using namespace System.Collections.Generic function Get-FilesForMCTF($cfg,$file){ #set output file names $now = (get-date) $of_FreightItemsAll = ("{0:yyyyMMdd}-FreightItemsAll.csv" -f $now) $of_CompanyTR = ("{0:yyyyMMdd}-CompanyExceptions.csv" -f $now) $of_FreightTR = ("{0:yyyyMMdd}-FreightExceptions.csv" -f $now) $of_FreightItemsG = ("{0:yyyyMMdd}-FreightItemsGood.csv" -f $now) $of_FreightItemsB = ("{0:yyyyMMdd}-FreightItemsBad.csv" -f $now) l "Getting FreightItems" $FreightItems = Get-FreightItemsForMCTF $cfg.sql $cfg.cs $of_FreightItemsAll l "FreightItems:`t$($FreightItems.count)" if ($FreightItems.count -eq 0){ l "no data to process" break; } l "Getting Company and Freight TestResults" $TestResults = Get-TestResultsForMCTF $FreightItems $cfg.tests $cfg.companytypes $CompanyTR = $TestResults[0] $FreightTR = $TestResults[1] l "CompanyTR:`t$($CompanyTR.count)" l "FreightTR:`t$($FreightTR.count)" l "Getting Good/Bad FreightItems" $FreightItemsGB = Split-FreightItemsGBForMCTF $FreightItems $FreightTR $FreightItemsG = $FreightItemsGB[0] $FreightItemsB = $FreightItemsGB[1] l "FreightItemsG:`t$($FreightItemsG.count)" l "FreightItemsB:`t$($FreightItemsB.count)" l "Saving Files" ConvertTo-TaxFile $cfg $file $FreightItemsG $CompanyTR | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $of_CompanyTR $FreightTR | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $of_FreightTR $FreightItemsG | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $of_FreightItemsG $FreightItemsB | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $of_FreightItemsB l "Zipping Files" $FilesToZip = $of_CompanyTR,$of_FreightTR,$of_FreightItemsG,$of_FreightItemsB,$file $ZipFile = "$" Compress-Archive -Path $FilesToZip -Force -DestinationPath $ZipFile } function Get-TestResultsForMCTF($FreightItems,$Tests,$CompanyTypeMappings){ #get freight only test results $tt = $Tests | Where-Object Type -eq "Freight" $FreightOnlyTR = @() foreach ($t in $tt) { foreach ($f in $FreightItems) { if ($f.$($t.field) -NotMatch $t.test) { $FreightOnlyTR += [pscustomobject]@{ ord_hdrnumber = $f.ord_hdrnumber fgt_number = $f.fgt_number test = $ current = $f.$($t.field) } } } } #get company only test results $CompanyTR = @() foreach ($ctm in $CompanyTypeMappings) { $companies = $FreightItems | Where-Object $ctm.k -match ".+" | Group-Object $ctm.f | ForEach-Object { $_.Group[0] | Select-Object $ctm.f } $tt = $Tests | Where-Object Type -eq $ctm.t foreach ($c in $companies) { foreach ($t in $tt) { if ($c.$($t.field) -NotMatch $t.test) { $CompanyTR += [pscustomobject]@{ type = $t.type cmp_id = $c.$($ctm.k) test = $ current = $c.$($t.field) } } } } } #convert the company results to a single record formatted like the freight errors $BadCompanyTRF = @() foreach ($ctm in $CompanyTypeMappings) { $CompanyTRGroups = $CompanyTR | Where-Object Type -eq $ctm.t | Group-Object Type foreach ($c in $CompanyTRGroups) { $badids = [HashSet[string]]::new([string[]]($c.Group.cmp_id)) foreach ($f in $FreightItems) { if ($badids.Contains($f.$($ctm.k))) { $BadCompanyTRF += [PSCustomObject]@{ ord_hdrnumber = $f.ord_hdrnumber fgt_number = $f.fgt_number test = "Bad {0} Record" -f $ctm.t current = $f.$($ctm.k) } } } } } #return company errors and combined errors formatted for freight. $CompanyTR,($FreightOnlyTR + $BadCompanyTRF) } function Get-FreightItemsForMCTF($sqlfile,$cs,$of_FreightItemsAll){ if(Test-Path $sqlfile){ $sql = Get-Content $sqlfile -Raw $dt = Get-DataTableFromSQL $sql $cs $dt | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty RowError,RowState,Table,ItemArray,HasErrors | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $of_FreightItemsAll Import-Csv $of_FreightItemsAll } } function Split-FreightItemsGBForMCTF($FreightItems,$FreightTR){ if ($FreightTR.count -eq 0){ $FreightItems,@() }else{ $b_fgt_numbers = [HashSet[string]]::new([string[]]($FreightTR.fgt_number)) $v = $FreightItems | Group-Object {$b_fgt_numbers.Contains($_.fgt_number)} -AsHashTable -AsString $FreightItemsG = $v.False $FreightItemsB = $v.True if($null -eq $FreightItemsG){$FreightItemsG = @()} if($null -eq $FreightItemsB){$FreightItemsB = @()} $FreightItemsG,$FreightItemsB } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-FilesForMCTF |