#requires -Version 5.0 -Module Az.Monitor,Az.Accounts <#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 0.1 .GUID aaa68dab-9130-4c5d-83cc-f5f19b61b12f .AUTHOR Ayan Mullick .COMPANYNAME Ayan Mullick LLC .COPYRIGHT .TAGS AzCompute AzVM BitBucket Infra-Report .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .Synopsis This is a script to find the basic details of an Azure VM that's already been deleted.It iterates for each unique VM deletion activity and tries to locate the VM and NIC creation activity log if the VM was created within 90 days. One needs read access to a subscription to run this script. One can IM on Teams if one needs to add parameters to it. .DESCRIPTION This is a script to find the basic details of an Azure VM that's already been deleted. .EXAMPLE Login-AzAccount -Tenant <Tenantid> -Subscription <Subscriptionid> Get-AzVMDeletionActivity .EXAMPLE Another example of how to use this cmdlet #> Begin {$Params = @{DefaultProfile = $($Context=Get-AzContext;$Context); StartTime = $($Starttime=(Get-Date).AddDays(-90); $Starttime); ErrorAction='Stop' ; Verbose=$true } if ($Context) {$DeletionActivity=(Get-AzActivityLog @Params -ResourceProvider Microsoft.Compute).Where{$_.OperationName.Value -EQ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/delete'}|Sort-Object ResourceId,CorrelationId -Unique } } Process { $DeletionActivity.ForEach{ $RId = $_.ResourceId $Creation=(Get-AzActivityLog @Params -ResourceId $RId).Where{($_.ResourceId -eq $RId -and $_.substatus.value -eq 'Created')}|Select-Object -Last 1 if ( $Creation ) {$Responsebody=(New-Object PSObject -Property ([hashtable]$($Creation.Properties.Content))).responseBody|ConvertFrom-Json $CreationProp=$} if ( $CreationProp) {$NicCreation=(((Get-AzActivityLog @Params -EndTime $Creation.EventTimestamp -ResourceId ${$PSItem.Properties.Content.Keys -match 'responsebody'})[0]) if ( $NicCreation ) {$PIP= ((New-Object PSObject -Property ([hashtable]$NicCreation.Properties.Content)).responsebody|ConvertFrom-Json)} } [PSCustomObject]@{ AzVMname = $RId.Split("/")[8] Hostname = $CreationProp.osProfile.computerName AzVMId = $CreationProp.VMId OSType = $CreationProp.storageprofile.osdisk.ostype CreatedUTC = $Creation.EventTimestamp CreatedBy = $Creation.Caller IP = $PIP Subscription = ($Context.Name).Substring(0,$Context.Name.IndexOf('(')) SubscriptionId= $_.SubscriptionId Location = $Responsebody.location ResourceGroup = $_.resourceGroupName DeletedUTC = $_.eventTimestamp DeletedBy = $_.Caller Operation = $_.operationName.value } } } End { } |