
Executes a Windows Defender virusscan on a specified file or directory.
Executes a Windows Defender virusscan on a specified file or directory using the MpCmdRun.exe command-line utility.
The function returns a boolean success result, when $true it indicates no threats where find in the file.
The path to the file or directory to be scanned.
.PARAMETER EnableRemediation
Instructs Windows Defender to take action when the provided FilePath contains a threat.
Test-PathUsingWindowsDefender -FilePath "C:\Path\to\File.txt" -Verbose

function Test-PathUsingWindowsDefender {


    param (
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The path to the file or directory to be scanned."
        [string] $FilePath,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Instructs Windows Defender to take action when the provided FilePath contains a threat."
        [switch] $EnableRemediation

    $FilePath = Expand-Path $FilePath
    $MpCmdRunPath = Get-MpCmdRunPath

    if (-not [IO.File]::Exists($filePath)) {

        throw "The file '$FilePath' was not found";

    if ($null -eq $MpCmdRunPath) {

        throw "Windows defender CLI not found";

    $scriptBlock = $EnableRemediation ? {

        & "$MpCmdrunPath" -Scan -ScanType 3 -File "$FilePath" |
        ForEach-Object {

            Write-Verbose $PSItem
    } : {

        & "$MpCmdrunPath" -Scan -ScanType 3 -File "$FilePath" -DisableRemediation |
        ForEach-Object {

            Write-Verbose $PSItem

    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock

    return ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0)