.VERSION 1.0 .GUID ca5f8efd-05ef-47d9-a101-6a8c6419d911 .AUTHOR Aaron Guilmette .COMPANYNAME Microsoft .COPYRIGHT 2021 .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .DESCRIPTION Use this script to generate a report of managed folder assistant runs from the mailbox diagnostic log. .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .SYNOPSIS Report on the per-mailbox status of the Managed Folder Assitant. .PARAMETER ConsoleOutput Switch to enable console output. .PARAMETER Identity Specify an identity. If not specified, prompt. .PARAMETER IncludeHtmlOutput Switch to enable Html Output. .PARAMETER Outfile Report output file name. .EXAMPLE .\Get-ManagedFolderAssistantReport.ps1 -Identity john Generates managed folder assistant report for mailbox 'john'. Get-Mailbox | .\Get-ManagedFolderAssistantReport Generates managed folder assistant report for all mailboxes. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [switch]$ConsoleOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Position = 1)]$Identity, [switch]$IncludeHtmlOutput, [string]$OutFile = (Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd) + "_ManagedFolderAssistantReport.csv" ) begin { # Check parameters If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Identity') -and $MyInvocation.PipelineLength -eq 1) { [object[]]$Identity = Get-Mailbox $Identity } Else { [object[]]$Identity = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited } $global:Report = @() $Total = $Identity.Count $i = 1 } process { # Select Mailbox Identity Data If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Identity') -and $MyInvocation.PipelineLength -eq 1) { $DisplayName = $Identity.Name $Alias = $Identity.Alias $PrimarySmtp = $Identity.PrimarySmtpAddress } Else { $DisplayName = $_.Name $Alias = $_.Alias $PrimarySmtp = $_.PrimarySmtpAddress } Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering mailbox diagnostic data" -Percent (($i/$Total) * 100) -CurrentOperation "Processing $($DisplayName)" $ElcLastSuccessTimeStamp = $null $ElcLastRunDeletedFromRootItemCount = $null [xml]$MailboxLog = (Export-MailboxDiagnosticLogs -Identity $Identity.Alias -ExtendedProperties).MailboxLog $ElcLastSuccessTimeStamp = ($MailboxLog.Properties.MailboxTable.Property | ? { $_.Name -like "*ElcLastSuccessTimeStamp*" }).Value $ElcLastRunDeletedFromRootItemCount = ($MailboxLog.Properties.MailboxTable.Property | ? { $_.Name -like "*ElcLastRunDeletedFromRootItemCount*" }).Value If ($ElcLastSuccessTimeStamp -eq $null) { $ElcLastSuccessTimeStamp = "Never run" } If ($ElcLastRunDeletedFromRootItemCount -eq $null) { $ElcLastRunDeletedFromRootItemCount = "N/A" } $Entry = [PSCustomObject]@{ User = $DisplayName LastProcessed = $ElcLastSuccessTimeStamp ItemsProcessed = $ElcLastRunDeletedFromRootItemCount } $global:Report += $Entry If ($ConsoleOutput) { $Entry } $i++ } end { $Report | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutFile If ($IncludeHtmlOutput) { $Report | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File $($Outfile).Replace(".csv","html.")} Write-Host "To review the report in the console, type `$Report and press return." } |