Function Create-NewModuleStructure { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Module Tree + Files .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Module Tree + Files .PARAMETER Path This is the path to where you want the Module + Tree created .PARAMETER ModuleName This is the name of the module you are creating. .PARAMETER Description This is the description for the module you are creating. .EXAMPLE Create-NewModuleStructure -Path C:\Temp\ -ModuleName Test-Module -Author LarsP -Description "Test PowerShell Module" .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Lars Panzerbjrn Creation Date: 2018.11.08 Purpose/Change: Initial script development 2018.12.03 - Update: Added Content of PSM1 file 2019.02.07 - Update: Added Content of About_help file. Tidied up some code. .EXAMPLE Create-NewModuleStructure -ModuleName ServiceNowCMDB -Path C:\Temp -Description "Helper Functions to work with ServiceNow's CMDB" #> [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$Author="Lars Panzerbj�rn", [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string]$ModuleName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$Path="C:\Temp", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$GitHub="Panzerbjrn", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$Email="", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$Twitter="lpetersson", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$Description = 'New PowerShell module' ) BEGIN { $Date = Get-Date -f yyyy.MM.dd Write-Verbose "Path is $Path" $PSMContent = "#region Script Header # Thought for the day: # NAME: $($ModuleName).psm1 # AUTHOR: $($Author) # CONTACT: $($Email) / GitHub: $($GitHub) / Twitter: $($Twitter) # DATE: $($Date) # VERSION: 0.1 - $($Date) - Module Created with Create-NewModuleStructure by Lars Panzerbj�rn # # SYNOPSIS: # # # DESCRIPTION: # $($Description) # # REQUIREMENTS: # #endregion Script Header #Requires -Version 4.0 [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=`$false)] param() Write-Verbose `$PSScriptRoot #Get Functions and Helpers function definition files. `$Functions = @( Get-ChildItem -Path `$PSScriptRoot\Functions\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) `$Helpers = @( Get-ChildItem -Path `$PSScriptRoot\Helpers\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) #Dot source the files ForEach (`$Import in @(`$Functions + `$Helpers)){ Try{ . `$Import.Fullname } Catch{ Write-Error -Message `"Failed to Import function `$(`$Import.Fullname): `$_`" } } Export-ModuleMember -Function `$Functions.Basename " $AboutHelpContent = "TOPIC about_$($ModuleName) SHORT DESCRIPTION Default: A short, one-line description of the topic contents. LONG DESCRIPTION Default: A detailed, full description of the subject or purpose of the module. EXAMPLES Default: Examples of how to use the module or how the subject feature works in practice. KEYWORDS Default: Terms or titles on which you might expect your users to search for the information in this topic. SEE ALSO Default: Text-only references for further reading. Hyperlinks cannot work in the Windows PowerShell console. " } PROCESS { $Path="$Path\$ModuleName" Write-Verbose "Creating the module and function directories" IF(!(Test-Path -Path ($Path))) {New-Item ($Path) -ItemType Directory -Force} IF(!(Test-Path -Path ($Path+"\Helpers"))) {New-Item ($Path+"\Helpers") -ItemType Directory -Force} # For private/Helper functions that should not be exposed to end users IF(!(Test-Path -Path ($Path+"\Functions"))) {New-Item ($Path+"\Functions") -ItemType Directory -Force} # For public/exported functions IF(!(Test-Path -Path ($Path+"\en-GB"))) {New-Item ($Path+"\en-GB") -ItemType Directory -Force} # For English about_Help files IF(!(Test-Path -Path ($Path+"\WIP"))){New-Item ($Path+"\WIP") -ItemType Directory -Force} # For Functions that are Works in Progress IF(!(Test-Path -Path ($Path+"\Tests"))) {New-Item ($Path+"\Tests") -ItemType Directory -Force} # For Pester tests #Create the module and related files Write-Verbose "Creating the module and function files" IF(!(Test-Path -Path "$Path\$ModuleName.psm1")){New-Item "$Path\$ModuleName.psm1" -ItemType File} IF(!(Test-Path -Path "$Path\en-GB\about_$")){New-Item "$Path\en-GB\about_$" -ItemType File} IF(!(Test-Path -Path "$Path\Tests\$ModuleName.Tests.ps1")){New-Item "$Path\Tests\$ModuleName.Tests.ps1" -ItemType File} Write-Verbose "Creating the module manifest" Write-Verbose "Path is $($Path+"\"+$ModuleName+".psd1")" Write-Verbose "RootModule is $($ModuleName.psm1)" Write-Verbose "Description is $($Description)" Write-Verbose "Author is $($Author)" $PSD1Path = ($Path+"\"+$ModuleName+".psd1") $RootModule = $ModuleName.psm1 $Description = $Description $PowerShellVersion = "5.0" $Author = $Author Write-Verbose "Path is $Path" Write-Verbose "RootModule is $RootModule" Write-Verbose "Description is $Description" Write-Verbose "PowerShellVersion is $PowerShellVersion" Write-Verbose "Author is $Author" New-ModuleManifest -Path $PSD1Path -Author $Author -RootModule $RootModule -Description $Description -PowerShellVersion $PowerShellVersion $PSMContent | Add-Content "$Path\$ModuleName.psm1" -Force $AboutHelpContent | Add-Content "$Path\en-GB\about_$" -Force # Put the Public Functions/exported functions into the Functions folder and Helper functions into Helpers folder } } |