
Retrieves a list of unique usernames from currently active system processes.
Queries all running processes on the system, extracts the associated username for
each process, and returns a deduplicated list of users who have active processes.
This is useful for system administration and security monitoring.
Returns a list of all unique usernames with active processes.
Uses the alias to get the same results.

function Get-ActiveUsers {


    begin {

        # inform about the start of process enumeration
        Write-Verbose "Starting to enumerate all system processes..."

    process {

        # get all processes with their associated usernames
        # this requires administrative privileges
        $processes = Get-Process * -IncludeUserName

        # extract unique usernames from the process list and remove duplicates
        $users = $processes |
        ForEach-Object UserName |
        Select-Object -Unique

        # return the filtered list of usernames

    end {

        # output completion status with user count
        Write-Verbose "Process completed. Found $($users.Count) unique active users."