############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the configured current webbrowser .DESCRIPTION Returns an object describing the configured current webbrowser for the current-user. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> & (Get-DefaultWebbrowser).Path PS C:\> Get-DefaultWebbrowser | Format-List .NOTES Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System #> function Get-DefaultWebbrowser { [CmdletBinding()] param() if (!(Test-Path HKCU:\)) { New-PSDrive -Name HKCU -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Out-Null } if (!(Test-Path HKLM:\)) { New-PSDrive -Name HKLM -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Out-Null } $UrlHandlerId = Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\https\UserChoice | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProgId foreach ($item in (Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Clients\StartMenuInternet)) { $root = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Clients\StartMenuInternet\$($item.PSChildName)" if ((Test-Path "$root\shell\open\command") -and (Test-Path "$root\Capabilities\URLAssociations") -and ((Get-ItemProperty "$root\Capabilities\URLAssociations" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty https) -eq $UrlHandlerId)) { @{ Name = (Get-ItemProperty "$root\Capabilities" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ApplicationName); Description = (Get-ItemProperty "$root\Capabilities" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ApplicationDescription); Icon = (Get-ItemProperty "$root\Capabilities" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ApplicationIcon); Path = (Get-ItemProperty "$root\shell\open\command" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "(default)").Trim("`""); } return; } } } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a collection of installed modern webbrowsers .DESCRIPTION Returns a collection of objects each describing a installed modern webbrowser .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-Webbrowser | Foreach-Object { & $PSItem.Path } PS C:\> Get-Webbrowser | select Name, Description | Format-Table PS C:\> Get-Webbrowser | select Name, Path | Format-Table .NOTES Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System #> function Get-Webbrowser { [CmdletBinding()] param() if (!(Test-Path HKCU:\)) { New-PSDrive -Name HKCU -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Out-Null } if (!(Test-Path HKLM:\)) { New-PSDrive -Name HKLM -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Out-Null } $UrlHandlerId = Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\https\UserChoice | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProgId foreach ($item in (Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Clients\StartMenuInternet)) { $root = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Clients\StartMenuInternet\$($item.PSChildName)" if ((Test-Path "$root\shell\open\command") -and (Test-Path "$root\Capabilities")) { @{ Name = (Get-ItemProperty "$root\Capabilities" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ApplicationName); Description = (Get-ItemProperty "$root\Capabilities" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ApplicationDescription); Icon = (Get-ItemProperty "$root\Capabilities" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ApplicationIcon); Path = (Get-ItemProperty "$root\shell\open\command" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "(default)").Trim("`""); IsDefaultBrowser = ((Get-ItemProperty "$root\Capabilities\URLAssociations" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty https) -eq $UrlHandlerId); } } } } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Opens one or more webbrowser instances .DESCRIPTION Opens one or more webbrowsers in a configurable manner, using commandline switches .PARAMETER Url The url to open .PARAMETER Private Opens in incognito-/in-private browsing- mode .PARAMETER Edge Open in Microsoft Edge --> -e .PARAMETER Chrome Open in Google Chrome --> -ch .PARAMETER Chromium Open in Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, depending on what the default browser is --> -c .PARAMETER Firefox Open in Firefox --> -ff .PARAMETER All Open in all registered modern browsers .PARAMETER Monitor The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor, defaults to `Global:DefaultSecondaryMonitor or 1 if not found --> -m, -mon .PARAMETER FullScreen Open in fullscreen mode --> -fs .PARAMETER Width The initial width of the webbrowser window .PARAMETER Height The initial height of the webbrowser window .PARAMETER X The initial X position of the webbrowser window .PARAMETER Y The initial Y position of the webbrowser window .PARAMETER Left Place browser window on the left side of the screen .PARAMETER Right Place browser window on the right side of the screen .PARAMETER Top Place browser window on the top side of the screen .PARAMETER Bottom Place browser window on the bottom side of the screen .PARAMETER Centered Place browser window in the center of the screen .PARAMETER ApplicationMode Hide the browser controls --> -a, -app, -appmode .PARAMETER NoBrowserExtensions Prevent loading of browser extensions --> -de, -ne .PARAMETER RestoreFocus Restore PowerShell window focus --> -bg .PARAMETER NewWindow Don't re-use existing browser window, instead, create a new one -> nw .PARAMETER PassThrough Returns a [System.Diagnostics.Process] object of the browserprocess .EXAMPLE url from parameter PS C:\> Open-Webbrowser -Chrome -Left -Top -Url "" urls from pipeline PS C:\> @("", "") | Open-Webbrowser re-position already open window to primary monitor on right side PS C:\> Open-Webbrowser -Monitor 0 -right re-position already open window to secondary monitor, full screen PS C:\> Open-Webbrowser -Monitor 0 re-position already open window to secondary monitor, left top PS C:\> Open-Webbrowser -Monitor 0 -Left -Top PS C:\> wb -m 0 -left -top .NOTES Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System This cmdlet was mend to be used, interactively. It performs some strange tricks to position windows, including invoking alt-tab keystrokes. It's best not to touch the keyboard or mouse, while it is doing that. For fast launches of multple urls: SET : -Monitor -1 AND : DO NOT use any of these switches: -X, -Y, -Left, -Right, -Top, -Bottom or -RestoreFocus For browsers that are not installed on the system, no actions may be performed or errors occur - at all. #> function Open-Webbrowser { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("wb")] param( ############################################################################### [Alias("Value", "Website", "Uri", "FullName")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "The url to open", ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $false )] [string[]] $Url, ############################################################################### [Alias("incognito", "inprivate")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Opens in incognito-/in-private browsing- mode" )] [switch] $Private, ############################################################################### [Alias("e")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Opens in Microsoft Edge" )] [switch] $Edge, ############################################################################### [Alias("ch")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Opens in Google