
  .VERSION 2.1.0
  .GUID 0fd916fe-3a0d-48c4-a196-18ea085e071f
  .AUTHOR Craig Dayton
  .COPYRIGHT Absolute Zero

    Display the current Washington State lottery game results and optionally stores the
    results in a local history file.
    Displays Washington lottery game results by invoking a web request to and extracts the game results
    onto the console and optionally saves the results locally.
    Picks game winning numbers based on frequency of past winning numbers.
    Displays all the history results of a specified lottery game in the Out-Gridview.
    When used in combination with the '-picker' option, will select a set numbers to
    be played for the specified game.
  .PARAMETER online
    Displays the current lottery game results on the console.
  .PARAMETER update
    Displays the current lottery game results on the console and updates
    the history file.
    When used in combination with '-online' option, will compare the winning
    numbers to the numbers selected using the '-picker' and report on the number
    of matches.
    Displays all the history lottery game results in a Out-Gridview.
  .PARAMETER picker
    Used in combination with the 'game' option to pick a set of winning
    numbers for a game based on frequency of past winning numbers.
    If the '-all' option is used in combintion with the '-picker' option then
    then all potential game numbers will be candidates for selection.
    To restore the number selection process back to only selecting from
    the most frequently used numbers for a game, the file, JackPot-HotNums.csv
    must be deleted.
  .PARAMETER picks
    Displays the history of past games that have been played.
  .PARAMETER count
    Used in combination with the 'game' and 'picker' option to generate
    a specified set of numbers. The default is 1.
    A history csv file named, JackPot-Results.csv
    A history csv file named, JackPot-Results.csv
    The ordering of the examples below is the typically workflow
    when placing lottery game bets.
    It is not necessary to actually purchase any game tickets, but one can
    just play along as though a purchase was made.
    I doubt this code is providing any increase in the odds of winning any
    specific game.
    It will though greatly reduce the time it takes to sort out any winning
    matches from multiple tickets. Proviced one is using this code to
    select the game numbers.
    Get-JackPot -update
    Queries the lottery web page and then extracts and displays the
    current game results. The history file, JackPot-Result.csv is then
    updated with new game results.
    Routinely running this command build a local copy of all the lottery
    Get-JackPot -update -picker -game PowerBall -count 2
    Generates 2 sets winning numbers for the 'PowerBall' game
    and places the bets into the file, JackPot-Picks.csv.
    These numbers need to be generated on the same day as the
    drawing is being held.
    Example Output:
      PowerBall Game (1): 16 23 25 32 64 09
      PowerBall Game (2): 25 28 40 52 64 21
    With these numbers in hand, go to your local lottery store
    and complete the game card.
    By default only the most frequent winning numbers for the game
    are candidiates for selection. The default selection process
    can be overridden by specified '-all' option.
    Once the '-all' is specified that method becomes the new default.
    To switch back to the prior default the file, JackPot-HotNums.csv
    must be deleted.
    Valid games are 'PowerBall', 'MegaMillions', 'Lotto', 'Hit5', 'Match4',
    and 'DailyGame'.
    Get-JackPot -online -update
    Queries the lottery web page and then extracts and displays the
    current game results.
    Next the winning results are compared to the picked numbers for the
    game and a report is generated showing of balls matched per game.
    The recent game picks in the file, JackPot-Picks.csv are updated
    with the winning results and match count then moved to the file,
    JackPot-PickHostory.csv. Afterwards, the JackPot-Picks.csv file is
    Displays the last 12 game history records on the console.
    Get-JackPot -game PowerBall
    Displays all the PowerBall records in the history file.
    Get-JackPot -online
    Queries the lottery web page and then extracts and displays the
    current game results.
    Get-JackPot -picks
    Displays history of the games played compared to the drawing results.
    Author: Craig Dayton
    Updated: 03/27/2017 - Add feature to evaluate picked numbers against winning numbers
    Updated: 03/24/2017 - Added feature to generate a set of winning numbers
    Updated: 03/24/2017 - Game record duplication algorthim modified
    Updated: 03/23/2017 - Fixed some logic errors
    Updated: 03/22/2017 - initial release.

