# # Created by: lucas.cueff[at] # # Released on: 11/2017 # #'(c) 2017 - Distributed under Artistic Licence 2.0 (' # <# .SYNOPSIS simple module to get single or all user/contact certificate from an AD look for a certificate in usercert, usercertificate, usersmimecertificate attributes for contact and user object 2 functions available : Get-ADUserCertificate and Get-AllADUserCertificates the function are standalone and the code could be used outside the module easily. the only prerequisite is RSAT with AD cmdlets. .DESCRIPTION Require RSAT if used on non Domain Controller environment. Do not manage manual authentication to directory (to be managed in a future version) .EXAMPLE C:\PS> import-module Get-ADUserCertificate.psm1 C:\PS> Remove-Module Get-ADUserCertificate #> Function Get-ADUserCertificate { <# .SYNOPSIS get user certificate(s) from contact or user object from an AD look for a certificate in usercert, usercertificate, usersmimecertificate attributes for object contact and user .DESCRIPTION Require RSAT if used on non Domain Controller environment. You can use several search type entry : distinguishedName or SamAccountName/CN or Mail you can search in another forest/domain using parameter "server" (by default take the current domain for logged on user) you can export the certificates found in file using "exportcert" parameter (require a file with full path) .EXAMPLE Get-ADUserCertificate -searchtype distinguishedName -searchentry "CN=account,OU=testou1,OU=testou,DC=ad,DC=ad,DC=com" -exportcert "C:\test\test\test.cer" Get-ADUserCertificate -searchtype Mail -searchentry "" Get-ADUserCertificate -searchtype SamAccountNameOrCN -searchentry "UserAccount1" -server #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateSet('Mail','SamAccountNameOrCN','distinguishedName')] [String]$searchtype, [parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$searchentry, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidatePattern('^[a-zA-Z]:\\(((?![<>:"/\\|?*]).)+((?<![ .])\\)?)*$')] [String]$exportcert, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidatePattern('^(?=.{1,254}$)((?=[a-z0-9-]{1,63}\.)(xn--+)?[a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,63}$')] [String]$server ) # import AD Module try { import-module ActiveDirectory } catch { write-warning "Not able to load active directory module" write-warning "Please check if RSAT is installed" write-error "Error Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)" write-error "Error Message: $($_.Exception.Message)" return } # get current domain if necessary if (-not $server) { $server = (get-addomain -current loggedonuser).dnsroot } # prepare exportcert content if ($exportcert) { if ($exportcert -like "*.cer") { $exportpath = split-path -path $exportcert $exportfilebase = split-path -Leaf $exportcert } Else { write-warning "the file name and path provided are not containing a valid CER file with full path entry. ex : c:\temp 2\temp\test.cer" return } } # retrieve AD object based on distinguishedName, SamAccountName Or CN or mail switch ($searchtype) { "distinguishedName" { If ($searchentry -like "CN=*") { try { $searchpattern = get-adobject -Filter { ((objectclass -eq "user") -or (objectclass -eq "contact")) -and (distinguishedName -eq $searchentry)} -server $server -Properties objectClass,distinguishedname,displayName,mail,UserCertificate,UserSMIMECertificate,UserCert,sn,givenname } catch { write-error "Error Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)" write-error "Error Message: $($_.Exception.Message)" return } } } "Mail" { IF ($searchentry -match "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!£#$%&'^_`{}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$") { try { $searchpattern = get-adobject -Filter { ((objectclass -eq "user") -or (objectclass -eq "contact")) -and (mail -eq $searchentry)} -server $server -Properties objectClass,distinguishedname,displayName,mail,UserCertificate,UserSMIMECertificate,UserCert,sn,givenname } catch { write-error "Error Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)" write-error "Error Message: $($_.Exception.Message)" return } } } "SamAccountNameOrCN" { If ($searchtype -eq "SamAccountNameOrCN") { try { $searchpattern = get-adobject -Filter { ((objectclass -eq "user") -or (objectclass -eq "contact")) -and ((sAMAccountName -eq $searchentry) -or (CN -eq $searchentry))} -server $server -Properties objectClass,distinguishedname,displayName,mail,UserCertificate,UserSMIMECertificate,UserCert,sn,givenname } catch { write-error "Error Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)" write-error "Error Message: $($_.Exception.Message)" return } } } #default {} } If ($searchpattern) { # Preparing new object $global:UserTemplateObject = New-Object psobject $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ObjectClass -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name distinguishedname -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name displayName -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UserSMIMECertificate -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UserCertificate -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UserCert -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name mail -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name givenname -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name sn -Value $null # check the certificate presence If ($searchpattern.UserSMIMECertificate) { $cer1 = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $searchpattern.UserSMIMECertificate } Else { write-warning "no certificate in UserSMIMECertificate attribute for object $($searchpattern.distinguishedname)" } If ($searchpattern.UserCertificate) { $cer2 = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $searchpattern.UserCertificate } Else { write-warning "no certificate in UserCertificate attribute for object $($searchpattern.distinguishedname)" } If ($searchpattern.UserCert) { $cer3 = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $searchpattern.UserCert } Else { write-warning "no certificate in UserCert attribute for object $($searchpattern.distinguishedname)" } #building new object with content $ObjCertUser = $UserTemplateObject | Select-Object * $ObjCertUser.ObjectClass = $searchpattern.ObjectClass $ObjCertUser.distinguishedname = $searchpattern.distinguishedname $ObjCertUser.displayName = $searchpattern.displayName if($cer1) { $ObjCertUser.UserSMIMECertificate = $cer1 if ($exportcert) { $exportfile1 = $exportfilebase -replace ".cer","_$($searchentry)_USMcrt.cer" $exportcertfn = join-path ($exportpath) ($exportfile1) if (-not (test-path $exportcertfn)) { $cer1.rawdata | set-content "$($exportcertfn)" -Encoding Byte } Else { write-warning "cannot create $($exportcertfn) - file already exists" } } } if ($cer2) { $ObjCertUser.UserCertificate = $cer2 if ($exportcert) { $exportfile2 = $exportfilebase -replace ".cer","_$($searchentry)_Ucrtf.cer" $exportcertfn = join-path ($exportpath) ($exportfile2) if (-not (test-path $exportcertfn)) { $cer2.rawdata | set-content "$($exportcertfn)" -Encoding Byte } Else { write-warning "cannot create $($exportcertfn) - file already exists" } } } if ($cer3) { $ObjCertUser.UserCert = $cer3 if ($exportcert) { $exportfile2 = $exportfilebase -replace ".cer","_$($searchentry)_Ucrt.cer" $exportcertfn = join-path ($exportpath) ($exportfile2) if (-not (test-path $exportcertfn)) { $cer2.rawdata | set-content "$($exportcertfn)" -Encoding Byte } Else { write-warning "cannot create $($exportcertfn) - file already exists" } } } $ObjCertUser.mail = $searchpattern.mail $ObjCertUser.givenname = $searchpattern.givenname $ = $ #send back the new object as output return $ObjCertUser } Else { write-warning "no user or contact AD object found with your criteria : $($searchentry)" return } } Function Get-AllADUserCertificates { <# .SYNOPSIS get all user certificate(s) from all contact or user objects from an AD look for a certificate in usercert, usercertificate, usersmimecertificate attributes for all contact and user objects .DESCRIPTION Require RSAT if used on non Domain Controller environment. you can search in another forest/domain using parameter "server" (by default take the current domain for logged on user) you can export the certificates found in file using "exportcert" parameter (require a file with full path) you can skip warning message with user input using "skipconfirm" parameter .EXAMPLE Get-ADUserCertificate -exportcert "C:\test\test2" Get-ADUserCertificate -skipconfirm $true Get-ADUserCertificate -server #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidatePattern('^(?=.{1,254}$)((?=[a-z0-9-]{1,63}\.)(xn--+)?[a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,63}$')] [String]$server, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidatePattern('^[a-zA-Z]:\\(((?![<>:"/\\|?*]).)+((?<![ .])\\)?)