Function Get-LastReboot{ <# .SYNOPSIS Get-LastReboot is designed to return the last reboot time of a server or client. .DESCRIPTION Get-LastReboot filters the system event logs looking for the last reboot event (or shutdown) and returns all the information related to the incident. .PARAMETER Computer The name of the computer that you wish to determine it's last boot up time. If left blank, it defaults to the local machine. .EXAMPLE Get-LastReboot DC1 This will return the last reboot time of DC1 .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem AD:"OU=Servers,OU=Computers,DC=Contoso,DC=Local" | Select Name | Get-LastReboot This grabs the last reboots for any machines in the Servers OU. .OUTPUTS Object: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject IF it was a clean boot: Contains: Cleanboot [Bool] Code [String] Comment [String] ComputerName [String] LastBoot [DateTime] Message [String] Process [String] Reason [String] Type [String] UpTime [TimeSpan] User [String] Else Contains: Cleanboot [Bool] ComputerName [String] LastBoot [DateTime] Message [String] UpTime [TimeSpan] .NOTES Author: Twon of An .LINK New-Timespan Get-EventLog #> Param( [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [alias("Name","ComputerName")] [string[]]$Computer=@($env:ComputerName) ) Begin{ $Result = @() } Process{ ForEach($machine in $Computer){ If(-not (Test-Connection -ComputerName $machine -Count 1 -quiet)){ #Make sure we can connect to it... Write-Host "$([string]$machine.toupper()) cannot be reached..." Break } Else{ If($machine -ne $env:computername){ #If it is a remote machine, make sure RemoteRegistry is running so we can access the logs $RegServ = Get-Service remoteregistry -ComputerName $machine If($RegServ.status -ne "Running"){ Set-Service remoteregistry -ComputerName $machine -status Running } } $SuccessfullReboot = Get-EventLog system -ComputerName $machine -InstanceId 2147484722 -Newest 1 $UnSuccessfullReboot = Get-EventLog system -ComputerName $machine -InstanceId 41 -Newest 1 $Event = If($SuccessfullReboot.TimeWritten -gt $UnSuccessfullReboot.Timewritten){$SuccessfullReboot;$Cleanboot = $true}Else{$UnSuccessfullReboot} $LastRebootTime = $Event.TimeGenerated $UpTime = New-TimeSpan -start $LastRebootTime -end $(Get-Date) If($CleanBoot){ $Result = $Result + (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ #Build the object for return "Code" = $Event.ReplacementStrings[3] "Comment" = $Event.ReplacementStrings[5] "ComputerName" = $machine.toupper() "LastBoot" = $LastRebootTime "Message" = $Event.Message "Process" = $Event.ReplacementStrings[0] "Reason" = $Event.ReplacementStrings[2] "Type" = $Event.ReplacementStrings[4] "UpTime" = $UpTime "User" = $Event.ReplacementStrings[6] "CleanBoot" = $true }) } Else{ $Result = $Result + (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ #Build the object for return "ComputerName" = $machine.toupper() "LastBoot" = $LastRebootTime "Message" = $Event.Message "UpTime" = $UpTime "CleanBoot" = $false }) } } } } End{ $Result } } |