

This script analyzes Microsoft Intune Management Extension (IME) log(s) and creates timeline report from found log events.

Report is saved to HTML file. Events are also shown in Powershell console window.

Timeline report includes information about Intune Win32App, WinGetApp, Powershell scripts, Remedation scripts and custom Compliance Policy scripts events. Windows
This script analyzes Microsoft Intune Management Extension (IME) log(s) and creates timeline report from found log events.

Report is saved to HTML file. Events are also shown in Powershell console window.

Timeline report includes information about Intune Win32App, WinGetApp, Powershell scripts, Remedation scripts and custom Compliance Policy scripts events. Windows Autopilot ESP phases are also shown on timeline.

Script also includes really capable Log Viewer UI if scripts is started with parameter -ShowLogViewerUI

LogViewerUI (Out-GridView) looks a lot like cmtrace.exe tool but it is better because all found log actions are added to log for easier debugging.

LogViewerUI has good search and filtering capabilities. Try to filter known log entries in Timeline: Add criteria -> ProcessRunTime -> is not empty.

What really differentiates this LogViewer from other tools is it's capability to convert GUIDs to known names
try parameter -ConvertAllKnownGuidsToClearText and you can see for example real application names instead of GUIDs on log events.

Selecting last line (RELOAD) and OK will reload log file.

Script can merge multiple log files so especially in LogViewerUI you can see Powershell command outputs from AgentExecutor.log

Powershell command outputs and errors can be also shown in Timeline view with parameters -ShowStdOutInReport and -ShowErrorsInReport
This shows instantly what is possible problem in Powershell scripts.

Possible Microsoft 365 App and MSI Line-of-Business Apps (maybe change to Win32App ;) installations are not seen by this report because they are not installed with Intune Management Agent.

Senior Modern Management Principal
Microsoft MVP - Windows and Intune


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Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Script -Name Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Package Details




Intune Windows Autopilot troubleshooting log analyzer


RecordStatusToTimeline Get-AppIntent Get-AppIntentNameForNumber Get-AppDetectionResultForNumber Get-AppName Get-AppType Convert-AppDetectionValuesToHumanReadable Invoke-MgGraphRequestGetAllPages Get-IntunePowershellScriptContentInCleartext Get-IntuneRemediationDetectionScriptContentInCleartext Get-IntuneRemediationRemediateScriptContentInCleartext Get-IntuneCustomComplianceScriptContentInCleartext Fix-HTMLSyntax Fix-HTMLColumns return-ObjectPropertiesAsAlignedString


This script has no dependencies.

Release Notes

Version 1.0:  Original published version
Version 1.1:  Win32App and WinGetApp Required/Available and Install/Uninstall intent is detected right
Win32App Supersedence should be recognized (first uninstall and then install)
Win32App failed (un)install process is detected
Win32App Download Statistics table added
Added export to text files
Version 2.0:  Huge new feature is to create html report
Html report is primary reporting and console observed timeline is secondary
All future development will be done to html report
Console timeline will be available for example for OOBE troubleshooting scenarios
Added App detection events to timeline
Html report entries support HoverOn ToolTips which include more information
Version 2.3:  Updated script to use Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module to download data from Graph API
Version 2.4:  Fix to process new log files AppWorkload.log
Version 3.0:  Support for Intune Device Preparation.
Shows Remediation and PowerShell platform script contents and script output (if available) in (hover on) ToolTip with -Online option
Copy any ToolTip data including PowerShell scripts
-DoNotDownloadClearTextRemediationScriptsToReport - New option not to download Remediation script in clear text


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
3.0 (current version) 15,512 9/17/2024
2.4 813 8/29/2024
2.3 4,903 5/9/2024
2.0 8,289 9/26/2023
1.1 2,735 3/13/2023
1.0 73 3/7/2023
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