Chrome" )] [switch] $Chrome, ############################################################################### [Alias("c")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Opens in Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, depending on what the default browser is" )] [switch] $Chromium, ############################################################################### [Alias("ff")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Opens in Firefox" )] [switch] $Firefox, ############################################################################### [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Opens in all registered modern browsers" )] [switch] $All, ############################################################################### [Alias("m", "mon")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor, defaults to `Global:DefaultSecondaryMonitor or 1 if not found" )] [int] $Monitor = -2, ############################################################################### [Alias("fs", "f")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Opens in fullscreen mode" )] [switch] $FullScreen, ############################################################################### [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The initial width of the webbrowser window" )] [int] $Width = -1, ############################################################################### [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The initial height of the webbrowser window" )] [int] $Height = -1, ############################################################################### [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The initial X position of the webbrowser window" )] [int] $X = -1, ############################################################################### [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The initial Y position of the webbrowser window" )] [int] $Y = -1, ############################################################################### [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Place browser window on the left side of the screen" )] [switch] $Left, ############################################################################### [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Place browser window on the right side of the screen" )] [switch] $Right, ############################################################################### [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Place browser window on the top side of the screen" )] [switch] $Top, ############################################################################### [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Place browser window on the bottom side of the screen" )] [switch] $Bottom, ############################################################################### [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Place browser window in the center of the screen" )] [switch] $Centered, ############################################################################### [Alias("a", "app", "appmode")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Hide the browser controls" )] [switch] $ApplicationMode, ############################################################################### [Alias("de", "ne", "NoExtensions")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Prevent loading of browser extensions" )] [switch] $NoBrowserExtensions, ############################################################################### [Alias("bg")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Restore PowerShell window focus" )] [switch] $RestoreFocus, ############################################################################### [Alias("nw", "new")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't re-use existing browser window, instead, create a new one" )] [switch] $NewWindow, ############################################################################### [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Returns a [System.Diagnostics.Process] object of the browserprocess" )] [switch] $PassThrough ) Begin { Write-Verbose "Open-Webbrowser monitor = $Monitor" # what if no url is specified? if (($null -eq $Url) -or ($Url.Length -lt 1)) { # show the help page from github $Url = @("") } else { $Url = $Url.Trim(" `"'".ToCharArray()); $filePath = $Url try { $filePath = (Expand-Path $Url); } catch { } if ([IO.File]::Exists($filePath)) { $Url = "file://$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($filePath.Replace("\", "/")))" } } # reference powershell main window $PowerShellWindow = Get-PowershellMainWindow # get a list of all available/installed modern webbrowsers $Browsers = Get-Webbrowser # get the configured default webbrowser $DefaultBrowser = Get-DefaultWebbrowser # reference the main monitor $Screen = [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen; if ($Monitor -lt -1) { if ($Global:DefaultSecondaryMonitor -is [int]) { $Monitor = $Global:DefaultSecondaryMonitor % [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::AllScreens.Length; } else { $Monitor = 1 % [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::AllScreens.Length; } } # reference the requested monitor if (($Monitor -ge 0) -and ($Monitor -lt [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::AllScreens.Length)) { $Screen = [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::AllScreens[$Monitor] } # remember [bool] $HavePositioning = ($Monitor -ge 0) -or ($Left -or $Right -or $Top -or $Bottom -or $Centered -or (($X -is [int]) -and ($X -ge 0)) -or (($Y -is [int]) -and ($Y -ge 0))); # init window position # '-X' parameter not supplied? if (($X -le 0) -or ($X -isnot [int])) { $X = $Screen.WorkingArea.X; } else { if ($Monitor -ge 0) { $X = $Screen.WorkingArea.X + $X; } } # '-Y' parameter not supplied? if (($Y -le 0) -or ($Y -isnot [int])) { $Y = $Screen.WorkingArea.Y; } else { if ($Monitor -ge 0) { $Y = $Screen.WorkingArea.Y + $Y; } } if ($HavePositioning) { $WidthProvided = ($Width -ge 0) -and ($Width -is [int]); $heightProvided = ($Height -ge 0) -and ($Height -is [int]); # '-Width' parameter not supplied? if ($WidthProvided -eq $false) { $Width = $Screen.WorkingArea.Width; } # '-Height' parameter not supplied? if ($heightProvided -eq $false) { $Height = $Screen.WorkingArea.Height; } # setup exact window position and size if ($Left -eq $true) { $X = $Screen.WorkingArea.X; if ($WidthProvided -eq $false) { $Width = [Math]::Min($Screen.WorkingArea.Width / 2, $Width); } } else { if ($Right -eq $true) { if ($WidthProvided -eq $false) { $Width = [Math]::Min($Screen.WorkingArea.Width / 2, $Width); } $X = $Screen.WorkingArea.X + $Screen.WorkingArea.Width - $Width; } } if ($Top -eq $true) { $Y = $Screen.WorkingArea.Y; if ($HeightProvided -eq $false) { $Height = [Math]::Min($Screen.WorkingArea.Height / 2, $Height); } } else { if ($Bottom -eq $true) { if ($HeightProvided -eq $false) { $Height = [Math]::Min($Screen.WorkingArea.Height / 2, $Height); } $Y = $Screen.WorkingArea.Y + $Screen.WorkingArea.Height - $Height; } } if ($Centered -eq $true) { if ($HeightProvided -eq $false) { $Height = [Math]::Round([Math]::Min($Screen.WorkingArea.Height * 0.8, $Height), 0); } if ($WidthProvided -eq $false) { $Width = [Math]::Round([Math]::Min($Screen.WorkingArea.Width * 0.8, $Width), 0); } $X = $Screen.WorkingArea.X + [Math]::Round(($screen.WorkingArea.Width - $Width) / 2, 0); $Y = $Screen.WorkingArea.Y + [Math]::Round(($screen.WorkingArea.Height - $Height) / 2, 0); } } } process { function enforceMinimumDelays($browser) { $last = (Get-Variable -Scope Global -Name "_LastClose$($Browser.Name)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue); if (($null -ne $last) -and ($last.Value -is [DateTime])) { $now = [DateTime]::UtcNow; if ($now - $last.Value -lt [timespan]::FromSeconds(2)) { Write-Verbose "Due to recent close of $($Browser.Name) now sleeping for $(($last.Value.AddSeconds(2) - $now).TotalMilliseconds)ms" [System.Threading.Thread]::Sleep(($last.Value.AddSeconds(2) - $now).TotalMilliseconds) } } } function refocusTab($browser, $CurrentUrl) { # '-RestoreFocus' parameter supplied'? if ($RestoreFocus -eq $true) { # Get handle to current foreground window $CurrentActiveWindow = [GenXdev.Helpers.WindowObj]::GetFocusedWindow(); # Is it different then the one at the start of this command? if (($null -ne $PowerShellWindow) -and ($PowerShellWindow.Handle -ne $CurrentActiveWindow.Handle)) { # restore it $PowerShellWindow.SetForeground(); # wait [System.Threading.Thread]::Sleep(250); # did it not work? $CurrentActiveWindow = [GenXdev.Helpers.WindowObj]::GetFocusedWindow(); if ($PowerShellWindow.Handle -ne $CurrentActiveWindow.Handle) { try { # Sending Alt-Tab $helper = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell; $helper.sendKeys("%{TAB}"); Write-Verbose "Sending Alt-Tab" # wait [System.Threading.Thread]::Sleep(500); } catch { } } } # positioning of windows did happen? if ($HavePositioning -eq $true) { # wait a little [System.Threading.Thread]::Sleep(500); } } else { # positioning of windows did happen? if ($HavePositioning -eq $true) { # wait a little [System.Threading.Thread]::Sleep(500); } } } function constructArgumentList($browser, $CurrentUrl) { # initialize an empty argument list for the webbrowser commandline $ArgumentList = @(); ############################################################################### if ($browser.Name -like "*Firefox*") { # set default commandline parameters $ArgumentList = @(); if (($Width -is [int]) -and ($Width -gt 0) -and ($Height -is [int]) -and ($Height -gt 0)) { $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("-width", $Width, "-height", $Height) } # '-RestoreFocus' parameter supplied'? if ($RestoreFocus -ne $true) { # set commandline argument $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("-foreground") } # '-NoBrowserExtensions' parameter supplied? if ($NoBrowserExtensions -eq $true) { $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("-safe-mode"); } # '-Private' parameter supplied'? if ($Private -eq $true) { # set commandline arguments $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("-private-window", $CurrentUrl) } else { # '-ApplicationMode' parameter supplied? if ($ApplicationMode -eq $true) { Write-Warning "Firefox does not support -ApplicationMode at this time" Approve-FirefoxDebugging # set commandline argument $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("--ssb", $CurrentUrl) } else { # '-NewWindow' parameter supplied'? if ($NewWindow -eq $true) { # set commandline argument $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("--new-window", $CurrentUrl) } else { # set commandline argument $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("-url", $CurrentUrl) } } } } else { ############################################################################### if ($browser.Name -like "*Edge*" -or $browser.Name -like "*Chrome*") { # get the right debugging tcp port for this browser if ($browser.Name -like "*Edge*") { $port = Get-EdgeRemoteDebuggingPort } else { $port = Get-ChromeRemoteDebuggingPort } # set default commandline parameters $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @( "--disable-infobars", "--disable-session-crashed-bubble", "--no-default-browser-check", "--remote-debugging-port=$port" ) if (($Width -is [int]) -and ($Width -gt 0) -and ($Height -is [int]) -and ($Height -gt 0)) { $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("--window-size=$Width,$Height"); } # '-NoBrowserExtensions' parameter supplied? if ($NoBrowserExtensions -eq $true) { $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("--disable-extensions"); } # '-Private' parameter supplied'? if ($Private -eq $true) { # force new window $NewWindow = $true; if ($browser.Name -like "*Edge*") { # set commandline argument $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("-InPrivate") } else { # set commandline argument $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("--incognito") } } # '-NewWindow' parameter supplied'? if ($NewWindow -eq $true) { # set commandline argument $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("--new-window") } # '-Fullscreen' parameter supplied'? if ($FullScreen -eq $true) { # set commandline argument $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("--start-fullscreen") } # '-ApplicationMode' parameter supplied? if ($ApplicationMode -eq $true) { $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @("--app=$CurrentUrl"); } else { # Add Url to commandline arguments $ArgumentList = $ArgumentList + @($CurrentUrl) } } else { ############################################################################### # Default browser if ($Private -eq $true) { return; } # Add Url to commandline arguments $ArgumentList = @($CurrentUrl); } } $ArgumentList } function open($browser, $CurrentUrl) { try { enforceMinimumDelays $browser ############################################################################### $StartBrowser = $true; $hadVisibleBrowser = $false; $process = $null; $hadNoUrl = $CurrentUrl -eq ""; # find any existing process $prcBefore = @(Get-Process -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object -Property Path -EQ $browser.Path | Where-Object -Property MainWindowHandle -NE 0 | Sort-Object { $PSItem.StartTime } -Descending | Select-Object -First 1) #found? if (($prcBefore.Length -ge 1) -and ($null -ne $prcBefore[0])) { $hadVisibleBrowser = $true; } # no url specified? if (($NewWindow -ne $true) -and ($HavePositioning -eq $true) -and ($hadNoUrl)) { if ($hadVisibleBrowser) { Write-Verbose "No url specified, found existing webbrowser window" $StartBrowser = $false; $process = $prcBefore[0]; } } if ($StartBrowser) { # get the browser dependend argument list $ArgumentList = constructArgumentList $browser $CurrentUrl # log Write-Verbose "$($browser.Name) --> $($ArgumentList | ConvertTo-Json)" # setup process start info $si = New-Object "System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo" $si.FileName = $browser.Path $si.CreateNoWindow = $true; $si.UseShellExecute = $false; $si.WindowStyle = "Normal" foreach ($arg in $ArgumentList) { $si.ArgumentList.Add($arg); } # start process $process = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($si) } ############################################################################### # nothing to do anymore? then don't waste time on positioning the window if (($HavePositioning -eq $false) -and ($PassThrough -ne $true)) { Write-Verbose "No positioning required, done.." return; } ############################################################################### # allow the browser to start-up, and update process handle if needed enforceMinimumDelays $browser [int] $i = 0; $window = @(); $existingWindow = $false; do { # did it only signal an already existing webbrowser instance, to create a new tab, # and did it then exit? if ($process.HasExited) { # find the process $processesNew = @(Get-Process -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object -Property Path -EQ $browser.Path | Where-Object -Property MainWindowHandle -NE 0 | Sort-Object { $PSItem.StartTime } -Descending | Select-Object -First 1) # not found? if (($processesNew.Length -eq 0) -or ($null -eq $processesNew[0])) { $window = @(); [System.Threading.Thread]::Sleep(80); } else { # get window helper utility for the mainwindow of the process $existingWindow = $hadVisibleBrowser; $process = $processesNew[0]; $window = [GenXdev.Helpers.WindowObj]::GetMainWindow($process, 1, 80); } } else { # get window helper utility for the mainwindow of the process $window = [GenXdev.Helpers.WindowObj]::GetMainWindow($process, 1, 80); } } while (($i++ -lt 50) -and ($window.length -le 0)); if (($PassThrough -eq $true) -and ($null -ne $process)) { Write-Output $process } if ($HavePositioning -eq $false) { Write-Verbose "No positioning required, done.." return; } ############################################################################### # have a handle to the mainwindow of the browser? if ($window.Length -eq 1) { Write-Verbose "Restoring and positioning browser window" # if maximized, restore window style $window[0].Show() | Out-Null # move it to it's place $window[0].Move($X, $Y, $Width, $Height) | Out-Null # wait [System.Threading.Thread]::Sleep(1500); # do again $window[0].Show() | Out-Null $window[0].Move($X, $Y, $Width, $Height) | Out-Null # needs to be set fullscreen manually? if (($existingWindow -eq $false) -and ($FullScreen -eq $true) -and ($Browser.Name -like "*Firefox*" -or ("--start-fullscreen" -notin $ArgumentList))) { Write-Verbose "Setting fullscreen" # do some magic to make it the foreground window $window[0].SetForeground() | Out-Null $window[0].Move($X, $Y, $Width, $Height) | Out-Null # did it not work? $test = [GenXdev.Helpers.WindowObj]::GetFocusedWindow(); if ($test.Handle -ne $process.MainWindowHandle) { try { # send alt-tab $helper = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell; $helper.sendKeys("%{TAB}"); Write-Verbose "Sending Alt-Tab" } catch { } # wait Start-Sleep 1 } # is the browserwindow now focused? $test = [GenXdev.Helpers.WindowObj]::GetFocusedWindow(); if ($test.Handle -eq $process.MainWindowHandle) { try { # send F11 $helper = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell; $helper.sendKeys("{F11}"); Write-Verbose "Sending F11" } catch { } } } } } finally { # if needed, restore the focus to the PowerShell terminal refocusTab $browser $CurrentUrl } } ############################################################################### # start processing the Urls that we need to open $Url | ForEach-Object { # reference the next Url $CurrentUrl = $PSItem; # '-All' parameter was supplied? if ($All -eq $true) { # open for all browsers $Browsers | ForEach-Object { open $PSItem $CurrentUrl } return; } # '-Chromium' parameter was supplied if ($Chromium -eq $true) { # default browser already chrome or edge? if (($DefaultBrowser.Name -like "*Chrome*") -or ($DefaultBrowser.Name -like "*Edge*")) { # open default browser open $DefaultBrowser $CurrentUrl return; } # enumerate all browsers $Browsers | Sort-Object { $PSItem.Name } -Descending | ForEach-Object { # found edge or chrome? if (($PSItem.Name -like "*Chrome*") -or ($PSItem.Name -like "*Edge*")) { # open it open $PSItem $CurrentUrl } } } else { # '-Chrome' parameter supplied? if ($Chrome -eq $true) { # enumerate all browsers $Browsers | ForEach-Object { # found chrome? if ($PSItem.Name -like "*Chrome*") { # open it open $PSItem $CurrentUrl } } } # '-Edge' parameter supplied? if ($Edge -eq $true) { # enumerate all browsers $Browsers | ForEach-Object { # found Edge? if ($PSItem.Name -like "*Edge*") { # open it open $PSItem $CurrentUrl } } } } # '-Firefox' parameter supplied? if ($Firefox -eq $true) { # enumerate all browsers $Browsers | ForEach-Object { # found Firefox? if ($PSItem.Name -like "*Firefox*") { # open it open $PSItem $CurrentUrl } } } # no specific browser requested? if (($Chromium -ne $true) -and ($Chrome -ne $true) -and ($Edge -ne $true) -and ($Firefox -ne $true)) { # open default browser open $DefaultBrowser $CurrentUrl } } } } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Closes one or more webbrowser instances .DESCRIPTION Closes one or more webbrowser instances in a selective manner, using commandline switches .PARAMETER Edge Closes Microsoft Edge --> -e .PARAMETER Chrome Closes Google Chrome --> -ch .PARAMETER Chromium Closes Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, depending on what the default browser is --> -c .PARAMETER Firefox Closes Firefox --> -ff .PARAMETER All Closes all registered modern browsers -> -a .PARAMETER IncludeBackgroundProcesses Closes all instances of the webbrowser, including background tasks and services .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Close-Webbrowser -Chrome PS C:\> Close-Webbrowser -Chrome -FireFox PS C:\> Close-Webbrowser -All PS C:\> wbc -a .NOTES Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System #> function Close-Webbrowser { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("wbc")] param( ############################################################################### [Alias("e")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Closes Microsoft Edge" )] [switch] $Edge, ############################################################################### [Alias("ch")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Closes Google Chrome" )] [switch] $Chrome, ############################################################################### [Alias("c")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Closes Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, depending on what the default browser is" )] [switch] $Chromium, ############################################################################### [Alias("ff")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Closes Firefox" )] [switch] $Firefox, ############################################################################### [Alias("a")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Closes all registered modern browsers" )] [switch] $All, ############################################################################### [Alias("bg", "Force")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Closes all instances of the webbrowser, including background tasks and services" )] [switch] $IncludeBackgroundProcesses ) # get a list of all available/installed modern webbrowsers $Browsers = Get-Webbrowser # get the configured default webbrowser $DefaultBrowser = Get-DefaultWebbrowser function close($browser) { # find all running processes of this browser Get-Process -Name ([IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($browser.Path)) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue { # reference next process $P = $PSItem; # '-IncludeBackgroundProcesses' parameter supplied? if ($IncludeBackgroundProcesses -ne $true) { # this browser process has no main window? if ($PSItem.MainWindowHandle -eq 0) { # continue to next process return; } # get handle to main window [GenXdev.Helpers.WindowObj]::GetMainWindow($PSItem) | ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue { $startTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow; # send a WM_Close message $PSItem.Close() | Out-Null; do { # wait a little [System.Threading.Thread]::Sleep(20); } while (!