# Get-JackPot Params
        HelpMessage = "Enter a lottery game name (i.e. PowerBall)",
        HelpMessage = "Display Online Lottery Results",
        HelpMessage = "Display Online Lottery Results & update history file",
        HelpMessage = "Display all game history file records",
        HelpMessage = "Display all game history file records",
        HelpMessage = "Display the pick history of all games",
        HelpMessage = "Number of games",
        [int]$count = 1

# Declarations
  $URI1 = "";

  [String[]]$JackPotHeader  = "Game", "DrawDate","DrawDay", "Numbers", "Multiplier", "JackPot", "NextDraw", "NextDay";
  [String[]]$MultiHeader    = "Game", "HotNums","Multiplier";
  [String[]]$StdHeader      = "Game", "HotNums";
  [String[]]$DailyHeader    = "Game", "Pos1","Pos2","Pos3";
  [String[]]$PickHeader     = "Game", "PickDate","PickDay","Choices","Cost","WinNums","Matches","Prize","Multiplier";

  # Top frequent winning numbers per game
    $HotArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
    $HotArray.Add('PowerBall,03 12 16 23 25 28 32 33 40 52 64 69,02 03 05 06 09 10 12 17 19 20 21 25') | Out-Null;
    $HotArray.Add('MegaMillions,02 11 20 25 29 31 35 41 44 45 49 51,01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 12 14 15') | Out-Null;
    $HotArray.Add('Lotto,28 26 03 37 47 13 17 27 39 49 19 25 43 21 20 08 41 12 01 24 10') | Out-Null;
    $HotArray.Add('Hit5,35 37 13 33 14 23 17 12 27 07 28 02 21 03 11 34 38 10 31') | Out-Null;
    $HotArray.Add('Match4,19 18 24 05 13 08 04 02 16 07 21 06') | Out-Null;
    $HotArray.Add('DailyGame,8 5 4 7 1,7 2 9 6 5,8 0 7 2 4') | Out-Null;

  # All game numbers
    $AllArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
    $AllArray.Add('PowerBall,01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69,01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26') | Out-Null;
    $AllArray.Add('MegaMillions,01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75,01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 12 14 15') | Out-Null;
    $AllArray.Add('Lotto,01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49') | Out-Null;
    $AllArray.Add('Hit5,01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39') | Out-Null;
    $AllArray.Add('Match4,01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24') | Out-Null;
    $AllArray.Add('DailyGame,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9') | Out-Null;


# Functions

  function Convert-fileToCSV {
    param ([string]$fname)

    $bufLine  = $null;
    $game = $Global:game;
    [bool]$needNums = $true;
    $DrawDate, $DrawDay, $Numbers, $Multiplier, $Prize, $NextDate, $NextDay = $null;

    get-content -Path $fname | ForEach-Object {  # process each input line
      # evaluate any non-blank line
      if ($_ -notmatch "^ ") {
        $curLine = $_;
        if ($curLine -match "Latest Draw:" -and $DrawDate -eq $null) {
          $junk,$ld = $curline.Split(":");
          $day,$date = $ld.Split("/");
          $DrawDay = $day;
          $DrawDate = Get-Date $date -format yyyy-MM-dd;

        if ($curLine -match "^\d" -and $needNums) {
          $Numbers += $curLine + " ";

        if ($curLine -match "Power Play" -and $Multiplier -eq $null) {
          $Multiplier = $curLine.Substring(11,3);

        if ($curLine -match "Megaplier" -and $Multiplier -eq $null) {
          $Multiplier = $curLine.Substring(10,3);

        if ($curLine -match "[$]" -and $Prize -eq $null) {
          $needNums = $false;
          $Prize = $curLine;

        if ($curLine -match "Next Draw:" -and $NextDate -eq $null) {
          $junk,$ld = $curline.Split(":");
          $day,$date = $ld.Split("/");
          if ($date -ne $null ) {
            $NextDay = $day;
            $NextDate = Get-Date $date -format yyyy-MM-dd;
          } else {
            $NextDate = $day;

        if ($curLine -match "Daily" -and $NextDate -eq $null) { $NextDate = $curLine};


    $bufLine  = $game + ";" + $DrawDate + ";" + $DrawDay + ";" + $Numbers + ";";
    $bufLine += $Multiplier + ";" + $Prize + ";" + $NextDate + ";" + $NextDay;
    $bufLine | Out-File -FilePath $temp2 -Append -Encoding ascii;

    if (Test-Path $fname) { Remove-Item -Path $fname };


  function Update-JackPotHistory {
    param ([string]$fname)

    if (Test-Path $JackPot ) {
      $histLine  = Get-Content -Path $JackPot | Select-Object -Last 1;
      $currLine  = Get-Content -Path $fname | Select-Object -Last 1;

