.Version 1.0 .Guid 038a1c05-b1da-48c9-893d-4084b99f831b .Author Thomas J. Malkewitz @dotps1 .Tags WannaCry, WannaCrypt, EternalBlue, SMB1, Malware .ProjectUri .ExternalModuleDependencies NetTCPIP .ReleaseNotes Refactor of Test-WannaCryVulnerability, uses a CIM Session to gather data, rather then multipule WMI calls. #> <# .Synopsis Gets EternalBlue vulnerability information. .Description Test for applicable patches to prevent the WannaCry malware. Tests for SMB1 protocol and component. .Inputs System.String Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession .Outputs System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject .Parameter ComputerName System.String ComputerName to gather information from. .Parameter Credential System.Management.Automation.PSCredential Credential used to establish a connection. .Parameter CimSession Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession Pre established CimSession used to connect. .Example PS C:\> Get-EternalBlueVulnerabilityStatistics PSComputerName : my-win7-rig OperatingSystemCaption : Microsoft Windows 7 Professional OperatingSystemVersion : 6.1.7601 LastBootUpTime : 5/14/2017 3:38:38 PM AppliedHotFixID : KB4012212;KB4015546;KB4015549 SMB1FeatureEnabled : False SMB1ProtocolEnabled : False Port139Enabled : True Port445Enabled : True .Example PS C:\> Get-ADComputer -Identity domain-win7-rig | Get-EternalBlueVulnerabilityStatistics PSComputerName : domain-win7-rig OperatingSystemCaption : Microsoft Windows 7 Professional OperatingSystemVersion : 6.1.7601 LastBootUpTime : 3/14/2017 3:38:38 PM AppliedHotFixID : SMB1FeatureEnabled : False SMB1ProtocolEnabled : True Port139Enabled : True Port445Enabled : True .Notes WannaCry/WannaCrypt (EternalBlue) vulnerability is only applicable to Microsoft Windows 10 1607 and prior, 1702 was not affected. .Link .Link,-smbv2,-and-smbv3-in-windows-vista,-windows-server-2008,-windows-7,-windows-server-2008-r2,-windows-8,-and-windows-server-2012 .Link .Link .Link #> #requires -Module NetTCPIP [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = "ByComputerName" )] [OutputType( [PSCustomObject] )] param ( [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "ByComputerName", ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateScript({ if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 1 -Quiet) { return $true } else { throw "Failed to contact '$_'." } })] [Alias( "ComputerName" )] [String[]] $Name = $env:COMPUTERNAME, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "ByComputerName" )] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential = [PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "ByCimSession", ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession[]] $CimSession ) begin { $hotFixIDs = @( "KB3205409", "KB3210720", "KB3210721", "KB3212646", "KB3213986", "KB4012212", "KB4012213", "KB4012214", "KB4012215", "KB4012216", "KB4012217", "KB4012218", "KB4012220", "KB4012598", "KB4012606", "KB4013198", "KB4013389", "KB4013429", "KB4015217", "KB4015438", "KB4015546", "KB4015547", "KB4015548", "KB4015549", "KB4015550", "KB4015551", "KB4016635", "KB4019215", "KB4019216", "KB4019472" ) function Get-Data ([Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession]$CimSession, [Array]$HotfixIDs) { # Operating System Data Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering EternalBlue vulnerability information from '$nameValue'" -CurrentOperation "Retrieve operating system information" -PercentComplete 20 $osInformation = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $CimSession -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Property Caption, LastBootUpTime, Version # Hotfix Data Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering EternalBlue vulnerability information from '$nameValue'" -CurrentOperation "Retrieve operating hotfix id" -PercentComplete 40 $appliedHotFixID = (Get-CimInstance -CimSession $CimSession -ClassName Win32_QuickFixEngineering).Where({ $_.HotFixID -in $HotfixIDs }).HotFixID # SMB1Feature Data Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering EternalBlue vulnerability information from '$nameValue'" -CurrentOperation "Retrieve SMB1 feature state" -PercentComplete 60 $smb1Feature = (Get-CimInstance -CimSession $CimSession -ClassName Win32_OptionalFeature -Property InstallState -Filter "Name = 'SMB1Protocol'").InstallState if ($smb1Feature -eq 1) { $smb1FeatureEnabled = $true } else { $smb1FeatureEnabled = $false } # SMB1Protocol Data Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering EternalBlue vulnerability information from '$nameValue'" -CurrentOperation "Retrieve SMB1 protocol state" -PercentComplete 80 $smb1Protocol = (Invoke-CimMethod -CimSession $CimSession -ClassName StdRegProv -MethodName GetDwordValue -Arguments @{ hDefKey = [uint32]2147483650; sSubKeyName = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters"; sValueName = "SMB1" }).uValue if ($smb1Protocol -eq 0) { $smb1ProtocolEnabled = $false } else { $smb1ProtocolEnabled = $true } # SMB1Port Data Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering EternalBlue vulnerability information from '$nameValue'" -CurrentOperation "Retrieve SMB port state" -PercentComplete 100 $port139TestConnection = (Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $CimSession.ComputerName -Port 139).TcpTestSucceeded $port445TestConnection = (Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $CimSession.ComputerName -Port 445).TcpTestSucceeded return [PSCustomObject]@{ PSComputerName = $CimSession.ComputerName OperatingSystemCaption = $osInformation.Caption OperatingSystemVersion = $osInformation.Version LastBootUpTime = $osInformation.LastBootUpTime AppliedHotFixID = $appliedHotFixID -join ";" SMB1FeatureEnabled = $smb1FeatureEnabled SMB1ProtocolEnabled = $smb1ProtocolEnabled Port139Enabled = $port139TestConnection Port445Enabled = $port445TestConnection } } } process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "ByComputerName" { foreach ($nameValue in $Name) { try { $protocol = "WSMAN" $protocolTest = Test-WSMan -ComputerName $name if ($null -eq $protocolTest -or $protocol.ProductVersion -contains "Stack: 2.0") { $protocol = "DCOM" } } catch { $protocol = "DCOM" } try { $sessionParameters = @{ ComputerName = $nameValue SessionOption = (New-CimSessionOption -Protocol $protocol) ErrorAction = "Stop" } $credentialBoundParameter = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey( "Credential" ) if ($credentialBoundParameter) { $sessionParameters.Add( "Credential", $Credential ) } $session = New-CimSession @sessionParameters } catch { Write-Error -Message $_.ToString() continue } $output = Get-Data -CimSession $session -HotfixIDs $hotFixIDs Write-Output -InputObject $output Remove-CimSession -CimSession $session } } "ByCimSession" { foreach ($cimSessionValue in $CimSession) { $output = Get-Data -CimSession $cimSessionValue -HotfixIDs $hotFixIDs Write-Output -InputObject $output } } } } |