*$')] [String]$exportcert, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$skipconfirm ) # warning message if parameter "skipconfirm" is not used if ($skipconfirm -eq $false) { write-warning "this cmdlet will get all certificates from your AD for user and contact objects. It may overload your directory, please use it carefully !" Write-Host "Press any key to continue ..." -foreground "green" $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") | out-null } # import AD Module try { import-module ActiveDirectory } catch { write-warning "Not able to load active directory module" write-warning "Please check if RSAT is installed" write-error "Error Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)" write-error "Error Message: $($_.Exception.Message)" return } # get current domain if necessary if (-not $server) { $server = (get-addomain -current loggedonuser).dnsroot } # prepare exportcert content if ($exportcert) { $exportpath = split-path -path $exportcert } #get info from AD try { $searchresult = @(get-adobject -Filter { ((objectclass -eq "user") -or (objectclass -eq "contact")) -and ((UserCertificate -like "*") -or (UserCert -like "*") -or (UserSMIMECertificate -like "*"))} -server $server -Properties objectClass,distinguishedname,displayName,mail,UserCertificate,UserSMIMECertificate,UserCert,sn,givenname) } catch { write-error "Error Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)" write-error "Error Message: $($_.Exception.Message)" return } # Preparing new object $FinalObjCertUser = @() $global:UserTemplateObject = New-Object psobject $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ObjectClass -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name distinguishedname -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name displayName -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UserSMIMECertificate -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UserCertificate -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UserCert -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name mail -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name givenname -Value $null $UserTemplateObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name sn -Value $null # doing the main stuff write-host "$($search.count) certificates found." -foreground "green" foreach ($result in $searchresult) { # check the certificate presence If ($result.UserSMIMECertificate) { $cer1 = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $result.UserSMIMECertificate } Else { write-warning "no certificate in UserSMIMECertificate attribute for object $($result.distinguishedname)" } If ($result.UserCertificate) { $cer2 = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $result.UserCertificate } Else { write-warning "no certificate in UserCertificate attribute for object $($result.distinguishedname)" } If ($result.UserCert) { $cer3 = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $result.UserCert } Else { write-warning "no certificate in UserCert attribute for object $($result.distinguishedname)" } #building new object with content $ObjCertUser = $UserTemplateObject | Select-Object * $ObjCertUser.ObjectClass = $result.ObjectClass $ObjCertUser.distinguishedname = $result.distinguishedname $ObjCertUser.displayName = $result.displayName if($cer1) { $ObjCertUser.UserSMIMECertificate = $cer1 if ($exportcert) { $exportfile1 = $exportfilebase -replace ".cer","_$($searchentry)_USMcrt.cer" $exportcertfn = join-path ($exportpath) ($exportfile1) if (-not (test-path $exportcertfn)) { $cer1.rawdata | set-content "$($exportcertfn)" -Encoding Byte } Else { write-warning "cannot create $($exportcertfn) - file already exists" } } } if ($cer2) { $ObjCertUser.UserCertificate = $cer2 if ($exportcert) { $exportfile2 = $exportfilebase -replace ".cer","_$($searchentry)_Ucrtf.cer" $exportcertfn = join-path ($exportpath) ($exportfile2) if (-not (test-path $exportcertfn)) { $cer2.rawdata | set-content "$($exportcertfn)" -Encoding Byte } Else { write-warning "cannot create $($exportcertfn) - file already exists" } } } if ($cer3) { $ObjCertUser.UserCert = $cer3 if ($exportcert) { $exportfile2 = $exportfilebase -replace ".cer","_$($searchentry)_Ucrt.cer" $exportcertfn = join-path ($exportpath) ($exportfile2) if (-not (test-path $exportcertfn)) { $cer2.rawdata | set-content "$($exportcertfn)" -Encoding Byte } Else { write-warning "cannot create $($exportcertfn) - file already exists" } } } $ObjCertUser.mail = $searchpattern.mail $ObjCertUser.givenname = $searchpattern.givenname $ = $ $FinalObjCertUser += $ObjCertUser } return $FinalObjCertUser } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ADUserCertificate, Get-AllADUserCertificates |