################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a serializable reference to the current browser tab session. .DESCRIPTION Returns a hashtable containing debugger URI, port, and session data for the current browser tab. This reference can be used with Select-WebbrowserTab -ByReference to reconnect to the same tab, especially useful in background jobs or across different PowerShell sessions. The function validates the existence of an active chrome session and ensures the browser controller is still running before returning the session reference. .EXAMPLE # Get a reference to the current chrome tab session $sessionRef = Get-ChromiumSessionReference .EXAMPLE # Store the reference and use it later to reconnect $ref = Get-ChromiumSessionReference Select-WebbrowserTab -ByReference $ref #> function Get-ChromiumSessionReference { [CmdletBinding()] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidGlobalVars", "")] [OutputType([hashtable])] param() begin { # verify if a browser session exists in global scope Write-Verbose "Checking for active browser session" # create global data storage if it doesn't exist if ($Global:Data -isnot [Hashtable]) { $globalData = @{} $null = Set-Variable -Name "Data" -Value $globalData ` -Scope Global -Force } else { $globalData = $Global:Data } } process { # ensure chrome session exists and is of correct type if (($null -eq $Global:chromeSession) -or ($Global:chromeSession -isnot [PSCustomObject])) { throw "No browser available with open debugging port, use -Force to restart" } Write-Verbose "Found active session" # verify chrome controller is still active if (($null -eq $Global:chromeController) -or ($Global:chromeController.IsClosed)) { throw "Browser session expired. Use Select-WebbrowserTab to select" + " a new session." } Write-Verbose "Session is still active" # ensure session has data property and return reference if (-not ($ -is [hashtable])) { Add-Member -InputObject $Global:chromeSession ` -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "data" -Value $globalData -Force } return ($Global:chromeSession); } end { } } ################################################################################ |