath "Sanity") New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir | Out-Null $file = "Get-ChildItem.txt" [String []] $cmds = "Get-ChildItem -Path $OutDir -Exclude Get-NetView.log -File -Recurse | Get-FileHash | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds $file = "Metadata.txt" $out = Join-Path $dir $file $paramString = if ($Params.Count -eq 0) {"None`n`n"} else {"`n$($Params | Out-String)"} Write-Output "Script Version: $($Global:Version)" | Out-File -Encoding ascii -Append $out Write-Output "Module Version: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version)" | Out-File -Encoding ascii -Append $out Write-Output "Parameters: $paramString" | Out-File -Encoding ascii -Append $out [String []] $cmds = "Get-FileHash -Path ""$PSCommandPath"" -Algorithm ""SHA256"" | Format-List -Property * | Out-String -Width $columns" ExecCommands -OutDir $dir -File $file -Commands $cmds } # Sanity() # # Setup & Validation Functions # function CheckAdminPrivileges { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Bool] $SkipAdminCheck ) if (-not $SkipAdminCheck) { # Yep, this is the easiest way to do this. $isAdmin = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator") if (-not $isAdmin) { throw "Get-NetView : You do not have the required permission to complete this task. Please run this command in an Administrator PowerShell window or specify the -SkipAdminCheck option." } } } # CheckAdminPrivileges() function NormalizeWorkDir { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $OutputDirectory ) # Output dir priority - $OutputDirectory, Desktop, Temp $baseDir = if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OutputDirectory)) { if (Test-Path $OutputDirectory) { (Resolve-Path $OutputDirectory).Path # full path } else { throw "Get-NetView : The directory ""$OutputDirectory"" does not exist." } } elseif (($desktop = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop"))) { $desktop } else { $env:TEMP } $workDirName = "msdbg.$env:COMPUTERNAME" return (Join-Path $baseDir $workDirName).TrimEnd("\") } # NormalizeWorkDir() function EnvDestroy { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) If (Test-Path $OutDir) { Remove-Item $OutDir -Recurse # Careful - Deletes $OurDir and all its contents } } # EnvDestroy() function EnvCreate { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) # Attempt to create working directory, fail gracefully otherwise try { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $OutDir -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { throw "Get-NetView : Failed to create directory ""$OutDir"" because " + $error[0] } } # EnvCreate() function Initialization { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $OutDir ) # Remove alias to Write-Host set in $ExecCommands Remove-Item alias:Write-CmdLog -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" # Setup output folder EnvDestroy $OutDir EnvCreate $OutDir Start-Transcript -Path "$OutDir\Get-NetView.log" Clear-Host } # Initialization() function CreateZip { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Src, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Out ) if (Test-path $Out) { Remove-item $Out } Add-Type -assembly "" [io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($Src, $Out) } # CreateZip() function Completion { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Src ) $timestamp = $start | Get-Date -f $dirs = (Get-ChildItem $Src -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property length -Sum) # out folder size $hash = (Get-FileHash -Path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -Algorithm "SHA256").Hash # script hash # Display version and file save location Write-Host "" Write-Host "Diagnostics Data:" Write-Host "-----------------" Write-Host "Get-NetView" Write-Host "Version: $($Global:Version)" Write-Host "SHA256: $(if ($hash) {$hash} else {"N/A"})" Write-Host "" Write-Host $Src Write-Host "Size: $("{0:N2} MB" -f ($dirs.sum / 1MB))" Write-Host "Dirs: $((Get-ChildItem $Src -Directory -Recurse | Measure-Object).Count)" Write-Host "Files: $((Get-ChildItem $Src -File -Recurse | Measure-Object).Count)" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Execution Time:" Write-Host "---------------" $delta = (Get-Date) - $Start Write-Host "$($delta.Minutes) Min $($delta.Seconds) Sec" Write-Host "" TryCmd {Stop-Transcript} Write-Host "Creating