.VERSION 1.1 .GUID f3261388-a3f9-4589-87fe-5384b5e9be6a .AUTHOR Sam Canada Drey .COMPANYNAME Microsoft Canada .COPYRIGHT None .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .SYNOPSIS This script spits out a CSV file with the Min, Avg, Max of desired counters inside a BLG file. Using -ArrayFilter "substring1","Substring2","substring3" enables to get counters even when we don't remember the exact names of counters. .DESCRIPTION This script analyses the counters we find with substrings (example: you are looking for Available Memory stats like Min, Avg, Max on a BLG, but don't know the exact counter name, you'll use the -ArrayFilter parameter with an array of substrings like "Memory", "Available" to find all counters within the BLG you specify that have these words in their path. On this example, it's "\\ServerName\Memory\Available MBytes" counter. .EXAMPLE .\Get-BLGPerfmonSummarizedCounterStats.ps1 -BLGFolder "C:\temp\" -ArrayFilter "I/O Database Reads (Attached) Average Latency", "DB" Here we didn't specify the -BLGFileName, that Will analyze the oldest BLG file found on C:\temp\, and dump the Min, Avg, Max values for all the "I/O Database Reads (Attached) Average Latency" counters for all the databases with "DB" in their full counter path names. .EXAMPLE .\Get-BLGPerfmonSummarizedCounterStats.ps1 -BLGFolder "c:\temp" -CountersFile .\counterslist.txt Here we specified again the C:\temp folder to find the BLG oldest BLG file (as we didn't specify the -BLGFileName parameter), and we want to get the summary of the counters stored in the counterslist.txt file located on the local directory where we execute the script from. .INPUTS A BLG file containing Windows performance counters data .OUTPUTS A CSV file with counters path and their Min, Avg, Max values .NOTES Common counter substrings to search for: -ArrayFilter "I/O Database Reads (Attached) Average Latency" -ArrayFilter "Memory", "Available MBytes" -ArrayFilter "% processor time", "Total" -ArrayFilter "domain controllers", "ldap", "time" v1.01 : added script info for PSGallery publishing .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="ParamArrayFilter")] Param([Parameter()][string]$BLGFileName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="ParamArrayFilter")][string[]]$ArrayFilter, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="ParamFile")][string]$CountersFile, #Note: Haven't tested the -CountersFile feature yet [Parameter()][string]$BLGFolder = "$($env:exchangeinstallpath)Logging\Diagnostics\DailyPerformanceLogs\" ) #Setting up global variables that we'll reuse #Output file to local user launching the script's "My Documents" folder $OutputFile = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Documents\CountersSummary_$(Get-Date -Format yyyMMdd_hhmmss).csv" # Defining and starting stopwatch to measure script execution time Write-host "Starting..." -ForegroundColor Green $StopWatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() #region BLG folder check If (!(Test-Path $BLGFolder)){ Write-Host "Folder $BLGFolder doesn't exist ... please run the script from an Exchange server which DailyPerformanceLogs folder is located in the Exchange Install path\Logging\Diagnostics folder, or specify an existing folder with .BLG files on it" -ForegroundColor Red $StopWatch.Stop(); $StopWatch.Elapsed.totalseconds | Out-Host Exit } #endregion BLG folder check #region Set BLG File Name if blank, and display parameters If ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($BLGFileName)){ $BLGFileName = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$BLGFolder\*.blg" | Sort-Object LastWriteTime | Select -First 1).Name } Write-Host "Current Parameters" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Blue Write-host "BLG File : $BLGFileName" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "BLG folder path : $BLGFolder" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "User Parameter Set: $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)" -ForegroundColor Magenta #region BLG file check #Verifying if BLG file(s) exist - doesn't apply if no BLG specified, as took the oldest one $BLGDiagnosticsFilesPath = "$BLGFolder\$BLGFileName" If (!