<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0 .GUID 3ea9e272-1260-4365-9c4f-69d02d63a0a7 .AUTHOR @AndrewZtrhgf .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS sccm log .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Function for anyone who need to read SCCM logs, but do not know which :) .SYNOPSIS Function for opening of logs based on type of problem you have. So you don't have to remember which logs are for which problems. If possible, opens them in LogViewer or CMTrace or as last resort in default associated program. Besides opening the log, function outputs the purpose of that log. List of all SCCM logs .PARAMETER computerName Name of computer whose logs you are interested in. In case the problem is related to SCCM server, this parameter will be omitted. .PARAMETER problem Type of problem you are investigating. NotificationServerInstall NotificationServer NotificationClient AppInstallation AppDiscovery AppDownload Client Discovery CMClientInstallation CMClientPush CMG CMGClient CMGDeployment Compliance Co-Management ContentDistribution Inventory PolicyProcessing PXE OSInstallation WOL .PARAMETER maxHistory How much archived logs you want to see. Default is 0. .PARAMETER SCCMServer Name of SCCM server. Will be automatically used in case the problem is related to server, not the client. Default is $_SCCMServer. .EXAMPLE Get-CMLog -computerName titan01 -problem AppInstallation Opens all logs related to application installation problems in computer titan01. .EXAMPLE Get-CMLog -problem PXE -SCCMServer 'mysccmservername' Opens all logs related to PXE problem on SCCM server 'mysccmservername'. .NOTES To add new "problem" area: - add its name to ValidateSet of $problem parameter - add its name to $serverProblems if applicable - add new section to switch section #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $computerName , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidateSet("AppInstallation", "AppDiscovery", "AppDownload", "PXE", "ContentDistribution", "OSInstallation", "CMClientInstallation", "CMClientPush", "Co-Management", "PolicyProcessing", "CMG", "CMGClient", "CMGDeployment", "Compliance", "Client Discovery", "Inventory", "WOL", "NotificationServerInstall", "NotificationServer", "NotificationClient")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $problem , [int] $maxHistory = 0 , [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $SCCMServer = $_SCCMServer ) begin { # list of 'problems' whose logs are stored on SCCM server $serverProblems = "PXE", "ContentDistribution", "CMClientPush", "CMG", "CMGClient", "CMGDeployment", "Client Discovery", "WOL" if ($problem -in $serverProblems -and !$SCCMServer) { throw "Problem '$problem' is related to SCCM server, but you didn't specify SCCMServer parameter." } if ($problem -in $serverProblems -and $computerName) { Write-Warning "Problem '$problem' is related to SCCM server ($SCCMServer). Therefore ignoring computerName parameter." } # client log location if ($computerName) { $clLog = "\\$computerName\C$\Windows\CCM\Logs" } else { $clLog = "C:\Windows\CCM\Logs" } # client setup log location if ($computerName) { $clStpLog = "\\$computerName\C$\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs" } else { $clStpLog = "C:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs\" } # server log locations $servLog = "\\$SCCMServer\C$\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Logs" $servLog2 = "\\$SCCMServer\C$\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs" # use best possible log viewer $cmLogViewer = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Endpoint Manager\AdminConsole\bin\CMLogViewer.exe" $cmTrace = "$env:windir\CCM\CMTrace.exe" if (Test-Path $cmLogViewer) { $viewer = $cmLogViewer } elseif (Test-Path $cmTrace) { $viewer = $cmTrace } } process { function _openLog { param ( [string[]] $logs ) # open even archived log if ($maxHistory) { $parent = Split-Path $logs -Parent | Select-Object -Unique $availableLogs = Get-ChildItem $parent -Filter "*.log" -Force -File | Select-Object -exp fullname $previousLogs = @() foreach ($log in $logs) { $logName = (Split-Path $log -Leaf) -replace "\.log$" # archived log in named with suffix originalLog-someNumbers.log or as originalLog.lo_ $previousLogs += $availableLogs | where { $_ -match ([Regex]::Escape("$logName") + "-|$logName\.lo_$") } | Select-Object -Last $maxHistory } $logs = @($logs) + @($previousLogs) | Select-Object -Unique } if ($viewer -and $viewer -match "CMLogViewer\.exe$") { # open all logs in one CMLogViewer instance $quotedLog = ($logs | % { "`"$_`"" }) -join " " Start-Process $viewer -ArgumentList $quotedLog } else { # cmtrace (or notepad) don't support opening multiple logs in one instance, so open each log in separate viewer process foreach ($log in $logs) { if (!