
.VERSION 1.1.4
.GUID 19631007-c07a-48b9-8774-fcea5498ddb9
.TAGS Help MarkDown ReadMe

    Creates a markdown Readme string from the comment based help of a command
    The [Get-MarkdownHelp][1] cmdlet retrieves the [comment-based help][2] and converts it to a Markdown page
    similar to the general online PowerShell help pages (as e.g. [Get-Content]).\
    Note that this cmdlet *doesn't* support `XML`-based help files, but has a few extra features for the comment-based
    help as opposed to the native [platyPS][3] [New-MarkdownHelp]:
    * **Code Blocks**
    To create code blocks, indent every line of the block by at least four spaces or one tab relative the **text indent**.
    The **text indent** is defined by the smallest indent of the current - and the `.SYNOPSIS` section.\
    Code blocks are automatically [fenced][4] for default PowerShell color coding.\
    The usual comment-based help prefix for code (`PS. \>`) might also be used to define a code lines.
    For more details, see the [-PSCodePattern parameter].
    As defined by the standard help interpreter, code blocks (including fenced code blocks) can't include help keywords.
    Meaning (fenced) code blocks will end at the next section defined by `.<help keyword>`.
    * **Titled Examples**
    Examples can be titled by adding an (extra) hash (`#`) in front of the first line in the section.
    This line will be removed from the section and added to the header of the example.
    * **Links**
    > As Per markdown definition, The first part of a [reference-style link][5] is formatted with two sets of brackets.
    > The first set of brackets surrounds the text that should appear linked. The second set of brackets displays
    > a label used to point to the link you're storing elsewhere in your document, e.g.: `[rabbit-hole][1]`.
    > The second part of a reference-style link is formatted with the following attributes:
    > * The label, in brackets, followed immediately by a colon and at least one space (e.g., `[label]:` ).
    > * The URL for the link, which you can optionally enclose in angle brackets.
    > * The optional title for the link, which you can enclose in double quotes, single quotes, or parentheses.
    For the comment-base help implementation, the second part should be placed in the `.LINK` section to automatically
    listed in the end of the document. The reference will be hidden if the label is an explicit empty string(`""`).
    * **Quick Links**
    Any phrase existing of a combination alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores and dashes between squared brackets
    (e.g. `[my link]`) will be linked to the (automatic) anchor id in the document, e.g.: `[my link](#my-link)`.
    > **Note:** There is no confirmation if the internal anchor really exists.
    * **Parameter Links**
    **Parameter links** are similar to **Quick Links** but start with a dash and contain an existing parameter name possibly
    followed by the word "parameter". E.g.: `[-AlternateEOL]` or `[-AlternateEOL parameter]`.
    In this example, the parameter link will refer to the internal [-AlternateEOL parameter].
    * **Cmdlet Links**
    **Cmdlet links** are similar to **Quick Links** but contain a cmdlet name where the online help is known. E.g.: `[Get-Content]`.
    In this example, the cmdlet link will refer to the online help of the related [Get-Content] cmdlet.
    A (reference to a) command or module
    The source of the commented help.
    This might a command or module by it name or file location.
    An embedded command that contains the parameters or actual commented help.
    Specifies the PowerShell code pattern used by the get-help cmdlet.
    The native [`Get-Help`] cmdlet automatically adds a PowerShell prompt (`PS \>`) to the first line of an example if not yet exist.
    To be consistent with the first line you might manually add a PowerShell prompt to each line of code which will be converted to
    a code block by this `Get-MarkdownHelp` cmdlet.
    The recommended way to force a line break or new line (`<br>`) in markdown is to end a line with two or more spaces but as that
    might cause an *[Avoid Trailing Whitespace][7]* warning, you might also consider to use an alternate EOL marker.\
    Any alternate EOL marker (at the end of the line) will be replaced by two spaces by this `Get-MarkdownHelp` cmdlet.
    # Display markdown help
    This example generates a markdown format help page from itself and shows it in the default browser
        .\Get-MarkdownHelp.ps1 .\Show-MarkDown.ps1 |Out-String |Show-Markdown -UseBrowser
    # Copy markdown help to a website
    This command creates a markdown readme string for the `Join-Object` cmdlet and puts it on the clipboard
    so that it might be pasted into e.g. a GitHub readme file.
        Get-MarkdownHelp Join-Object |Clip
    # Save markdown help to file
    This command creates a markdown readme string for the `.\MyScript.ps1` script and saves it in ``.
        Get-MarkdownHelp .\MyScript.ps1 |Set-Content .\
    [1]: "Online Help"
    [2]: "About comment based help"
    [3]: "PlatyPS MALM renderer"
    [4]: "Fenced Code Blocks"
    [5]: "Reference-style Links"
    [7]: "" "Markdown guide"

