
Function Get-PSCActiveSession{




    $queryresult=query user /server:$($Name) 2> $Null
    if (!($queryresult)){Write-host "It Seems there was an issue for $($Name)`n Or there is no active session The Error is $($Error[0])" -ForegroundColor Red}
            Foreach ($resultline in ($queryresult | Select-Object -Skip 1)){
                $Parsedline=$resultline.Split(" ",[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
                            switch ($resultline)
                                {$_ -like '*console*'}{
                                {$_ -like '*Disc*'}{
                                Default {
                        $fullList.Add($ComputerList) |Out-Null



    return $fullList

    Write-Host $_.excption.Message 

Export-ModuleMember Get-PSCActiveSession

Function Start-PSCRemoteLogoff{



    $ActiveSession=Get-PSCActiveSession -name $Name
    if (!( $ActiveSession)){Write-Host "Cannot logoff remote user, Please make sure the computer name and the username is correct" -ForegroundColor Red
                    Write-Host "The Username shouls not be assigned with any domain, just the username" -ForegroundColor Red
                    Write-Host "If the Username and password are correct, the there maybe no active session." -ForegroundColor Red
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("TargetUser")){       
            Write-Host "Logging Off $($TargetUser) from $($Name)"
            $UserToLogoff= $ActiveSession | Where-Object {$_.Username -like $TargetUser}
            if (!($UserToLogoff)){write-host "$($TargetUser) is not logged in" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            $LogoffStatus=logoff $UserToLogoff.SessionID /Server:$Name /V
            Write-Host $LogoffStatus -ForegroundColor Green

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LogoffAll"))
       Write-Host "Logging Off All Users from $($Name)"
        foreach($RemSession in $ActiveSession){
        $LogoffAllStatus=logoff $RemSession.SessionID /Server:$Name /V
        Write-Host $LogoffAllStatus -ForegroundColor Green



Export-ModuleMember Start-PSCRemoteLogoff