
.GUID 5d9f26b3-986a-4721-b4c8-24d9c47dd66c
.AUTHOR aheukels

Get Distribution Groups of Office 365 Groups and save them to an CSV file



function main(){

        Write-Host "Connect to $Connect"
    if ($Connect -eq "Office365") {
    }#end if
    elseif ($Connect -eq "ExchangeOP") {
        try {
        }#end try
        catch [System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingValidationException] {
            Write-Host "Please check connectionUri in the script function Connect-ExchangeOP" -ForegroundColor Red
        }#end catch
    }#end else

    if (($connect -eq "Office365") -and ($GroupeType -eq "DistributionGroups")) {
    elseif (($connect -eq "Office365") -and ($GroupeType -eq "Office365Groups")) {
    elseif (($connect -eq "ExchangeOP") -and ($GroupeType -eq "DistributionGroups")) {

    elseif (($connect -eq "ExchangeOP") -and ($GroupeType -eq "Office365Groups")) {
        Write-Host "Office365 Groups are not supported in Exchange On-Premise"
    if ($csv) {
        if (($GroupeType -eq "DistributionGroups") -and ($Connect = "Office365")) {
            Write-OutputDistributionGroups $csv
        }#end if
        elseif (($GroupeType -eq "Office365Groups") -and ($Connect = "Office365"))  {
            Write-OutputO365Groups $csv
        }#end elseif
        elseif (($GroupeType -eq "DistributionGroups") -and ($Connect = "ExchangeOP")){
            Write-Host "Function aan bedenken"
        }#end elseif
        elseif (($GroupeType -eq "Office365Groups") -and ($Connect = "ExchangeOP")){
            Write-Host "There are no Office365Groups within Exchange On-Premise " -BackgroundColor Red
        }#end if

Function connect-Office365() {
    if (!($365session)) {

        $global:o365cred=get-credential -Username $username  -Message "Office 365"
        $global:365Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange  -Credential $global:o365cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection -ConnectionUri ""
        Import-PSSession $global:365session -AllowClobber -Prefix Office365   
    }#end if
}#end function

Function connect-ExchangeOP() {
    if (!($ExchangeOPsession)){
            $global:ExchangeOPsession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange  -Authentication Kerberos -AllowRedirection -ConnectionUri ""
            Import-PSSession $global:ExchangeOPsession -AllowClobber -Prefix ExchangeOP
    }#end if
}#end function

function Get-Office365GroupMembers() { 
        Write-Host "Getting all the members for each O365 Group in the tenant ..." -foregroundcolor Green     
        Write-Host "Getting all the users per Group ..." -ForegroundColor Green     
        foreach ($O365Group in $O365Groups)  
            Write-Host "Members of Group: " $O365Group.DisplayName -ForegroundColor Green
            Get-office365UnifiedGroupLinks �Identity $O365Group.Identity �LinkType Members
    catch [System.Exception] 
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $_.Exception.ToString()    

function Get-Office365DistributionMembers() { 
        Write-Host "Getting all the members for each O365 Distribution Group in the tenant ..." -foregroundcolor Green     
        Write-Host "Getting all the users per Distribution Group ..." -ForegroundColor Green     
        foreach ($O365DistributionGroup in $O365DistributionGroups)  
            Write-Host "Members of Distribution Group: " $O365DistributionGroup.DisplayName -ForegroundColor Green 
            Get-Office365DistributionGroupMember �Identity $O365DistributionGroup.Identity
    catch [System.Exception] 
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $_.Exception.ToString()    

function Get-OnPremiseDistributionMembers() { 
        Write-Host "Getting all the members for each O365 Distribution Group in the tenant ..." -foregroundcolor Green     
        Write-Host "Getting all the users per Distribution Group ..." -ForegroundColor Green     
        foreach ($ExchangeOPDistributionGroup in $ExchangeOPDistributionGroups)  
            Write-Host "Members of Distribution Group: " $ExchangeOPDistributionGroup.DisplayName -ForegroundColor Green 
            Get-ExchangeOPDistributionGroupMember �Identity $ExchangeOPDistributionGroup.Identity
            if ($csv) {
                Write-OutputDistributionGroups $csv    
    catch [System.Exception] 
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $_.Exception.ToString()    

function Write-OutputO365Groups($csv) {

    $output = @()
    $groups = get-Office365unifiedgroup | select DisplayName,PrimarySmtpAddress,AccessType
    Write-Host "....Please wait, writing export $csv" -ForegroundColor Green
    foreach ($group in $groups) {
����    $members = Get-Office365UnifiedGroupLinks $group.PrimarySmtpAddress -linktype members -resultsize unlimited
����    foreach ($member in $members) {
��������    $userItem = new-object PSObject
��������    $userItem | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "GroupName" -Value $group.DisplayName
��������    $userItem | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "UserEmail" -Value $member.PrimarySmtpAddress
            $userItem | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "GroupEmail" -Value $group.PrimarySmtpAddress
��������    $output += $userItem

            $output | Export-Csv -Path $csv -NoTypeInformation
����    }

function Write-OutputDistributionGroups($csv) {

    $output = @()
    $groups = Get-Office365DistributionGroup | select DisplayName,PrimarySmtpAddress
    Write-Host "....Please wait, writing export $csv" -ForegroundColor Green
    foreach ($group in $groups) {
����    $members = Get-Office365DistributionGroupMember -Identity $group.PrimarySmtpAddress
����    foreach ($member in $members) {
��������    $userItem = new-object PSObject
��������    $userItem | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "GroupName" -Value $group.DisplayName
            $userItem | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "UserEmail" -Value $member.PrimarySmtpAddress��������    
            $userItem | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "GroupEmail" -Value $group.PrimarySmtpAddress
��������    $output += $userItem

            $output | Export-Csv -Path $csv -NoTypeInformation
����    }