(Test-Path $BLGDiagnosticsFilesPath)){ Write-Host "File(s) $BLGDiagnosticsFilesPath not found. Please specify valid BLG file" -ForegroundColor Red; $StopWatch.Stop(); $StopWatch.Elapsed.totalseconds | Out-Host exit; } #endregion BLG file check If ($CountersFile){ #Validate the file exists if (!(Test-Path($CountersFile))){ Write-Host "The file $CountersFile doesn't exist ! Specify a valid file or use -CounterFilterX to search for counters..." -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Blue $StopWatch.Stop(); $StopWatch.Elapsed.totalseconds | Out-Host Exit } Else { Write-Host "File $CountersFile found, loading counters from file..." -ForegroundColor Green $CountersListFromFile = Get-Content $CountersFile } } Else { If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ArrayFilter)){ $ArrayFilter = "*" Write-Host "No CountersFile and no ArrayFilter specified... using ArrayFilter = $ArrayFilter" } Else { $NbFilterStrings = $ArrayFilter.Count for ($i=0;$i -lt $NbFilterStrings;$i++) { Write-Host "Processing Index of ArrayFilter #$i - From $($ArrayFilter[$i]) to *$($ArrayFilter[$i])*" -ForegroundColor Green $ArrayFilter[$i]="*" + $ArrayFilter[$i] + "*" } } } #Loading all counters present in the target BLG: Write-Host "Loading counters list from BLG file, please wait..." -ForegroundColor DarkRed #$CounterList = @(Import-Counter -path "$BLGDiagnosticsFilesPath" -ListSet * | Foreach-Object {If ($_.CounterSetType -eq "SingleInstance"){$_.Paths} Else {$_.PathsWithInstances}}) $CounterList = @(Import-Counter -path "$BLGDiagnosticsFilesPath" -ListSet * | Foreach-Object {If ($_.CounterSetType -eq "SingleInstance"){$_ | Select -ExpandProperty Paths} Else {$_ | Select -ExpandProperty PathsWithInstances}}) $Tick = $StopWatch.Elapsed.totalseconds Write-host "Took $Tick seconds to load all counters from $BLGFileName" Write-Host "Found $($CounterList.count) counter(s) !" -ForegroundColor DarkRed -BackgroundColor DarkBlue Write-Host "Counters path loaded ! Filtering these as per ArrayFilter or Counters from file..." -ForegroundColor DarkRed $CounterListFiltered = $CounterList If ($CountersFile){ $CounterListFiltered = $CountersListFromFile }ElseIf (!($ArrayFilter -eq "*")){ Foreach ($Item in $ArrayFilter){ Write-Host "Filtering with $Item" -ForegroundColor Yellow $CounterListFiltered = $CounterListFiltered | ? {$_ -like $Item} } }Else{ Write-Host "-ArrayFilter is unspecified, using ArrayFilter = $ArrayFilter" $CounterListFiltered = $CounterList } $NumberOfCountersFromBLG = $CounterListFiltered.count If ($NumberOfCountersFromBLG -eq 0){ Write-Host "No counters found with the chosen filter or counter files" } Write-Host "List of counters filtered:" Foreach ($item in $CounterListFiltered){ write-host $Item -ForegroundColor Green } #import counters this time not only the paths, but all the values as well, for filtered counters $Data = Import-Counter -Path "$BLGDiagnosticsFilesPath" -Counter $CounterListFiltered -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $AllResults = @() $Data | Select -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Group-Object Path | Foreach { $Stats = $_ | Select -ExpandProperty Group | Measure-Object -Average -Minimum -Maximum CookedValue $AllResults += [PSCustomObject]@{ Counter=$_.Name Instance = $_.Group.InstanceName[0] Minimum=$Stats.Minimum Average=$Stats.Average Maximum=$Stats.Maximum Samples=$Stats.Count } } $StopWatch.Stop() $FinalTime = $StopWatch.Elapsed.totalseconds Write-Host "Took $FinalTime seconds in total to run the script" $AllResults | Select Counter, Samples, Instance, Minimum, Average, Maximum | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Path $OutputFile notepad $OutputFile |