.VERSION 0.9.3 .GUID 19631007-c07a-48b9-8774-fcea5498ddb9 .AUTHOR iRon .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS Help MarkDown ReadMe .LICENSE .PROJECTURI .ICON .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a markdown Readme string from the comment based help of a command .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet uses the command information and Get-Help cmdlet to build a markdown Readme simular to the general PowerShell online help. .INPUTS String (command name) .OUTPUTS String[] .PARAMETER Name Specifies the CSV strings to be formatted or the objects that are converted to CSV formatted strings. You can also pipe objects to ConvertTo-CSV. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-MarkdownHelp Show-MarkDown |Out-String |Show-Markdown -UseBrowser This command shows a markdown formatted help of the `Show-MarkDown` cmdlet in the default browser. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-MarkdownHelp Get-Content |Clip This command creates a markdown readme string for the Get-Content cmdlet and put it on the clipboard to be used e.g. pasting it into a GitHub readme file. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-MarkdownHelp .\MyScript.ps1 |Set-Content .\ This command creates a markdown readme string for the .\MyScript.ps1 script and saves it in .LINK #> using namespace System.Management.Automation [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Html')][OutputType([Object[]])] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Mandatory = $True)] [Alias('Name')][String]$CommandName ) begin { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web function Text($String) { if ($String) { $Indent0 = $Null $Text = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $NewLine = $False foreach ($Line in ($String -Split '[\r]?\n')) { $Trim = $Line.Trim() $Indent = if ($Line -Match '^\w*') { '^' + $Matches[0] } else { '^' } if ($Null -eq $Indent0 -and $Trim) { $Indent0 = $Indent } if ($Indent -ne $Indent0 -or $Trim -Match '^[*-\>]\w|\d+[\.\)]') { $NewLine = $True } if ($Text.Length -and $NewLine) { [void]$Text.AppendLine(' ') } else { [void]$Text.Append(' ') } $MDEncode = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($Trim) [void]$Text.Append($MDEncode) $NewLine = $Line -match ' $' } [void]$Text.AppendLine() $Text.ToString() } } function GetTypeLink($TypeName) { $Type = $TypeName -as [Type] if ($Type) { $TypeName = $Type.Name $TypeUri = '' + $Type.FullName "[$TypeName]($TypeUri)" } else { $TypeName } } } process { $Command = Get-Command $CommandName $Help = Get-Help -Detailed $CommandName $Name = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Command.Name) "# $Name" $Help.Synopsis '## [Syntax](#syntax)' foreach ($SyntaxItem in $Help.Syntax.syntaxItem) { '```PowerShell' $Name foreach ($Parameter in $syntaxItem.Parameter) { $Text = [System.Text.StringBuilder]' [' if ($Parameter.required -eq $True) { [void]$Text.Append('[') } [void]$Text.Append('-') [void]$Text.Append($Parameter.Name) if ($Parameter.required -eq $True) { [void]$Text.Append(']') } if ($Parameter.parameterValue) { [void]$Text.Append(' <') [void]$Text.Append($Parameter.parameterValue) [void]$Text.Append('>') } [void]$Text.Append(']') $Text.ToString() } ' [<CommonParameters>]' '```' } '## [Description](#description)' Text $Help.Description.Text $Examples = $Help.Examples.Example if ($Examples) { '## [Examples](exampls)' } foreach ($Example in $Examples) { if ($Example.Title -Match '^-+ EXAMPLE (\d)+ -+$') { "### Example $($Matches[1])" } else { "### $($Example.Title)" } if ($Example.Introduction.Text -notmatch '^PS.*\>$') { $Example.Introduction.Text } '```PowerShell' $Example.Code '```' #' foreach ($Remark in $Example.Remarks) { Text $Remark.Text } } $Parameters = $Help.parameters.parameter if ($Parameters) { '## [Parameters](#parameters)' } foreach ($Parameter in $Parameters) { "### ``-$($Parameter.Name)``" Text $Parameter.Description.Text '| <!-- --> | <!-- --> |' '| --------------------------- | -------- |' $Attributes = $Command.Parameters[$Parameter.Name].Attributes if ($Null -ne $Attributes.MinLength -and $Null -ne $Attributes.MaxLength) { "| Accepted length | $($Attributes.MinLength) - $($Attributes.MaxLength) |" } elseif ($Null -ne $Attributes.MinLength) { "| Minimal length: | $($Attributes.MinLemgth) |" } elseif ($Null -ne $Attributes.MaxLength) { "| Maximal lemgth: | $($Attributes.MaxLength) |" } if ($Null -ne $Attributes.RegexPattern) { "| Accepted pattern: | ``$($Attributes.RegexPattern)`` |" } if ($Null -ne $Attributes.MinRange -and $Null -ne $Attributes.MaxRange) { "| Accepted range: | $($Attributes.MinRange) - $($Attributes.MaxRange) |" } elseif ($Null -ne $Attributes.MinRange) { "| Minimal value: | $($Attributes.MinRange) |" } elseif ($Null -ne $Attributes.MaxRange) { "| Maximal value: | $($Attributes.MaxRange) |" } if ($Null -ne $Attributes.ScriptBlock) { "| Accepted script condition: | ``$($Attributes.ScriptBlock.ToString().Trim() -Split '\s*[\r?\n]\s*' -Join '; ')`` |" } if ($Null -ne $Attributes.ValidValues) { "| Accepted values: | $($Attributes.ValidValues -Join ', ') |" } "| Type: | $(GetTypeLink($Parameter.parameterValue)) |" if ($Attributes.Aliases) { "| Aliases: | $(Attributes.Aliases -Join ', ') |" } "| Position: | $($Parameter.Position) |" "| Default value: | $($Parameter.defaultValue) |" "| Accept pipeline input: | $($Parameter.pipelineInput) |" "| Accept wildcard characters: | $($Parameter.globbing) |" } $InputTypes = $Help.inputTypes.inputType if ($InputTypes) { '## [Inputs](#inputs)' } foreach ($InputType in $InputTypes) { "### $(GetTypeLink($InputType.Type.Name))" Text $InputType.Description.Text } $ReturnValues = $Help.returnValues.returnValue if ($ReturnValues) { '## [Outputs](#outputs)' } foreach ($ReturnValue in $ReturnValues) { "### $(GetTypeLink($ReturnValue.Type.Name))" } $Links = $Help.relatedLinks.navigationLink if ($Links) { '## [Related Links](#related-links)' } foreach ($link in $Links) { $Uri = $Link.uri # Bug: $LinkText = if ($Link.linkText) { $Link.linkText } else { $Uri } "* [$linkText]($Uri)" } } |