
Returns a window helper object for the PowerShell terminal's main window.
Retrieves and returns a window helper object that represents the main window of
the process hosting the current PowerShell terminal session.

function Get-PowershellMainWindow {



    begin {

        Write-Verbose "Retrieving PowerShell main window process..."

    process {

        # get the powershell host process
        $process = Get-PowershellMainWindowProcess

        # verify we have a valid process
        if ($null -eq $process) {
            Write-Error "Failed to retrieve PowerShell host process"

        Write-Verbose "Found PowerShell process with ID: $($process.Id)"

        # get the main window from the powershell host process
        $mainWindow = [GenXdev.Helpers.WindowObj]::GetMainWindow($process)[0]

        # verify we have a valid window handle
        if ($null -eq $mainWindow) {
            Write-Error "Failed to retrieve main window for PowerShell process"

        Write-Verbose "Main window handle: $($mainWindow.Handle)"

        # return the window object

    end {