$p.HasExited -and [datetime]::UtcNow - $startTime -lt [timespan]::FromSeconds(4)) if ($P.HasExited) { Set-Variable -Scope Global -Name "_LastClose$($Browser.Name)" -Value ([DateTime]::UtcNow.AddSeconds(-1)); return; } } } try { $PSItem.Kill(); Set-Variable -Scope Global -Name "_LastClose$($Browser.Name)" -Value ([DateTime]::UtcNow); } catch { [GenXdev.Helpers.WindowObj]::GetMainWindow($PSItem) | ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue { $PSItem.Close(); } } } } # '-All' parameter was supplied? if ($All -eq $true) { # enumerate all browsers $Browsers | ForEach-Object { close($PSItem) } return; } # '-Chromium' parameter was supplied if ($Chromium -eq $true) { # default browser already chrome or edge? if (($DefaultBrowser.Name -like "*Chrome*") -or ($DefaultBrowser.Name -like "*Edge*")) { close($DefaultBrowser); return; } # enumerate all browsers $Browsers | Sort-Object { $PSItem.Name } -Descending | ForEach-Object { if (($PSItem.Name -like "*Chrome*") -or ($PSItem.Name -like "*Edge*")) { close($PSItem); return; } } } # '-Chrome' parameter supplied? if ($Chrome -eq $true) { # enumerate all browsers $Browsers | ForEach-Object { # found Chrome? if ($PSItem.Name -like "*Chrome*") { close($PSItem); return; } } } # '-Edge' parameter supplied? if ($Edge -eq $true) { # enumerate all browsers $Browsers | ForEach-Object { # found Edge? if ($PSItem.Name -like "*Edge*") { close($PSItem); return; } } } # '-Firefox' parameter supplied? if ($Firefox -eq $true) { # enumerate all browsers $Browsers | ForEach-Object { # found Firefox? if ($PSItem.Name -like "*Firefox*") { close($PSItem); return; } } } # no specific browser requested? if (($Chromium -ne $true) -and ($Chrome -ne $true) -and ($Edge -ne $true) -and ($Firefox -ne $true)) { # open default browser close($DefaultBrowser); } } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Selects a webbrowser tab .DESCRIPTION Selects a webbrowser tab for use by the Cmdlets 'Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation -> et, eval', 'Close-WebbrowserTab -> ct' and others .PARAMETER id When '-Id' is not supplied, a list of available webbrowser tabs is shown, where the right value can be found .PARAMETER Name Selects the first entry that contains given name in its url .PARAMETER Edge Force to use 'Microsoft Edge' webbrowser for selection .PARAMETER Chrome Force to use 'Google Chrome' webbrowser for selection .PARAMETER ByReference Select tab using reference obtained with Get-ChromiumSessionReference .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Select-WebbrowserTab PS C:\> Select-WebbrowserTab 3 PS C:\> Select-WebbrowserTab -Chrome 14 PS C:\> st -ch 14 .NOTES Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System #> function Select-WebbrowserTab { [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = "normal" )] [Alias("st", "Select-BrowserTab")] param ( ############################################################################### [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "normal", Position = 0, HelpMessage = "When '-Id' is not supplied, a list of available webbrowser tabs is shown, where the right value can be found")] [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)] [int] $id = -1, ############################################################################### [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "byName", Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'Selects the first entry that contains given name in its url')] [string] $Name = $null, ############################################################################### [Alias("e")] [parameter( ParameterSetName = "normal", Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Select in Microsoft Edge" )] [switch] $Edge, ############################################################################### [Alias("ch")] [parameter( ParameterSetName = "normal", Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Select in Google Chrome" )] [switch] $Chrome, ############################################################################### [Alias("r")] [parameter( ParameterSetName = "byreference", Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Select tab using reference obtained with Get-ChromiumSessionReference" )] [HashTable] $ByReference = $null ) if ($null -ne $ByReference) { $Port = $ByReference.Port; } else { if ($Global:Data -isnot [HashTable]) { $globalData = @{} Set-Variable -Name "Data" -Value $globalData -Scope Global } else { $globalData = $Global:Data; } # init if ($Edge -eq $true) { $port = Get-EdgeRemoteDebuggingPort # if (!(Test-Connection -TcpPort $port -TimeoutSeconds 1)) { # Open-Webbrowser -Edge -FullScreen # Start-Sleep 2 # } } else { if ($Chrome -eq $true) { $port = Get-ChromeRemoteDebuggingPort # if (!(Test-Connection -TcpPort $port -TimeoutSeconds 1)) { # Open-Webbrowser -Chrome -FullScreen # Start-Sleep 2 # } } else { $port = Get-ChromiumRemoteDebuggingPort # if (!(Test-Connection -TcpPort $port -TimeoutSeconds 1)) { # Open-Webbrowser -Chromium -FullScreen # Start-Sleep 2 # } } } } function showList() { $i = 0; $Global:chromeSessions | ForEach-Object -Process { if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.url) -eq $false) { $b = " "; if ($_.webSocketDebuggerUrl -eq $Global:chromeSession.webSocketDebuggerUrl) { $b = "*"; } $Url = $_.url; if ($_.url.startsWith("chrome-extension:") -or $_.url.contains("/offline/")) { $Url = "chrome-extension: ($($_.title))"; } "{`"id`":$i,`"A`":`"$b`",`"url`":$([GenXdev.Helpers.Serialization]::ToJson($Url))}" | ConvertFrom-Json $i = $i + 1; } } } if ($Global:chrome -isnot [GenXdev.Helpers.Chrome] -or $Global:chrome.Port -ne $port) { Write-Verbose "Creating new chromium automation object" $c = New-Object "GenXdev.Helpers.Chrome" @("http://localhost:$port") Set-Variable -Name chrome -Value $c -Scope Global } Set-Variable -Name CurrentChromiumDebugPort -Value $Port -Scope Global if (($null -eq $ByReference -and $id -lt 0) -or ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name)) { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name)) { Write-Verbose "No ID parameter specified" } try { $s = $Global:chrome.GetAvailableSessions(); } Catch { if ($Global:Host.Name.Contains("Visual Studio")) { "Webbrowser has not been opened yet, press F5 to start debugging first.." | Out-Host } else { "Webbrowser has not been opened yet, use Open-Webbrowser --> wb to start a browser with debugging enabled.." | Out-Host } return; } Set-Variable -Name chromeSessions -Value $s -Scope Global Write-Verbose "Sessions set, length= $($Global:chromeSessions.count)" [int] $id = 0; while ( (( (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name) -and ($s[$id].url -notlike "*$name*")) -or $s[$id].url.startsWith("chrome-extension:") -or $s[$id].url.startsWith("devtools") -or $s[$id].url.contains("/offline/") -or $s[$id].url.contains("edge:")) -and ($id -lt ($s.Count - 1)))) { Write-Verbose "skipping $($s[$id].url)" $id = $id + 1; } $id = [Math]::Min($id, $s.Count - 1); if ($id -lt $s.Count) { $Global:chrome.SetActiveSession($s[$id].webSocketDebuggerUrl); Set-Variable -Name chromeSession -Value $s[$id] -Scope Global Write-Verbose "Session set: $($Global:chromeSession)" } } else { if ($null -eq $ByReference) { $s = $Global:chromeSessions; "$($id)" | Write-Verbose if ($id -ge $s.Count) { $s = $Global:chrome.GetAvailableSessions(); Set-Variable -Name chromeSessions -Value $s -Scope Global Write-Verbose "Sessions set, length= $($Global:chromeSessions.count)" showList throw "Session expired, select new session with cmdlet: Select-WebbrowserTab --> st" } $Global:chrome.SetActiveSession($s[$id].webSocketDebuggerUrl); Set-Variable -Name chromeSession -Value $s[$id] -Scope Global try { $s = $Global:chrome.GetAvailableSessions(); } catch { throw "Session expired, select new session with cmdlet: Select-WebbrowserTab --> st" } Set-Variable -Name chromeSessions -Value $s -Scope Global Write-Verbose "Sessions set, length= $($Global:chromeSessions.count)" $debugUri = $Global:chromeSession.webSocketDebuggerUrl; } else { try { $s = $Global:chrome.GetAvailableSessions(); } catch { throw "Session expired, select new session with cmdlet: Select-WebbrowserTab --> st" } $debugUri = $ByReference.debugUri; } $found = $false; $s | ForEach-Object -Process { if ($_.webSocketDebuggerUrl -eq $debugUri) { $found = $true; $Global:chrome.SetActiveSession($_.webSocketDebuggerUrl); Set-Variable -Name chromeSession -Value $_ -Scope Global } } if ($found -eq $false) { if ($null -eq $ByReference) { showList } throw "Session expired, select new session with cmdlet: Select-WebbrowserTab --> st" } } if ($null -eq $ByReference) { showList } } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Runs one or more scripts inside a selected webbrowser tab. .DESCRIPTION Runs one or more scripts inside a selected webbrowser tab. You can access 'data' object from within javascript, to synchronize data between PowerShell and the Webbrowser .Parameter Scripts A string containing javascript, a url or a file reference to a javascript file .Parameter Inspect Will cause the developer tools of the webbrowser to break, before executing the scripts, allowing you to debug it .Parameter AsJob Will execute the evaluation as a new background job. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation "document.title = 'hello world'" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> # Synchronizing data Select-WebbrowserTab; $Global:Data = @{ files= (Get-ChildItem *.* -file | % FullName)}; [int] $number = Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation " document.body.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(data.files); data.title = document.title; return 123; "; Write-Host " Document title : $($Global:Data.title) return value : $Number "; .EXAMPLE PS C:\> # Support for promises Select-WebbrowserTab; Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation " let myList = []; return new Promise((resolve) => { let i = 0; let a = setInterval(() => { myList.push(++i); if (i == 10) { clearInterval(a); resolve(myList); } }, 1000); }); " .EXAMPLE PS C:\> # Support for promises and more # this function returns all rows of all tables/datastores of all databases of indexedDb in the selected tab # beware, not all websites use indexedDb, it could return an empty set Select-WebbrowserTab; Set-WebbrowserTabLocation "" Start-Sleep 3 $AllIndexedDbData = Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation " // enumerate all indexedDB databases for (let db of await indexedDB.databases()) { // request to open database let openRequest = await; // wait for eventhandlers to be called await new Promise((resolve,reject) => { openRequest.onsuccess = resolve; openRequest.onerror = reject }); // obtain reference let openedDb = openRequest.result; // initialize result let result = { DatabaseName:, Version: db.version, Stores: [] } // itterate object store names for (let i = 0; i < openedDb.objectStoreNames.length; i++) { // reference let storeName = openedDb.objectStoreNames[i]; // start readonly transaction let tr = openedDb.transaction(storeName); // get objectstore handle let store = tr.objectStore(storeName); // request all data let getRequest = store.getAll(); // await result await new Promise((resolve,reject) => { getRequest.onsuccess = resolve; getRequest.onerror = reject; }); // add result result.Stores.push({ StoreName: storeName, Data: getRequest.result}); } // stream this database contents to the PowerShell pipeline, and continue yield result; } "; $AllIndexedDbData | Out-Host .EXAMPLE PS C:\> # Support for yielded pipeline results Select-WebbrowserTab; Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation " for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { await (new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))); yield i; } "; .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-ChildItem *.js | Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation -Edge .EXAMPLE PS C:\> ls *.js | et -e .NOTES Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System #> function Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation { [Alias("Eval", "et")] param( ############################################################################### [Parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "A string containing javascript, a url or a file reference to a javascript file", ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true) ] [Alias('FullName')] [object[]] $Scripts, ############################################################################### [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Will cause the developer tools of the webbrowser to break, before executing the scripts, allowing you to debug it", ValueFromPipeline = $false) ] [switch] $Inspect, ############################################################################### [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false )] [switch] $AsJob, ############################################################################### [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false )] [switch] $NoAutoSelectTab ) Begin { try { $reference = Get-ChromiumSessionReference } catch { if ($NoAutoSelectTab -eq $true) { throw $PSItem.Exception } Select-WebbrowserTab | Out-Null $reference = Get-ChromiumSessionReference } } Process { Write-Verbose "Processing.." # enumerate provided scripts foreach ($js in $Scripts) { $scriptBlock = { param($js, $reference, $AsJob, $Inspect) try { Set-Variable -Name "Data" -Value $ -Scope Global Select-WebbrowserTab -ByReference $reference # is it a file reference? if (($js -is [IO.FileInfo]) -or (($js -is [System.String]) -and [IO.File]::Exists($js))) { # comming from Get-ChildItem command? if ($js -is [IO.FileInfo]) { # make it a string $js = $js.FullName; } # it's a string with a path, load the content $js = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($js, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8) } else { # make it a string, if it isn't yet if ($js -isnot [System.String] -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($js)) { $js = "$js"; } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($js) -eq $false) { [Uri] $uri = $null; $isUri = ( [Uri]::TryCreate("$js", "absolute", [ref] $uri) -or ( $js.