      if ($histLine -ne $currLine) { # Update history file
        $histLine  = Get-Content -Path $JackPot | Select-Object -Last 12;
        get-content -Path $fname | ForEach-Object {  # process each input line
          $curLine    = $_;
          $curLine24  = $_.Substring(0,23);
          [bool]$duplicate = $false;
          # Elimate duplcate entries in the history file
          $histLine | ForEach-Object {
            $histLine24 = $_.Substring(0,23);
            if ($curLine24 -eq $histLine24) {
              $duplicate = $true;
          if ($duplicate) {} else {
            $curLine | Out-File -FilePath $JackPot -Append -Encoding ascii;
    } else {
      get-content -Path $fname | ForEach-Object {  # process each input line
        $_ | Out-File -FilePath $JackPot -Append -Encoding ascii;

  function Get-Matches {
    param([string]$pickGame, [string]$choices, [string]$winners)

    $c1 = $choices.Split(" ");
    $w1 = $winners.Split(" ");
    [int]$matchcnt    = 0;
    [int]$gameBall    = 0;
    [int]$lastIdx     = $w1.Length - 1;
    [int[]]$matchRslt = 0,0;

    for ($i = 0;$i -le $lastIdx; $i++) {
      for ($j = 0; $j -le $lastIdx; $j++) {
        if ($c1[$i] -eq $w1[$j]) {
          if ($pickGame -eq "PowerBall" -or $pickGame -eq "MegaMillions") {
            if ($i -eq $lastIdx -and $j -eq $lastIdx) {$gameBall++; $matchcnt--; }

    $matchRslt[0] = $matchcnt;  $matchRslt[1] = $gameBall;
    return $matchRslt;


  function Update-PickHistory {
    param ([string]$fname)

    if (Test-Path $curPicks ) {
      $currentGames = Import-CSV -Path $fname -Delimiter ";" -Header $JackPotHeader;
      $currentPicks = Import-CSV -Path $curPicks -Delimiter ";" -Header $PickHeader;
      $pickResults = @();

      Write-Host "Checking prior games for matching numbers..." -ForegroundColor Yellow;

      $currentGames | ForEach-Object {
        [bool]$gameBallMatch = $false;
        $curGame = $_;
        $curGameName = $_.Game + $_.DrawDate;
        #[int]$cmpSize = ($gameName.Length + 11) - 1;
        #$curGameDate = $_DrawDate;
        $currentPicks | ForEach-Object {
          $curPick = $_;
          $curPickName = $_.Game + $_.PickDate;
          if ($curGameName -eq $curPickName) {
            $curPick.WinNums = $curGame.Numbers;
            if ($curPick.Choices -eq $curGame.Numbers) { # All numbers match!!
              $nums = $curGame.Numbers;
              $cnt = $nums.Split(" ")
              $curPick.Matches = $cnt.Length;
              $gameBallMatch = $true;
              $color = "Red";
            } else { # count matching numbers
              $matches = Get-Matches $curPick.Game $curPick.Choices $curPick.WinNums;
              $curPick.Matches = $matches[0];
              if ($matches[0] -gt 0) { $color = "Green"} else { $color = "Blue"}
              if ($matches[1] -gt 0) { $gameBallMatch = $true; $color1 = "Green"} else {$color1 = "Blue"}
            if ($curPick.Game -eq "PowerBall" -or $curPick.Game -eq "MegaMillions" ) {
              $curPick.Multiplier = $curGame.Multiplier;
            } else { 
              $curPick.Multiplier = "NA";
            $curPick | Export-CSV -Path $PickHis -Delimiter "," -Append -NoTypeInformation
            $pickResults += $curPick;
      $pickResults | Format-Table -Auto
      Write-Host "Check $URI1 for the amount won for each match" -ForegroundColor Green
      Remove-Item -Path $curPicks

  function Get-WaWebRequest {
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest -URI $URI1;

    if ($response.StatusCode -eq "200") {
      Write-Progress -Activity "Processing response from $URI1 ..." -Status "Please wait"

      $Global:game = "PowerBall";
      Write-Host " Processing $Global:game results"  -ForegroundColor Green
      $data = $($response.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("div") |
                Where-Object classname -eq "game-bucket game-bucket-powerball"
      $data.innerText | Out-File -FilePath $temp1 -Append -Encoding ascii;
      Convert-fileToCSV $temp1;

      $Global:game = "MegaMillions";
      Write-Host " Processing $Global:game results"  -ForegroundColor Green
      $data = $($response.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("div") |
                Where-Object classname -eq "game-bucket game-bucket-megamillions"
      $data.innerText | Out-File -FilePath $temp1 -Append -Encoding ascii;
      Convert-fileToCSV $temp1;

