function Get-MsolUserLicences { <# .DESCRIPTION This script provides a report that shows license allocation in Office 365. .NOTES File Name : Get-MsolUserLicences.ps1 Author : Thomas ILLIET, Date : 2017-11-03 Last Update : 2018-01-08 Version : 1.0.6 .PARAMETER UserprincipalName Speicifies the user ID of the user to retrieve. .Parameter LicenceFile Json licence database file ( you can find example file in my repository ) .EXAMPLE Get-MsolUserLicences -UserPrincipalName "" DisplayName : Unicorn Girl UserPrincipalName : STREAM : False Office 365 (Plan E3) : False FLOW_FREE : False POWERAPPS_VIRAL : False Power-BI Standard : False Enterprise Mobility Suite : True (PSTN) conferencing : False Office 365 (Plan E1) : True .EXAMPLE Get-MsolUser | Get-MsolUserLicences DisplayName UserPrincipalName Power-BI_Standard O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS ----------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------------ Unicorn Girl True False Thomas ILLIET True True #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( # UserPrincipalName [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$True)] $UserPrincipalName, # File for custom SKU conversion [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$LicenceFile ) Begin { function Get-LicenseName { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$Sku, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$LicenceFile ) # Check Licence File is defined if(-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LicenceFile))) { # Load Licence File Try { $LicenseName = @{} $CsvFile = Get-Content -Raw -Path $LicenceFile (ConvertFrom-Json $CsvFile) | Foreach { $LicenseName[$_.Name] = $_.Value } } Catch { throw "Unable to load LicenceFile ! " } } else { # Licence Name $LicenseName = @{ "TEAMS1" = "Microsoft Teams" "AAD_PREMIUM" = "Azure Active Directory Premium P1" "AAD_PREMIUM_P2" = "Azure Active Directory Premium P2" "RMS_S_ENTERPRISE" = "Azure Active Directory Rights Management" "RIGHTSMANAGEMENT_ADHOC" = "Azure Rights Management Services Ad-hoc" "CRMPLAN2" = "Dynamics CRM Online Plan 2" "EMS" = "Enterprise Mobility + Security E3" "EMSPREMIUM" = "Enterprise Mobility + Security E5" "ENTERPRISEPACK_B_PILOT" = "Office 365 (Enterprise Preview)" "EXCHANGEENTERPRISE_FACULTY" = "Exch Online Plan 2 for Faculty" "EXCHANGE_L_STANDARD" = "Exchange Online (Plan 1)" "EXCHANGE_S_STANDARD" = "Exchange Online (Plan 2)" "ATP_ENTERPRISE_FACULTY" = "Exchange Online Advanced Threat Protection" "ATP_ENTERPRISE" = "Exchange Online ATP" "EXCHANGESTANDARD" = "Exchange Online Plan 1" "EXCHANGE_S_ENTERPRISE" = "Exchange Online Plan 2 S" "EXCHANGEENTERPRISE" = "Exchange Online Plan 2" "RIGHTSMANAGEMENT_STANDARD_FACULTY" = "Information Rights Management for Faculty" "RIGHTSMANAGEMENT_STANDARD_STUDENT" = "Information Rights Management for Students" "INTUNE_A_VL" = "Intune (Volume License)" "MCOLITE" = "Lync Online (Plan 1)" "CRMSTORAGE" = "Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Additional Storage" "FLOW_FREE" = "Microsoft Flow Free" "IT_ACADEMY_AD" = "Microsoft Imagine Academy" "POWERAPPS_INDIVIDUAL_USER" = "Microsoft PowerApps and Logic flows" "STREAM" = "Microsoft Stream" "MICROSOFT_BUSINESS_CENTER" = "Microsoft Business Center" "MEE_FACULTY" = "Minecraft Education Edition Faculty" "MEE_STUDENT" = "Minecraft Education Edition Student" "STANDARDWOFFPACK_STUDENT" = "O365 Education E1 for Students" "STANDARDWOFFPACK_IW_FACULTY" = "O365 Education for Faculty" "STANDARDWOFFPACK_IW_STUDENT" = "O365 Education for Students" "STANDARDPACK_STUDENT" = "Office 365 (Plan A1) for Students" "ENTERPRISEPACKLRG" = "Office 365 (Plan E3)" "EQUIVIO_ANALYTICS_FACULTY" = "Office 365 Advanced Compliance for faculty" "STANDARDWOFFPACK_FACULTY" = "Office 365 Education E1 for Faculty" "ENTERPRISEWITHSCAL_FACULTY" = "Office 365 Education E4 for Faculty" "ENTERPRISEWITHSCAL_STUDENT" = "Office 365 Education E4 for Students" "STANDARDPACK" = "Office 365 Enterprise E1" "STANDARDWOFFPACK" = "Office 365 Enterprise E2" "ENTERPRISEPACKWITHOUTPROPLUS" = "Office 