using NameSpace System.Management.Automation
using NameSpace System.Management.Automation.Language

[CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String[]])] param(
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

    [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

    [String]$PSCodePattern = 'PS.*\>',

    [String]$AlternateEOL = '\'

begin {
    enum MDBlock {
    $TabSize = 4
    $Tab = ' ' * $TabSize
    $CodePrefix = "(?<=^\s*)$PSCodePattern"

    $UriLabelPattern  = '\[(?<Label>.+)\]\:'
    $UriPattern       = '\<?(?<Uri>\w+://\S+)\>?'
    $UriTitlePattern  = '("(?<Title>.*)"|''(?<Title>.*)''|\((?<Title>.?)\))'
    $ReferencePattern = "^($UriLabelPattern\s+)?$UriPattern(\s+$UriTitlePattern)?$"
    $AlternateEOL     = [regex]::Escape($AlternateEOL) + '\s*$'

    Class Sentence {
        static [Int]$TabSize = $TabSize
        Sentence([String]$String) {
            $This.Text = $String.Trim()
            if ($This.Text) {
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $String.Length; $i++) {
                    switch ($String[$i]) {
                        ' '     { $This.Offset++ }
                        "`t"    { $This.Offset = $This.Offset - $This.Offset % [Sentence]::TabSize + [Sentence]::TabSize }
                        Default { $i = $String.Length }
        [string]Indent([Int]$Offset) {
            $Spaces = [Math]::Max(0, ($This.Offset + $Offset))
            return ' ' * $Spaces + $This.Text

    function StopError($Exception, $Id = 'IncorrectArgument', $Group = [Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::SyntaxError, $Object){
        if ($Exception -isnot [Exception]) { $Exception = [ArgumentException]$Exception }
        $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($Exception, $Id, $Group, $Object))

    function GetHelpItems([String[]]$Lines) {
        $Key, $Item = $Null
        $Help = @{}
        foreach ($Line in $Lines) {
            $Sentence = [Sentence]($Line -Replace $CodePrefix, $Tab)
            switch ($Sentence.Text) {
                { $_.StartsWith('<#') } {}
                { $_.EndsWith('#>')   } {}
                { '.Synopsis', '.Description', '.Inputs', '.Outputs', '.Notes', '.Link' -eq $_ } {
                    $Key = $_.SubString(1)
                    $Item = $Help[$Key] = [Collections.Generic.List[Sentence]]::new()
                '.Example' {
                    if (!$Help.Contains('Example')) { $Help['Example'] = [Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new() }
                    $Item = $Help['Example'][-1]
                { $_ -Like '.Parameter *' } {
                    if (!$Help.Contains('Parameter')) { $Help['Parameter'] = @{} }
                    $Name = ($_ -Split '\.Parameter\s+', 2)[1]
                    $Item = $Help['Parameter'][$Name] = [Collections.Generic.List[Sentence]]::new()
                Default {
                    if ($Null -ne $Item) { if ($Item.Count -Or $Sentence.Text) { $Item.add($Sentence) } }
                    elseif (!$_) { break }

    function GetHelp([String]$Content) {
        $Help = $Null
        $Lines = [Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new()
        foreach ($Token in [PSParser]::Tokenize($Content, [Ref]$Null)) {
            if ($Token.Type -eq 'Comment') {
                if ($Token.Content.StartsWith('#') ) {
                else { #Block Comment
                    $Help = GetHelpItems ($Token.Content -split '\r?\n')

