

Sets the alignment for the Windows 11+ Taskbar.
Modifies the Windows Registry to change the taskbar alignment in Windows 11 and
newer versions between center and left positions.
Specifies the taskbar alignment. Valid values are 'Center' or 'Left'.
Set-TaskbarAlignment -Justify Left
Set-TaskbarAlignment Center

function Set-TaskbarAlignment {


            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The taskbar alignment (Center or Left)"
        [ValidateSet("Center", "Left")]
        [string] $Justify

    begin {

        # define the registry path for taskbar settings
        $regPath = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced"

        Write-Verbose "Setting taskbar alignment to: $Justify"

    process {

        # set registry value: 0 for Left, 1 for Center alignment
        $value = if ($Justify -eq "Left") { 0 } else { 1 }

        # modify the registry to change taskbar alignment
        $null = Set-ItemProperty -Path $regPath -Name "TaskbarAl" -Value $value

        Write-Verbose "Registry value 'TaskbarAl' set to: $value"

    end {
