################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the Playwright browser profile directory for persistent sessions. .DESCRIPTION Creates and manages browser profile directories for Playwright automated testing. Profiles are stored in LocalAppData under GenXdev.Powershell/Playwright.profiles. These profiles enable persistent sessions across browser automation runs. .PARAMETER BrowserType Specifies the browser type to create/get a profile directory for. Can be Chromium, Firefox, or Webkit. Defaults to Chromium if not specified. .EXAMPLE Get-PlaywrightProfileDirectory -BrowserType Chromium Creates or returns path: %LocalAppData%\GenXdev.Powershell\Playwright.profiles\Chromium .EXAMPLE Get-PlaywrightProfileDirectory Firefox Creates or returns Firefox profile directory using positional parameter. #> function Get-PlaywrightProfileDirectory { [CmdletBinding()] param( ######################################################################## [Parameter( Position = 0, HelpMessage = "The browser type (Chromium, Firefox, or Webkit)" )] [ValidateSet("Chromium", "Firefox", "Webkit")] [string]$BrowserType = "Chromium" ######################################################################## ) begin { # construct the base directory path for all browser profiles $baseDir = Join-Path -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA ` -ChildPath "GenXdev.Powershell\Playwright.profiles\" Write-Verbose "Base profile directory: $baseDir" } process { # generate the specific browser profile directory path $browserDir = Join-Path -Path $baseDir -ChildPath $BrowserType Write-Verbose "Browser profile directory: $browserDir" # ensure the profile directory exists if (-not (Test-Path -Path $browserDir)) { Write-Verbose "Creating new profile directory for $BrowserType" $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $browserDir -Force Write-Host "Created profile directory for $BrowserType at: $browserDir" } # return the full profile directory path return $browserDir } end { } } ################################################################################ |