            elseif ($Token.Type -ne 'NewLine') {
                $Help = GetHelpItems $Lines
            if ($Help -and $Help.Count -and $Help.Contains('Synopsis')) { return $Help }
        if ($Lines.Count -and !$Help) { GetHelpItems $Lines } # Only line commented help

    function SplitInLineCode ([String]$Markdown) {
        $Left = ''
        While ($Markdown -Match '^([^`]*)(`+)([\s\S]*)$') {
            $Code, $Right = $Matches[3] -Split "(?<!``)$($Matches[2])(?!``)", 2
            if ($Null -ne $Right) {
                $Left + $Matches[1]
                $Matches[2] + $Code + $Matches[2]
                $Markdown = $Right
                $Left = ''
            else {
                $Left += $Matches[1] + $Matches[2]
                $Markdown = $Matches[3]
        $Left + $MarkDown

    function QuickLinks($Markdown) {
        $CallBack = {
            $Label = $Args[0].Value.TrimStart('[').TrimEnd(']')
            if ( $Label -Match '^(-\w+)(\s+parameter)?$' -and $ParamNames -eq $Matches[1].TrimStart('-') ) {
            else {
                $Command = Get-Command $Label -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($Command.HelpUri) { "[``$Label``]($($Command.HelpUri))" }
                else { "[$Label](#$($Label.ToLower() -Replace '\W+', '-'))" }
        $Index = 0
        -Join @(
            foreach ($String in @(SplitInLineCode $Markdown)) {
                if ($Index++ -band 1) { $String } # Inline code
                else { ([regex]'(?<!\])\[[\w\- ]+\](?![\[\(])').Replace($String, $CallBack) }

    function GetMarkDown([Sentence[]]$Sentences) {
        $CodeOffset = $TextOffset = 99
        foreach ($Sentence in $Sentences) { # determine general offset
            if ($Sentence.Text -and $Sentence.Offset -lt $TextOffset) { $TextOffset = $Sentence.Offset }
        if ($Null -eq $Script:Indent) { $Script:Indent = $TextOffset }
        elseif ($TextOffset -gt $Script:Indent) { $TextOffset = $Script:Indent }

        foreach ($Sentence in $Sentences) { # determine code offset
            if ($Sentence.Text -and $Sentence.Offset -ge $TextOffset + $TabSize) {
                if ($Sentence.Offset -lt $CodeOffset) { $CodeOffset = $Sentence.Offset }

        $SkipLines = 0
        [MDBlock]$MDBlock = 'None'

        foreach ($Sentence in $Sentences) {
            if ($MDBlock -eq 'Fenced') {
                if ($Sentence.Text -Match $Fence ) {
                    $SkipLines = 1
                    $MDBlock = 'None'
            elseif ($Sentence.Text -Match '^`{3,4}') { # Either: ``` or: ````
                if ($SkipLines) { '' }
                $SkipLines = 0
                $MDBlock = 'Fenced'
                $Fence = $Matches[0]
            elseif (!$Sentence.Text) { $SkipLines++ }
            elseif ($Sentence.Offset -lt $TextOffset + $TabSize) { # Text block
                if ($MDBlock -eq 'Text') {
                    if ($SkipLines) { '' }
                elseif ($MDBlock -eq 'Code') {
                QuickLinks ($Sentence.Text -Replace $AlternateEOL, ' ')
                $SkipLines = 0
                $MDBlock = 'Text'
            else { # if ($Sentence.Offset -ge $TextOffset + $TabSize) { # Code block
                if ($MDBlock -eq 'Code') {
                    if ($SkipLines) { @('') * $SkipLines }
                elseif ($MDBlock -eq 'Text') {
                $Sentence.Indent(-$TextOffset - $TabSize)
                $SkipLines = 0
                $MDBlock = 'Code'
        if ('Code', 'Fenced' -eq $MDBlock) { '```' }

    function GetTypeLink($TypeName) {
        $Type = $TypeName -as [Type]
        if ($Type) {
            $TypeName = $Type.Name
            $TypeUri = '' + $Type.FullName
            "<a href=""$TypeUri"">$TypeName</a>"
        else {

