.Synopsis Download Cumulative Update for Exchange 2013/2016 to specified servers .DESCRIPTION Download Cumulative Update for Exchange 2013/2016 to specified servers .EXAMPLE Get-MailboxServer | Get-ExchangeCU -Version '2013_CU18' Download Cumulative Update to given Exchange servers at default location(\\Server\C$\Source). .EXAMPLE Get-ExchangeCU -Version '2013_CU18' -Name Server1,Server2 Download Cumulative Update to given Exchange servers at default location(\\Server\C$\Source). .EXAMPLE Get-MailboxServer | Get-ExchangeCU -Version '2013_CU18' [[-Directory 'C$\Source'] [-RemoveTemp]] Download Cumulative Update to given Exchange servers at specified location and remove temporary downloaded file .EXAMPLE Get-ExchangeCU -Version '2013_CU18' -Name Server1,Server2 [[-Directory 'C$\Source'] [-RemoveTemp]] Download Cumulative Update to given Exchange servers at specified location and remove temporary downloaded file .NOTES Author: Rune Moskvil Lyngås Version history: 1.0.3 - Added download urls into the module. No need to find them yourself anymore! Woho! :) 1.0.2 - Converted to a function. This makes it easier to import it through a powershell profile 1.0.1 - Fixed a bug where file would not be copied to all given servers when parameter $Name were given explicitly. This would not happen if names were pipelined in - Cleaned up the script a bit - More info are written to console 1.0.0 - Initial release Last updated: 31.10.2017 #> Function Get-ExchangeCU { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = "Exchange CU version to download")] [ValidateSet("2013_CU1", "2013_CU2", "2013_CU3", "2013_CU4/SP1", "2013_CU5", "2013_CU6", "2013_CU7", "2013_CU8", "2013_CU9", "2013_CU10", "2013_CU11", "2013_CU12", "2013_CU13", "2013_CU14", "2013_CU15", "2013_CU16", "2013_CU17", "2013_CU18", "2016_CU1", "2016_CU2", "2016_CU3", "2016_CU4", "2016_CU5", "2016_CU6", "2016_CU7")] [string]$Version, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = "Exchange servers. Given as an array: Server1,Server2")] [string[]]$Name, [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Download location on Exchange server. Given as an UNC path without the server name. Example: 'C$\Source' or 'Source'")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Directory = "C$\Source", [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Give this switch to remove Cumulative Update from temp folder when script is done")] [switch]$RemoveTemp ) begin { # get download link Write-Host "'$Version' - Getting download link : " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline [string]$Url = Get-ExchangeCUUri -Version $Version if ($Url -eq $null -or $Url -eq "" -or $Url.ToUpper() -eq "N/A") { Write-Host "Download link not available anymore. Please try a different version" -ForegroundColor Red break; } else { Write-Host "'$Url'" -ForegroundColor Green } # get filename of CU $FileName = Split-Path $Url -Leaf # create TempFile variable for CU $TempFile = $env:TEMP + "\$FileName" # download CU to $TempFile if (!(Test-Path $TempFile)) { Write-Host "Downloading '$FileName' to '$TempFile' : " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline try { Start-BitsTransfer -Destination $TempFile -Source $Url -Description "Downloading $FileName to $TempFile" -ErrorAction Continue Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Host "Failed ($_)" -ForegroundColor Red Return; } } } process { foreach ($Server in $Name) { $ServerPath = "\\$Server\$Directory" # make sure path exists on $Server if (!(Test-Path $ServerPath)) { Write-Host "Creating folder '$ServerPath' : " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline try { New-Item -Path $ServerPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Host "Failed ($_)" -ForegroundColor Red Return; } } # copy CU to server $ServerPath = "\\$Server\$Directory\$FileName" if (!(Test-Path $ServerPath)) { Write-Host "Copying '$FileName' to '$ServerPath' : " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline try { Copy-Item -Path $TempFile -Destination $ServerPath -Force Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Host "Failed ($_)" -ForegroundColor Red if ($RemoveTemp) { $PSBoundParameters.Remove('RemoveTemp') | Out-Null Write-Verbose "RemoveTemp switch was removed due to an error with copying '$FileName' to '$ServerPath'" } } } } } end { if ($RemoveTemp) { Write-Host "Removing temporary file '$TempFile' : " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline try { Remove-Item -Path $TempFile -Force -Confirm:$False Write-Host "OK" -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Host "Failed ($_)" -ForegroundColor Red } } } } Function Get-ExchangeCUUri { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Version ) # Exchange hash table $UriHashExchange = @{ "2013_CU1" = "N/A"; "2013_CU2" = "N/A"; "2013_CU3" = "N/A"; "2013_CU4/SP1" = ""; "2013_CU5" = "N/A"; "2013_CU6" = "N/A"; "2013_CU7" = "N/A"; "2013_CU8" = "N/A"; "2013_CU9" = "N/A"; "2013_CU10" = "N/A"; "2013_CU11" = "N/A"; "2013_CU12" = "N/A"; "2013_CU13" = "N/A"; "2013_CU14" = "N/A"; "2013_CU15" = ""; "2013_CU16" = ""; "2013_CU17" = ""; "2013_CU18" = ""; "2016_CU1" = ""; "2016_CU2" = ""; "2016_CU3" = "N/A"; "2016_CU4" = ""; "2016_CU5" = ""; "2016_CU6" = ""; "2016_CU7" = ""; } return $UriHashExchange.Item($Version) } |