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("www.") -and [Uri]::TryCreate("http://$js", "absolute", [ref] $uri) ) ) -and $uri.IsWellFormedOriginalString() -and $uri.Scheme -like "http*"; if ($IsUri) { $httpResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Js if ($httpResult.StatusCode -eq 200) { $type = "text/javascript"; if ($httpResult.Content -Match "[`r`n\s`t;,]import ") { $type = "module"; } $ScriptHash = [GenXdev.Helpers.Hash]::FormatBytesAsHexString( [GenXdev.Helpers.Hash]::GetSha256BytesOfString($httpResult.Content)); $js = " let scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { let script = scripts[i]; if (!!script && typeof script.getAttribute === 'function' && script.getAttribute('data-hash') === '$scriptHash') { return; } } let scriptTag = document.createElement('script'); let scriptLoaded = false; let loaded = () => { }; scriptTag.innerHTML = $(($httpResult.Content | ConvertTo-Json)); scriptTag.setAttribute('type', '$type'); scriptTag.setAttribute('data-hash', '$ScriptHash'); let head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!head) { head = document.createElement('head'); document.appendChild(head); } head.appendChild(scriptTag); "; } else { throw "Downloading script '$js' resulted in http statuscode $($HttpResult.StatusCode) - $($HttpResult.StatusDescription)" } } } } # '-Inspect' parameter provided? if ($Inspect -eq $true) { # invoke a debug break-point $js = "debugger;`r`n$js" } Write-Verbose "Processing: `r`n$($js.Trim())" # convert data object to json, and then again to make it a json string $json = ($ | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 100 | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 100); # init result $result = $null; $ScriptHash = [GenXdev.Helpers.Hash]::FormatBytesAsHexString( [GenXdev.Helpers.Hash]::GetSha256BytesOfString($js)); $js = " (function(data) { let resultData = window['iwae$ScriptHash'] || { started: false, done: false, success: true, data: data, returnValues: [] } window['iwae$ScriptHash'] = resultData; function catcher(e) { let resultData = window['iwae$ScriptHash']; resultData.success = false; resultData.done = true; try { resultData.returnValue = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e)); } catch (e2) { resultData.returnValue = e+`"`"; } } if (!resultData.started) { resultData.started = true; try { eval($(" (async () => { let result; try { result = (async function*() { $js })(); let resultCount = 0; let resultValue; do { resultValue = await; if (resultValue.value instanceof Promise) { resultValue.value = await resultValue.value; } let resultData = window['iwae$ScriptHash'] if (resultCount++ === 0 && resultValue.done) { resultData.returnValue = resultValue.value; } else { if (!resultValue.done) { resultData.returnValues.push(resultValue.value); } } } while (!resultValue.done) let resultData = window['iwae$ScriptHash'] resultData.done = true; resultData.success = true; } catch (e) { catcher(e); } })() " | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 100)); } catch(e) { catcher(e); } } if (resultData.done) { delete window['iwae$ScriptHash']; } if (!$($AsJob.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())) { let clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(resultData)); resultData.returnValues = []; return clone; } return resultData; })(JSON.parse($json)); "; try { [int] $pollCount = 0; do { # de-serialize outputed result object $reference = Get-ChromiumSessionReference $result = ($Global:chrome.eval($js) | ConvertFrom-Json).result; Write-Verbose "Got results: $($result | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 100)" # all good? if ($result -is [Object]) { # get actual returned value $result = $result.result; # present? if ($result -is [Object]) { # there was an exception thrown? if ($result.subtype -eq "error") { # re-throw throw $result; } $result = $result.value; # got a data object? if ($ -is [PSObject]) { # initialize $ = @{} # enumerate properties $ | Get-Member -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object -Property MemberType -Like *Property* | ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue { # set in a case-sensitive manner $"$($PSItem.Name)" = $"$($PSItem.Name)" } Set-Variable -Name "Data" -Value $ -Scope Global } } } if ($pollCount -gt 0) { Start-Sleep 1 -Verbose } $pollCount++; if ($AsJob -ne $true) { $result.returnValues | Write-Output $result.returnValues = @(); } } while (!$result.done); if ($AsJob -ne $true) { # result indicate an exception thrown? if ($result.success -eq $false) { if ($result.returnValue -is [string]) { # re-throw throw $result.returnValue; } throw "An unknown script parsing error occured"; } } } Catch { Write-Error $_ $result = $null } if ($AsJob -eq $true) { Write-Output $result; } else { Write-Output $result.returnValue; } } Catch { throw " $($_.Exception) $($_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage) $($_.InvocationInfo.Line) " } } if ($AsJob -eq $true) { Start-Job -InitializationScript { Import-Module GenXdev.Webbrowser } -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList @($js, $reference, $true, ($Inspect -eq $true)) } else { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList @($js, $reference, $false, ($Inspect -eq $true)); } } } End { } } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Navigates current selected tab to specified url .DESCRIPTION Navigates current selected tab to specified url .PARAMETER Url The Url the browsertab should navigate too .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-WebbrowserTabLocation "" .NOTES Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System #> function Set-WebbrowserTabLocation { [Alias("lt", "Nav")] param ( [parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "The Url the browsertab should navigate too" )] [string] $Url ) try { $Url = [Uri]::new($Url).ToString(); } catch { throw "Url '$Url' is not in a proper format" } Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation "let old = document.location;document.location = '$Url'; 'Navigating from '+old+' --> \'$Url\''" } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes a script in the current selected webbrowser tab to maximize the video player .DESCRIPTION Invokes a script in the current selected webbrowser tab to maximize the video player #> function Set-BrowserVideoFullscreen { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("fsvideo")] param() Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation " = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0]; video.setAttribute('style','position:fixed;left:0;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;z-index:10000;width:100vw;height:100vh'); document.body.appendChild(video);document.body.setAttribute('style', 'overflow:hidden');" } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Closes the currently selected webbrowser tab .DESCRIPTION Closes the currently selected webbrowser tab .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Close-WebbrowserTab PS C:\> st; ct; .NOTES Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System #> function Close-WebbrowserTab { [Alias("ct", "CloseTab")] param ( ) try { Get-ChromiumSessionReference | Out-Null } catch { Select-WebbrowserTab | Out-Null } "Closing '$($Global:chromeSession.title)' - $($Global:chromeSession.url)" Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation "window.close()" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Will open an url into three different browsers + a incognito window, with a window mosaic layout .DESCRIPTION Will open an url into three different browsers + a incognito window, with a window mosaic layout .PARAMETER Url Url to open .EXAMPLE Show-WebsiteInallBrowsers "" .NOTES Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System To actually see four windows, you need Google Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge installed #> function Show-WebsiteInAllBrowsers { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("Show-UrlInAllBrowsers")] param( [parameter( Mandatory, Position = 0 )] [string] $Url ) Open-Webbrowser -Chrome -Left -Top -Url $Url; Open-Webbrowser -Edge -Left -Bottom -Url $Url Open-Webbrowser -Firefox -Right -Top -Url $Url; Open-Webbrowser -Private -Right -Bottom -Url $Url; } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Updates all browser shortcuts for current user, to enable the