function Get-ADUserLastLogon { # .SYNOPSIS # Get-ADUserLastLogon gets the last logon timestamp of an Active Directory user. # .DESCRIPTION # Each domain controller is queried separately to calculate the last logon from all results of all DCs. # .PARAMETER # UserLogonName # Provide the user logon name (samaccountname) of the user. # .EXAMPLE # Get-ADUserLastLogon -UserLogonName s.stollane # .NOTES # Author: Patrick Gruenauer # Web: # [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $UserLogonName ) $resultlogon=@() Import-Module ActiveDirectory $ds=dsquery user -samid $UserLogonName If ($ds) { $getdc=(Get-ADDomainController -Filter *).Name foreach ($dc in $getdc) { Try { $user=Get-ADUser $UserLogonName -Server $dc -Properties lastlogon -ErrorAction Stop $resultlogon+=New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{ 'User' = $user.Name 'DC' = $dc 'LastLogon' = [datetime]::FromFileTime($user.'lastLogon') }) } Catch { '' Write-Warning "No reports from $($dc)!" } } $resultlogon | Where-Object {$_.lastlogon -NotLike '*1601*'} | Sort-Object LastLogon -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 | Format-Table -AutoSize If (($resultlogon | Where-Object {$_.lastlogon -NotLike '*1601*'}) -EQ $null) { '' Write-Warning "No reports for user $($ Possible reason: No first login." } } else {throw 'User not found. Check entered username.'} } |