################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the process object for the window hosting the PowerShell terminal. .DESCRIPTION Traverses up the process tree starting from the current PowerShell process to locate the parent window responsible for hosting the terminal. If the immediate parent process doesn't have a main window handle, it searches for similar processes that do have main windows. This is useful for identifying the actual terminal window process (like Windows Terminal, ConHost, etc.) that contains the PowerShell session. .EXAMPLE $hostProcess = Get-PowershellMainWindowProcess Write-Host "PowerShell is hosted in: $($hostProcess.ProcessName)" Returns the process hosting the current PowerShell session and displays its name. #> function Get-PowershellMainWindowProcess { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { # get reference to the powershell process currently executing this code $currentProcess = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess() # initialize parent tracking, starting with current process $parentProcess = $currentProcess # log the starting point of our search Write-Verbose "Starting process tree traversal from: $($currentProcess.ProcessName)" } process { # traverse up process tree until we find a window or hit the root while (($parentProcess.MainWindowHandle -eq 0) -and ($null -ne $parentProcess.Parent)) { $parentProcess = $parentProcess.Parent Write-Verbose "Examining parent process: $($parentProcess.ProcessName)" } # if parent has a main window, use that process if ($parentProcess.MainWindowHandle -ne 0) { Write-Verbose "Found parent with main window: $($parentProcess.ProcessName)" $currentProcess = $parentProcess } else { # look for other instances of parent process that have main windows $similarProcess = Get-Process -Name $currentProcess.Parent.ProcessName | Where-Object { 0 -ne $PSItem.MainWindowHandle } | Select-Object -First 1 if ($null -ne $similarProcess) { Write-Verbose "Found similar process with window: $($similarProcess.ProcessName)" $currentProcess = $similarProcess } else { Write-Verbose "No window-owning process found in hierarchy" } } } end { # return the process we identified as the window host $currentProcess } } ################################################################################ |