
Function Get-IPLocation {
        Retrieves the GeoIP information for an IP address
        Retrieves the GeoIP information for an IP address
        The IP address to lookup. Can be a single IP address or an array of IP addresses.

        ip :
        success : True
        type : IPv4
        continent : North America
        continent_code : NA
        country : Canada
        country_code : CA
        region : Québec
        region_code : QC
        city : Montreal
        latitude : 45.5016889
        longitude : -73.567256
        is_eu : False
        postal : H3A 2A6
        calling_code : 1
        capital : Ottawa
        borders : US
        flag : @{img=; emoji=🇨🇦; emoji_unicode=U+1F1E8 U+1F1E6}
        connection : @{asn=22652; org=Fibrenoire Inc.; isp=Fibrenoire Inc.;}
        timezone : @{id=America/Toronto; abbr=EDT; is_dst=True; offset=-14400; utc=-04:00; current_time=2023-09-11 3:59:30 PM}

        Get-IPLocation | FT

        ip success type continent continent_code country country_code region region_code city
        -- ------- ---- --------- -------------- ------- ------------ ------ ----------- ---- True IPv4 North America NA Canada CA Québec QC Montreal

        Get-IPLocation "", "" | ft

        success type continent continent_code country country_code region region_code city latitude
        ------- ---- --------- -------------- ------- ------------ ------ ----------- ---- --------
        True IPv4 North America NA Canada CA Québec QC Montreal 45.50
        True IPv4 North America NA United States US California CA Los Angeles 34.05


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [String[]] $IP
    begin {

    process {
        foreach ($address in $IP) {
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$address" -Method GET -ContentType "application/json" -ErrorAction Stop
            $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IP -Value $IP -Force


    end {