process {
    $File = try { Get-Item $Source } catch { $Null }
    if (-not $File) { StopError "Cannot find file '$Source'" }
    $Ast = [Parser]::ParseFile($File.FullName, [ref]$Null, [ref]$Null)
    $Body =
        if ($Command) { $Ast.EndBlock.Statements.where{$_.Name -eq $Command}.Body }
        elseif ($Ast.ParamBlock) { $Ast }
        else {
            $Function = $Ast.EndBlock.Statements.where{ $_ -is [FunctionDefinitionAst] }
            if ($Function.Count -eq 1) { $Function.Body }
            else { $Ast.EndBlock.Statements.where{ $ -is $File.BaseName }.Body }
    if (-not $Body) { StopError "Cannot find parameters in '$Source'" }
    $Help = GetHelp $Body
    if (-not $Help -and $Body.Parent) { $Help = GetHelp $Ast }
    if (-not $Help) { StopError "Cannot find comment base help in '$Source'" }

    $Parameters = $Body.ParamBlock.Parameters
    $ParameterSets = [Ordered]@{}
        $Name =  $_.Name.VariablePath.UserPath
        $Sets = $_.Attributes.NamedArguments.where{ $_.ArgumentName -eq 'ParameterSetName' }
        foreach ($Value in @($Sets.Argument.Value)) {
            $SetName = if ($Value) { "$Value" } else { '__AllParameterSets' }
             if (!$ParameterSets.Contains($SetName)) { $ParameterSets[$SetName] = [Ordered]@{} }
            $ParameterSets[$SetName][$Name] = $_
    foreach ($SetName in $ParameterSets.get_Keys()) {
        $ParameterSets[$SetName]['<CommonParameters>'] = $Null
        if ($Ast.DynamicParamBlock) { $ParameterSets[$SetName]['<DynamicParameters>'] = $Null }

# Start exporting markdown

    '<!-- markdownlint-disable MD033 -->'

    $Name = if ($Body.Parent.Name) { $Body.Parent.Name } else { $File.BaseName }
    "# $Name"
    GetMarkDown $Help.Synopsis

    if ($ParameterSets.get_Count()) {
        '## Syntax'

        foreach ($ParameterSet in $ParameterSets.Values) {
            foreach ($Name in $ParameterSet.get_Keys()) {
                $Parameter = $ParameterSet[$Name]
                $Type, $Default, $Positional, $Optional = $Null
                if ($ParameterSet[$Name] -is [ParameterAst]) {
                    $Name       = "-$Name"
                    $Type       = $Parameter.StaticType.Name
                    $Default    = $Parameter.DefaultValue
                    $Positional = $Parameter.Attributes.Position -lt 0
                    $Optional   = !$Parameter.Attributes.NamedArguments.where{ $_.ArgumentName -eq 'Mandatory' }
                if (!$Positional -and !$Optional) { $Name = "[$Name]" }
                if ($Type -and $Type -ne 'SwitchParameter') { $Name += " <$Type>" }
                if ($Default) { $Name += " = $Default" }
                if ($Optional) { $Name = "[$Name]" }
                $Tab + $Name

    if ($Help.Contains('Description')) {
        '## Description'
        GetMarkDown $Help.Description

    if ($Help.Contains('Example')) {
        '## Examples'

        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Help.Example.Count; $i++) {
            $Count = $Help.Example[$i].Count
            if ($Count -gt 1 -and $Help.Example[$i][0].Text.StartsWith('#')) {
                "### Example $($i + 1): " + $Help.Example[$i][0].Text.SubString(1).Trim()
                GetMarkDown $Help.Example[$i][1..($Count - 1)]
            else {
                "### Example $($i + 1):"
                GetMarkDown $Help.Example[$i]

