################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a collection of installed modern webbrowsers. .DESCRIPTION Returns a collection of objects each describing an installed modern webbrowser, including name, description, icon path, executable path and default browser status. Only returns browsers that have the required capabilities registered in Windows. .EXAMPLE Get-Webbrowser | Select-Object Name, Description | Format-Table .NOTES Requires Windows 10 or later Operating System #> function Get-Webbrowser { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable[]])] param() begin { # ensure HKCU registry drive is mounted if (!(Test-Path HKCU:\)) { $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKCU ` -PSProvider Registry ` -Root HKEY_CURRENT_USER } # ensure HKLM registry drive is mounted if (!(Test-Path HKLM:\)) { $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKLM ` -PSProvider Registry ` -Root HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE } # get handler id for https urls from user preferences Write-Verbose "Retrieving default browser URL handler ID from registry" $urlHandlerId = Get-ItemProperty ` "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\https\UserChoice" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProgId } process { # get list of installed browsers from registry Write-Verbose "Enumerating installed browsers" Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Clients\StartMenuInternet" | ForEach-Object { # construct full registry path for current browser $browserRoot = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Clients\StartMenuInternet\" + "$($PSItem.PSChildName)" # check if browser has required capabilities registered if ((Test-Path "$browserRoot\shell\open\command") -and (Test-Path "$browserRoot\Capabilities")) { Write-Verbose "Processing browser at: $browserRoot" # get browser capabilities from registry $capabilities = Get-ItemProperty "$browserRoot\Capabilities" # get browser executable path $browserPath = Get-ItemProperty "$browserRoot\shell\open\command" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "(default)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim('"') } # check if this is the default browser $isDefault = (Test-Path "$browserRoot\Capabilities\URLAssociations") -and ((Get-ItemProperty "$browserRoot\Capabilities\URLAssociations" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty https) -eq $urlHandlerId) # return browser details @{ Name = $capabilities.ApplicationName Description = $capabilities.ApplicationDescription Icon = $capabilities.ApplicationIcon Path = $browserPath IsDefaultBrowser = $isDefault } } } } end { } } ################################################################################ |