      Write-Progress -Activity "Done" -Completed;

      $Global:game = "Lotto";
      Write-Host " Processing $Global:game results"  -ForegroundColor Green
      $data = $($response.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("div") |
                Where-Object classname -eq "game-bucket game-bucket-lotto"
      $data.innerText | Out-File -FilePath $temp1 -Append -Encoding ascii;
      Convert-fileToCSV $temp1;

      $Global:game = "Hit5";
      Write-Host " Processing $Global:game results"  -ForegroundColor Green
      $data = $($response.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("div") |
                Where-Object classname -eq "game-bucket game-bucket-hit5"
      $data.innerText | Out-File -FilePath $temp1 -Append -Encoding ascii;
      Convert-fileToCSV $temp1;

      $Global:game = "Match4";
      Write-Host " Processing $Global:game results"  -ForegroundColor Green
      $data = $($response.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("div") |
                Where-Object classname -eq "game-bucket game-bucket-match4"
      $data.innerText | Out-File -FilePath $temp1 -Append -Encoding ascii;
      Convert-fileToCSV $temp1;

      $Global:game = "DailyGame";
      Write-Host " Processing $Global:game results"  -ForegroundColor Green
      $data = $($response.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("div") |
                Where-Object classname -eq "game-bucket game-bucket-dailygame"
      $data.innerText | Out-File -FilePath $temp1 -Append -Encoding ascii;
      Convert-fileToCSV $temp1;

      <# commented out Keno
        $Global:game = "Keno"; $Global:ID = 7;
        Write-Host " Processing $Global:game results" -ForegroundColor Green
        $data = $($response.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("div") |
                  Where-Object classname -eq "game-bucket game-bucket-keno"
        $data.innerText | Out-File -FilePath $temp1 -Append -Encoding ascii;
        Convert-fileToCSV $temp1;

      $currentGames = Import-CSV -Path $temp2 -Delimiter ";" -Header $JackPotHeader;
      $currentGames | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap

      if ($update) { Update-JackPotHistory $temp2; };
      if ((Test-Path $curPicks) -and $online -and $update) { Update-PickHistory $temp2 };

      if (Test-Path $temp2 ) {
        Remove-Item -Path $temp2 

    } else {
      Write-Host "Received error code: $response.StatusCode from $URI1";


  function Show-JackPotError {
    Write-Host "$JackPot not found"
    Write-Host "Execute 'Get-JackPot -update' to create the history file."
    Write-Host "Get-Help Get-JackPot -full and review the documentation."

  function Get-MultiPicker {
    $HotPB = Import-CSV -Path $HotNums -Delimiter "," -Header $MultiHeader |
      Where-Object {$_.Game -match $game };
    for ($i = 1; $i -le $count; $i++) {
      $topNums  = $HotPB.HotNums;
      $topMulti = $HotPB.Multiplier;
      $top1     = $topNums.Split(" ");
      $top2     = $topMulti.Split(" ");
      $sel1     = Get-Random -InputObject $top1 -Count 5
      $sel2     = Get-Random -InputObject $top2 -Count 1
      $sela     = $sel1 | Sort-Object;
      $selb     = [system.String]::Join(" ",$sela)
      $sel      = $selb + " " + $sel2;
      Write-Host "$game Game ($i): $sel" -ForegroundColor Green
      if ($update) {
        $dt = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd";
        $da = Get-Date -uformat %a;
        $da = " " + $da.ToUpper();
        $grec = $game + ";" + $dt + ";" + $da + ";" + $sel + ";;;";
        $grec | Out-File -FilePath $curPicks -Append -Encoding ascii;

  function Get-NumPicker {
    Param ([int]$numcnt)

    $HotPB = Import-CSV -Path $HotNums -Delimiter "," -Header $StdHeader |
      Where-Object {$_.Game -match $game };

    for ($i = 1; $i -le $count; $i++) {
      $topNums  = $HotPB.HotNums;
      $top1     = $topNums.Split(" ");
      $sel1     = Get-Random -InputObject $top1 -Count $numcnt
      $sela     = $sel1 | Sort-Object;
      $selb     = [system.String]::Join(" ",$sela)
      Write-Host "$game Game ($i): $selb" -ForegroundColor Green
      if ($update) {
        $dt = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd";
        $da = Get-Date -uformat %a;
        $da = " " + $da.ToUpper();
        $grec = $game + ";" + $dt + ";" + $da + ";" + $selb + ";;;";
        $grec | Out-File -FilePath $curPicks -Append -Encoding ascii;