365 Enterprise E3 without ProPlus Add-on" "ENTERPRISEPACK" = "Office 365 Enterprise E3" "ENTERPRISEWITHSCAL" = "Office 365 Enterprise E4" "ENTERPRISEPREMIUM" = "Office 365 Enterprise E5" "DESKLESSPACK_YAMMER" = "Office 365 Enterprise K1 with Yammer" "DESKLESSPACK" = "Office 365 Enterprise K1 without Yammer" "DESKLESSWOFFPACK" = "Office 365 Enterprise K2" "MIDSIZEPACK" = "Office 365 Midsize Business" "STANDARDWOFFPACKPACK_FACULTY" = "Office 365 Plan A2 for Faculty" "STANDARDWOFFPACKPACK_STUDENT" = "Office 365 Plan A2 for Students" "ENTERPRISEPACK_FACULTY" = "Office 365 Plan A3 for Faculty" "ENTERPRISEPACK_STUDENT" = "Office 365 Plan A3 for Students" "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION_FACULTY" = "Office 365 ProPlus for Faculty" "LITEPACK_P2" = "Office 365 Small Business Premium" "WACSHAREPOINTSTD" = "Office Online STD" "SHAREPOINTWAC" = "Office Online" "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION_STUDENT" = "Office ProPlus Student Benefit" "OFFICE_PRO_PLUS_SUBSCRIPTION_SMBIZ" = "Office ProPlus" "POWER_BI_INDIVIDUAL_USER" = "Power BI for Office 365 Individual" "POWER_BI_STANDALONE" = "Power BI for Office 365 Standalone" "POWER_BI_STANDARD" = "Power BI for Office 365 Standard" "POWER_BI_PRO" = "Power BI Pro" "PROJECTESSENTIALS" = "Project Lite" "PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_1_FACULTY" = "Project Online for Faculty Plan 1" "PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_2_FACULTY" = "Project Online for Faculty Plan 2" "PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_1_STUDENT" = "Project Online for Students Plan 1" "PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_2_STUDENT" = "Project Online for Students Plan 2" "PROJECTPREMIUM" = "Project Online Premium" "PROJECTPROFESSIONAL" = "Project Online Professional" "PROJECTONLINE_PLAN_1" = "Project Online with Project for Office 365" "PROJECTCLIENT" = "Project Pro for Office 365" "SHAREPOINTLITE" = "SharePoint Online (Plan 1) Lite" "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE_MIDMARKET" = "SharePoint Online (Plan 1) MidMarket" "SHAREPOINTENTERPRISE" = "SharePoint Online (Plan 2)" "SHAREPOINTSTANDARD" = "SharePoint Online Plan 1" "VISIOCLIENT" = "Visio Pro for Office 365" "YAMMER_ENTERPRISE" = "Yammer Enterprise" "YAMMER_MIDSIZE" = "Yammer Midsize" } } # Search Licence by sku name if($LicenseName.($sku)) { return $LicenseName.($sku) } else { Write-Debug "Sku name ($sku) is not defined" return $sku } } #---------------------------------------------- # Create Template Object #---------------------------------------------- $licensetype = Get-MsolAccountSku | Where {$_.ConsumedUnits -ge 1} $TemplateObject = [PsCustomObject]@{ DisplayName = $null UserPrincipalName = $null } # Loop through all licence types found in the tenant foreach ($license in $licensetype.AccountSkuId) { $Name = Get-LicenseName -Sku $license.split(':')[1] -LicenceFile $LicenceFile $TemplateObject | Add-Member -Name $Name -Type NoteProperty -Value $false } } Process { #---------------------------------------------- # Get All users #---------------------------------------------- if(-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserPrincipalName))) { $Users = Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName } else { $Users = Get-MsolUser -All | where {$_.isLicensed -eq "True"} | select DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, isLicensed, Licenses } #---------------------------------------------- # Create Report Object #---------------------------------------------- $ReturnObject=@() foreach($User in $Users) { $UserObject = $TemplateObject.PsObject.Copy() # Set User information $UserObject.DisplayName = $User.DisplayName $UserObject.UserPrincipalName = $User.UserPrincipalName # Define Licence Attribution foreach($License in $User.Licenses.AccountSkuId) { $Name = Get-LicenseName -Sku $license.split(':')[1] -LicenceFile $LicenceFile $UserObject.($Name) = $true } # Add Object to return store $ReturnObject += $UserObject } return $ReturnObject } } |