(Test-Path $log -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Warning "Log $log wasn't found" continue } Write-Verbose "Opening $log" if ($viewer -and $viewer -match "CMTrace\.exe$") { # in case CMTrace viewer exists, use it Start-Process $viewer -ArgumentList "`"$log`"" } else { # use associated viewer & $log } } } } switch ($problem) { "AppInstallation" { "" "AppDiscovery" "AppIntentEval" "AppEnforce" "Execmgr" "`nMore info at" _openLog "$clLog\AppDiscovery.log", "$clLog\AppEnforce.log", "$clLog\AppIntentEval.log", "$clLog\Execmgr.log" } "AppDiscovery" { "" "AppDiscovery" _openLog "$clLog\AppDiscovery.log" } "AppDownload" { "DataTransferService" "Or try in PowerShell console: Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers | sort jobid | fl *" _openLog "$clLog\DataTransferService.log" } "PXE" { "Distmgr" "Smspxe" "MP_ClientIDManager" _openLog "$servLog2\Distmgr.log", "$servLog\Smspxe.log", "$servLog2\Smspxe.log", "$servLog\MP_ClientIDManager.log" } "ContentDistribution" { "Distmgr" _openLog "$servLog2\Distmgr.log" } "OSInstallation" { "" "MP_ClientIDManager (stored on MP!)" "Smsts" "Execmgr" _openLog "$servLog\MP_ClientIDManager.log", "$clLog\Smsts.log", "$clLog\Execmgr.log" } "CMClientInstallation" { "Ccmsetup" "Ccmsetup-ccmeval" "CcmRepair" "Client.msi" "client.msi_uninstall" _openLog "$clStpLog\Ccmsetup.log", "$clStpLog\Ccmsetup-ccmeval.log", "$clLog\CcmRepair.log", "$clStpLog\Client.msi.log", "$clStpLog\client.msi_uninstall.log" } "CMClientPush" { "ccm" _openLog "$servLog2\ccm.log" } "AppMetering" { "mtrmgr" _openLog "$clLog\mtrmgr.log" } "Co-Management" { "CoManagementHandler" "Check also Event Viewer: 'Microsoft-Windows-DeviceManagement-Enterprise-Diagnostics-Provider/Admin' and 'Microsoft-Windows-AAD/Operational'" _openLog "$clLog\CoManagementHandler.log" #, "$clLog\ComplRelayAgent.log", "$clLog\CIAgent.log", "$clLog\WUAHandler.log" } "PolicyProcessing" { _openLog "$clLog\PolicyAgent.log" } "CMG" { "CloudMgr" "SMS_CLOUD_PROXYCONNECTOR" "CMGService" Write-Warning "CMGService.log is located on CMG machine, so open it there (location is stored in registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Tracing)!" _openLog "$servLog2\CloudMgr.log", "$servLog2\SMS_CLOUD_PROXYCONNECTOR.log" } "CMGClient" { "SMS_CLOUD_PROXYCONNECTOR" "CMGService" Write-Warning "CMGService.log is located on CMG machine, so open it there (location is stored in registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Tracing)!" "CMGHttpHandler" Write-Warning "CMGHttpHandler.log is located on CMG machine, so open it there (location is stored in registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Tracing)!" _openLog "$servLog2\SMS_CLOUD_PROXYCONNECTOR.log" } "CMGDeployment" { "CloudMgr" "CMGSetup" Write-Warning "CMGSetup.log is located on CMG machine, so open it there (location is stored in registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Tracing)!" _openLog "$servLog2\CloudMgr.log" } "Compliance" { "CIAgent" "CITaskManager" "DCMAgent" "DCMReporting" "DcmWmiProvider" _openLog "$clLog\CIAgent.log", "$clLog\CITaskManager.log", "$clLog\DCMAgent.log", "$clLog\DCMReporting.log", "$clLog\DcmWmiProvider.log" } "Client Discovery" { "" "adsgdis" "adsysdis" "adusrdis" "ADForestDisc" "ddm" "netdisc" _openLog "$servLog2\adsgdis.log", "$servLog2\adsysdis.log", "$servLog2\adusrdis.log", "$servLog2\ADForestDisc.log", "$servLog2\ddm.log", "$servLog2\netdisc.log" } "Inventory" { "InventoryAgent" _openLog "$clLog\InventoryAgent.log" } "WOL" { _openLog "$servLog2\Wolmgr.log", "$servLog2\WolCmgr.log" } "NotificationServerInstall" { _openLog "$servLog2\BgbSetup.log", "$servLog2\bgbisapiMSI.log" } "NotificationServer" { _openLog "$servLog2\bgbmgr.log", "$servLog2\BGBServer.log", "$servLog\BgbHttpProxy" } "NotificationClient" { _openLog "$clLog\CcmNotificationAgent.log" } Default { throw "Undefined problem" } } } |