    if ($Parameters) {
        '## Parameter'
            $Name = $_.Name.VariablePath.UserPath
            $Type = if ($_.StaticType.Name -ne 'SwitchParameter') { " <$($_.StaticType.Name)>" }
            "### <a id=""-$($Name.ToLower())"">**``-$Name$Type``**</a>"
            if ($Help.Contains('Parameter') -and $Help.Parameter.Contains($Name)) {
                GetMarkDown $Help.Parameter[$Name]
            $Dictionary = [Ordered]@{}
            $Attributes = $_.Attributes
            if ($Null -ne $Attributes.MinLength -and $Null -ne $Attributes.MaxLength) { $Dictionary['Accepted length']           = $Attributes.MinLength - $Attributes.MaxLength }
            elseif ($Null -ne $Attributes.MinLength)                                  { $Dictionary['Minimal length']            = $Attributes.MinLemgth }
            elseif ($Null -ne $Attributes.MaxLength)                                  { $Dictionary['Maximal lemgth']            = $Attributes.MaxLength }
            if ($Null -ne $Attributes.RegexPattern)                                   { $Dictionary['Accepted pattern']          = "<code>$($Attributes.RegexPattern)</code>" }
            if ($Null -ne $Attributes.MinRange -and $Null -ne $Attributes.MaxRange)   { $Dictionary['Accepted range']            =  $Attributes.MinRange - $Attributes.MaxRange }
            elseif ($Null -ne $Attributes.MinRange)                                   { $Dictionary['Minimal value']             =  $Attributes.MinRange }
            elseif ($Null -ne $Attributes.MaxRange)                                   { $Dictionary['Maximal value']             =  $Attributes.MaxRange }
            if ($Null -ne $Attributes.ScriptBlock)                                    { $Dictionary['Accepted script condition'] =  "<code>$($Attributes.ScriptBlock.ToString().Trim() -Split '\s*[\r?\n]\s*' -Join '; ')</code>" }
            if ($Null -ne $Attributes.ValidValues)                                    { $Dictionary['Accepted values']           =  $Attributes.ValidValues -Join ', ' }
            $Dictionary['Type'] = GetTypeLink($_.parameterType)
            $Dictionary['Mandatory'] = [bool]$Attributes.NamedArguments.where{ $_.ArgumentName -eq 'Mandatory' }
            if ($_.Aliases) { $Dictionary['Aliases'] = $_.Aliases -Join ', ' }
            $Position = if ($Attributes.Position -ge 0) {$Attributes.Position } else { 'Named' }
            $Position = if ($Attributes.Position -lt 0) { 'Named' }
                        elseif ($Attributes.Position -ne $Attributes.Position[0]) { $Attributes.Position -Join ', ' }
                        else { $Attributes.Position[0] }
            $Dictionary['Position']                   = $Position
            $DefaultValue                             = if ($_.DefaultValue) { "<code>$($_.DefaultValue)</code>" } #
            $Dictionary['Default value']              = $DefaultValue
            $Dictionary['Accept pipeline input']      = $Attributes.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName
            $Globbing = ($_.Attributes.where{$_.TypeName.Name -eq 'SupportsWildcards'}).Count -gt 0
            $Dictionary['Accept wildcard characters'] = $Globbing
            $Dictionary.get_Keys().ForEach{ "<tr><td>$($_):</td><td>$($Dictionary[$_])</td></tr>"}

    if ($Help.Contains('Inputs')) {
        '## Inputs'
        GetMarkDown $Help.Inputs

    if ($Help.Contains('Outputs')) {
        '## Outputs'
        GetMarkDown $Help.Outputs

    if ($Help.Contains('Link')) {
        '## Related Links'
        $LinkRefences = [Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new()
        ForEach ($Sentence in $Help.Link) {
            $Text = $Sentence.Text
            $Link = if ($Text -Match $ReferencePattern) {
                if ($Matches.Contains('Label')) {
                    if ($Matches.Contains('Title')) {
                        if ($Matches['Title']) { "$($Matches['Label']): [$($Matches['Title'])][$($Matches['Label'])]" }
                    else {
                        "$($Matches['Label']): $($Matches['Uri'])"
                elseif ($Matches.Contains('Title')) {
                else { $Matches['Uri'] }
            if ($Link) { "* $Link" }
        if ($LinkRefences) {
            @($LinkRefences).ForEach{ $_ }