remote debugging port by default .DESCRIPTION Updates all browser shortcuts for current user, to enable the remote debugging port by default .NOTES Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System #> function Set-RemoteDebuggerPortInBrowserShortcuts { [CmdletBinding()] param() function removePreviousParam([string] $params) { $i = $params.indexOf("--remote-debugging-port="); while ($i -ge 0) { $params = $params.Substring(0, $i).Trim() + " " + $params.Substring($i + 25).Trim(); while ($params.Length -ge 0 -and "012345679".IndexOf($params.Substring(0, 1)) -ge 0) { if ($params.length -ge 1) { $params = $params.Substring(1); } else { $params = ""; } } $i = $params.indexOf("--remote-debugging-port="); } return $params; } [int] $port = (Get-ChromeRemoteDebuggingPort) $param = " --remote-debugging-port=$port"; $shell = New-Object -COM WScript.Shell @( "$Env:AppData\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Google Chrome.lnk", "$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Google Chrome.lnk", [IO.Path]::Combine((Get-KnownFolderPath StartMenu), "Google Chrome.lnk"), [IO.Path]::Combine((Get-KnownFolderPath Desktop), "Google Chrome.lnk") ) | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem $PSItem -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue { try { $shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($PSItem.FullName); $shortcut.Arguments = $shortcut.Arguments.replace("222", "").Trim(); $shortcut.Arguments = "$(removePreviousParam $shortcut.Arguments) $param".Trim() $shortcut.Save(); } catch { Write-Verbose $PSItem } } } $port = (Get-EdgeRemoteDebuggingPort) $param = " --remote-debugging-port=$port"; $shell = New-Object -COM WScript.Shell @( "$Env:AppData\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Microsoft Edge.lnk", "$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Edge.lnk", [IO.Path]::Combine((Get-KnownFolderPath StartMenu), "Microsoft Edge.lnk"), [IO.Path]::Combine((Get-KnownFolderPath Desktop), "Microsoft Edge.lnk") ) | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem $PSItem -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue { try { $shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($PSItem.FullName); $shortcut.Arguments = $shortcut.Arguments.replace("222", "").Trim(); $shortcut.Arguments = $shortcut.Arguments.replace("223", "").Trim(); $shortcut.Arguments = "$(removePreviousParam $shortcut.Arguments) $param".Trim() $shortcut.Save(); } catch { Write-Verbose $PSItem } } } } ############################################################################### function Get-ChromeRemoteDebuggingPort { [CmdletBinding()] param() [int] $Port = 0; if (![int]::TryParse("$Global:ChromeDebugPort", [ref] $port)) { $Port = 9222; } Set-Variable -Name ChromeDebugPort -Value $Port -Scope Global return $Port; } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the configured remote debugging port for Microsoft Edge .DESCRIPTION Returns the configured remote debugging port for Microsoft Edge .NOTES Use $Global:EdgeDebugPort to override default value of 9223 #> function Get-EdgeRemoteDebuggingPort { [CmdletBinding()] param() [int] $Port = 0; if (![int]::TryParse($Global:EdgeDebugPort, [ref] $port)) { $Port = 9223; } Set-Variable -Name EdgeDebugPort -Value $Port -Scope Global return $Port; } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the configured remote debugging port for Google Chrome .DESCRIPTION Returns the configured remote debugging port for Google Chrome .NOTES Use $Global:EdgeDebugPort to override default value of 9222 #> function Get-ChromeRemoteDebuggingPort { [CmdletBinding()] param() [int] $Port = 0; if (![int]::TryParse($Global:ChromeDebugPort, [ref] $port)) { $Port = 9222; } Set-Variable -Name ChromeDebugPort -Value $Port -Scope Global return $Port; } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the configured remote debugging port for Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, which ever is the default browser .DESCRIPTION Returns the configured remote debugging port for Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, which ever is the default browser #> function Get-ChromiumRemoteDebuggingPort { [CmdletBinding()] param() $DefaultBrowser = Get-DefaultWebbrowser; if (($null -eq $DefaultBrowser) -or ($DefaultBrowser.Name -like "*Edge*")) { Get-EdgeRemoteDebuggingPort; return; } Get-ChromeRemoteDebuggingPort; } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Proxy function dynamic parameter block for the Open-Webbrowser cmdlet .DESCRIPTION The dynamic parameter block of a proxy function. This block can be used to copy a proxy function target's parameters . #> function Copy-OpenWebbrowserParameters { [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()] param( [string[]] $ParametersToSkip = @() ) Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip $ParametersToSkip } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Changes firefox settings to enable remotedebugging and app-mode startups of firefox .DESCRIPTION Changes firefox settings to enable remotedebugging and app-mode startups of firefox #> function Approve-FirefoxDebugging { [CmdletBinding()] param() try { Get-ChildItem "$Env:Appdata\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\prefs.js" -File -rec -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue { $lines = [IO.File]::ReadAllLines($PSItem.FullName); $lines = $lines | ForEach-Object { if (!$PSItem.Contains("`"browser.ssb.enabled`"") -and !$PSItem.Contains("`"`"") -and !$PSItem.Contains("`"devtools.debugger.remote-enabled`"") -and !$PSItem.Contains("`"devtools.debugger.prompt-connection`"")) { $PSItem } } $lines = $lines + @( "user_pref(`"`", true);", "user_pref(`"devtools.debugger.remote-enabled`", true);", "user_pref(`"devtools.debugger.prompt-connection`", false);" "user_pref(`"browser.ssb.enabled`", true);" ) [IO.File]::WriteAllLines($PSItem.FullName, $lines); } } catch { } } ############################################################################### <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a reference that can be used with Select-WebbrowserTab -ByReference .DESCRIPTION Returns a reference that can be used with Select-WebbrowserTab -ByReference This can be usefull when you want to evaluate the webbrowser inside a Job. With this serializable reference, you can pass the webbrowser tab session reference on to the Job commandblock. #> function Get-ChromiumSessionReference { [CmdletBinding()] param() # initialize data hashtable if ($Global:Data -isnot [HashTable]) { $globalData = @{}; Set-Variable -Name "Data" -Value $globalData -Scope Global } else { $globalData = $Global:Data; } # no session yet? if ($Global:chromeSession -isnot [GenXdev.Helpers.RemoteSessionsResponse]) { throw "Select session first with cmdlet: Select-WebbrowserTab -> st" } else { Write-Verbose "Found existing session: $($Global.chromeSession | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)" } # get available tabs $s = $Global:chrome.GetAvailableSessions(); # reference selected session $debugUri = $Global:chromeSession.webSocketDebuggerUrl; # find it in the most recent list $found = $false; $s | ForEach-Object -Process { if ($_.webSocketDebuggerUrl -eq $debugUri) { $found = $true; } } # not found? if ($found -eq $false) { throw "Session expired, select new session with cmdlet: Select-WebbrowserTab -> st" } else { Write-Verbose "Session still active" } @{ debugUri = $debugUri; port = $Global:chrome.Port; data = $globalData } } |