  function Get-GameNumbers {

    if (Test-Path $HotNums) {} else { 
      # Create the file dynamically
      $HotArray | ForEach-Object {
        $_ | Out-File -FilePath $HotNums -Append -Encoding ascii;

    if ($all) {
      if (Test-Path $HotNums) { Remove-Item -Path $HotNums }
        $HotArray | ForEach-Object {
          $_ | Out-File -FilePath $HotNums -Append -Encoding ascii;

    switch ($game) {
      "PowerBall" {
      "MegaMillions" {
      "Lotto" {
        Get-NumPicker 6
      "Hit5" {
        Get-NumPicker 5
      "Match4" {
        Get-NumPicker 4
      "DailyGame" {
        $HotPB = Import-CSV -Path $HotNums -Delimiter "," -Header $DailyHeader |
          Where-Object {$_.Game -match $game };
        for ($i = 1; $i -le $count; $i++) {
          $topPos1  = $HotPB.Pos1;
          $topPos2  = $HotPB.Pos2;
          $topPos3  = $HotPB.Pos3;
          $pos1     = $topPos1.Split(" ");
          $pos2     = $topPos2.Split(" ");
          $pos3     = $topPos3.Split(" ");
          $sel1     = Get-Random -InputObject $pos1 -Count 1
          $sel2     = Get-Random -InputObject $pos2 -Count 1
          $sel3     = Get-Random -InputObject $pos3 -Count 1
          $sel      = $sel1 + " " + $sel2 + " " + $sel3;
          Write-Host "$game Game ($i): $sel" -ForegroundColor Green
          if ($update) {
            $dt = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd";
            $da = Get-Date -uformat %a;
            $da = " " + $da.ToUpper();
            $grec = $game + ";" +$dt + ";" + $da + ";" + $sel + ";;;";
            $grec | Out-File -FilePath $curPicks -Append -Encoding ascii;

      Default {
        Write-Host "$game not found" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "Valid game names are: 'PowerBall, MegaMillions, Hit5, Match4, and DailyGame' " -ForegroundColor Green



# Main Routine

  $sPath    = Get-Location;
  $temp1    = "$sPath\temp1.txt";
  $temp2    = "$sPath\temp2.txt";
  $JackPot  = "$sPath\JackPot-Results.csv";
  $HotNums  = "$sPath\JackPot-HotNums.csv";
  $curPicks    = "$sPath\JackPot-Picks.csv";
  $PickHis  = "$sPath\JackPot-PickHistory.csv";

  if (Test-Path $temp1 ) {
    Remove-Item -Path $temp1 

  if (Test-Path $temp2 ) {
    Remove-Item -Path $temp2 

  $choice = $null;
  if ($game -and $picker) { $choice = "GamePicker"} 
  elseif ($online -or $update) { $choice = "WebRequest"}
  elseif ($game) { $choice = "GameHistory"}
  elseif ($all) { $choice = "AllHistory"}
  elseif ($picks) { $choice = "PickHistory"}

  switch ($choice) {
    "WebRequest" {
    "GameHistory" {
      if (Test-Path $JackPot) {
        $currentGames = Import-CSV -Path $JackPot -Delimiter ";" -Header $JackPotHeader |
          Where-Object {$_.Game -match $game };
        if ($currentGames) { 
          $currentGames |  Out-GridView -Title "$game at $URI1"
        } else {
          Write-Host "$game not found" -ForegroundColor Red
          Write-Host "Valid game names are: 'PowerBall, MegaMillions, Hit5, Match4, and DailyGame' " -ForegroundColor Green
      } else { Show-JackPotError; }

    "GamePicker" {
    "AllHistory" {
      if (Test-Path $JackPot) {
        Import-CSV -Path $JackPot -Delimiter ";" -Header $JackPotHeader | Out-GridView -Title "Listing of lottery game records"
      } else { Show-JackPotError; }
    "PickHistory" {
      if (Test-Path $JackPot) {
        $currentPicks = Import-CSV -Path $PickHis
        #$currentPicks | Select-Object | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap;
        $currentPicks | Out-GridView -Title "Listing of games played history"
      } else { Show-JackPotError; }
    Default {
      if (Test-Path $JackPot) {
        $currentGames = Import-CSV -Path $JackPot -Delimiter ";" -Header $JackPotHeader;
        $currentGames | Select-Object -Last 12 | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap;
      } else { Show-JackPotError; }