zip..." $outzip = "$Src-$" CreateZip -Src $Src -Out $outzip Write-Host $outzip Write-Host "Size: $("{0:N2} MB" -f ((Get-Item $outzip).Length / 1MB))" Write-Host "" } # Completion() <# .SYNOPSIS Collects data on system and network configuration for diagnosing Microsoft Networking. .DESCRIPTION Collects comprehensive configuration data to aid in troubleshooting Microsoft Network issues. Data is collected from the following sources: - Get-NetView metadata (path, args, etc.) - Environment (OS, hardware, domain, hostname, etc.) - Physical, virtual, Container, NICs - Network Configuration, IP Addresses, MAC Addresses, Neighbors, Routes - Physical Switch configuration, QOS polices - Virtual Machine configuration - Virtual Switches, Bridges, NATs - Device Drivers - Performance Counters - Logs, Traces, etc. - System and Application Events The data is collected in a folder on the Desktop (by default), which is zipped on completion. Use Feedback hub to submit a new feedback. Select one of these Categories: Network and Internet -> Virtual Networking Network and Internet -> Connecting to an Ethernet Network. Attach the Zip file to the feedback and submit. Do not share the zip file over email or other file sharing tools. Only submit the file through the feedback hub. The output is most easily viewed with Visual Studio Code or similar editor with a navigation panel. .PARAMETER OutputDirectory Optional path to the directory where the output should be saved. Can be either a relative or an absolute path. If unspecified, the current user's Desktop will be used by default. .PARAMETER ExtraCommands Optional list of additional commands, given as ScriptBlocks. Their output is saved to the CustomModule directory, which can be accessed by using "$CustomModule" as a placeholder. For example, {Copy-Item .\MyFile.txt $CustomModule} copies "MyFile.txt" to "CustomModule\MyFile.txt". .PARAMETER BackgroundThreads Maximum number of background tasks, from 0 - 16. Defaults to 5. .PARAMETER SkipAdminCheck If present, the check for administrator privileges will be skipped. Note that less data will be collected and the results may be of limited or no use. .EXAMPLE Get-NetView -OutputDirectory ".\" Runs Get-NetView and outputs to the current working directory. .EXAMPLE Get-NetView -SkipAdminCheck Runs Get-NetView without verifying administrator privileges and outputs to the Desktop. .LINK #> function Get-NetView { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Container})] [String] $OutputDirectory = "", [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ScriptBlock[]] $ExtraCommands = @(), [Alias("MaxThreads")] [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateRange(0, 16)] [Int] $BackgroundThreads = 5, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Switch] $SkipAdminCheck = $false ) $start = Get-Date # Input Validation CheckAdminPrivileges $SkipAdminCheck $workDir = NormalizeWorkDir -OutputDirectory $OutputDirectory Initialization -OutDir $workDir # Start Run try { CustomModule -OutDir $workDir -Commands $ExtraCommands Open-GlobalThreadPool -BackgroundThreads $BackgroundThreads $threads = if ($true) { Start-Thread ${function:NetshTrace} -Params @{OutDir=$workDir} Start-Thread ${function:Counters} -Params @{OutDir=$workDir} Environment -OutDir $workDir LocalhostDetail -OutDir $workDir NetworkSummary -OutDir $workDir NetSetupDetail -OutDir $workDir VMSwitchDetail -OutDir $workDir LbfoDetail -OutDir $workDir NativeNicDetail -OutDir $workDir OneX -OutDir $workDir QosDetail -OutDir $workDir SMBDetail -OutDir $workDir NetIp -OutDir $workDir NetNatDetail -OutDir $workDir HNSDetail -OutDir $workDir } # Wait for threads to complete Show-Threads -Threads $threads } catch { $msg = $($_ | Out-String) ExecControlError -OutDir $workDir -Function "Get-NetView" -Message $msg throw $_ } finally { Close-GlobalThreadPool Write-Host "Processing..." Sanity -OutDir $workDir -Params $PSBoundParameters Completion -Src $workDir } } # Get-NetView # For backwards compat, support direct execution as a .ps1 file (no dot sourcing needed). if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($MyInvocation.InvocationName)) { if (($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq "&") -or ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -eq (Resolve-Path -Path $MyInvocation.InvocationName).ProviderPath)) { Get-NetView @args } } |