
Opens a webpage in a webbrowser and performs a query
Opens a website by Url in the webbrowser, it types in a query and presses enter.
The url of the website to open
The query to perform

function Open-WebsiteAndPerformQuery {


        [Alias("u", "uri", "link", "address", "site")]
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The url of the website to open"
        [string] $Url,
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,
        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor", "RestoreFocus"

    begin {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;
        else {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "Url";

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);
        else {

            $PSBoundParameters["Monitor"] = $Monitor;

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PassThru") -eq $true) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("PassThru", $true);
        else {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("PassThru", $true) | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("RestoreFocus")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("RestoreFocus", $false) | Out-Null;
        else {

            $PSBoundParameters["RestoreFocus"] = $false;

    process {

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = $Url;

            $p = Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters | Select-Object -First 1

            Start-Sleep 6 | Out-Null

            if ($null -ne $p) {

                # [Console]::WriteLine("Process found: {0}", $p.Id)
                Set-ForegroundWindow ($p.MainWindowHandle) | Out-Null
                Send-Keys -Keys $Query -Escape -ShiftEnter
            else {

                # [Console]::WriteLine("No Process found");
                Send-Keys -Keys $Query -Escape -ShiftEnter

            Send-Keys "{ENTER}";


Performs a google search and returns the links
Performs a google search and returns the links
The google query to perform
The maximum number of results to obtain, defaults to 200
PS C:\> $Urls = Get-GoogleSearchResultUrls " PowerShell module"; $Urls
Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System

function Get-GoogleSearchResultUrls {


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The maximum number of results to obtain, defaults to 200"
        [int] $Max = 200,
            "Bork, bork, bork!",
            "Chinese (Simplified)",
            "Chinese (Traditional)",
            "Elmer Fudd",
            "Haitian Creole",
            "Krio (Sierra Leone)",
            "Kurdish (Soranî)",
            "Mauritian Creole",
            "Nigerian Pidgin",
            "Northern Sotho",
            "Norwegian (Nynorsk)",
            "Portuguese (Brazil)",
            "Portuguese (Portugal)",
            "Scots Gaelic",
            "Seychellois Creole",
            "Spanish (Latin American)",
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The language of the returned search results"
        [string] $Language = $null

    begin {

        $LangKey = "&hl=en";

        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Language)) {

            $LangKey = "&hl=en&lr=lang_$([Uri]::EscapeUriString((Get-WebLanguageDictionary)[$Language]))"

    process {

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $Query = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))"
            $Url = "$Query$LangKey"

            $Global:Data = @{

                urls   = @();
                query  = $Query;
                more   = $false;
                done   = @{};
                source = @{
                    url = $Url

            Set-WebbrowserTabLocation $Url

            do {
                Start-Sleep 10 | Out-Null

                Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation -Scripts @("$PSScriptRoot\Get-GoogleSearchResultUrls.js") | Out-Null

                $Global:data.urls | ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue {

                    if ($Max-- -gt 0) {


            while ($Global:data.more -and ($Max -gt 0))


Performs an infinite auto opening google search .
Performs a google search .
Opens 10 tabs each times, pauses until initial tab is revisited
Close initial tab to stop
The google query to perform
PS C:\>
    Open-AllGoogleLinks " PowerShell module"
Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System

function Open-AllGoogleLinks {


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,
            "Bork, bork, bork!",
            "Chinese (Simplified)",
            "Chinese (Traditional)",
            "Elmer Fudd",
            "Haitian Creole",
            "Krio (Sierra Leone)",
            "Kurdish (Soranî)",
            "Mauritian Creole",
            "Nigerian Pidgin",
            "Northern Sotho",
            "Norwegian (Nynorsk)",
            "Portuguese (Brazil)",
            "Portuguese (Portugal)",
            "Scots Gaelic",
            "Seychellois Creole",
            "Spanish (Latin American)",
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The language of the returned search results"
        [string] $Language = $null

    begin {

        $Query = "$Query"
        $LangKey = "&hl=en";

        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Language)) {

            $LangKey = "&hl=en&lr=lang_$([Uri]::EscapeUriString((Get-WebLanguageDictionary)[$Language]))"

    process {

        $Global:data = @{

            urls  = @();
            query = $Query

        Invoke-WebbrowserTabPollingScript -Scripts @("$PSScriptRoot\Open-AllGoogleLinks.js") -InitialUrl "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))$LangKey"


Performs an infinite auto opening youtube search in a new fullscreen browser window on second monitor.
Performs an infinite auto opening youtube search in a new fullscreen browser window on second monitor.
The console window will show info about the video and keyboard shortcuts for controlling current playing video
Opens all videos of each searchterm provided
.PARAMETER Subscriptions
Opens all videos of subscribed channels
Opens all videos of the watch-later playlist
.PARAMETER Recommended
Opens all videos that youtube recommends
Opens all videos that are currently trending on youtube
The very first time, you will need to allow youtube to open pop-ups, using the appropiate button in the addressbar of the browser.
If no parameters are provided, it will provide the UI for any youtube tab that has focus
PS C:\>
    Open-AllYoutubeVideos "PowerShell Windows Terminal"
PS C:\>
    qvideos PowerShell tutorial, vscode tips
    qvideos -Queries "PowerShell tutorials", "vscode tips"
Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System

function Open-AllYoutubeVideos {

    [Alias("qvideos", "qyt")]

        [Alias("q", "Value", "Name", "Text", "Query")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 0,
        [string[]] $Queries = @(""),

            Mandatory = $false
        [switch] $Subscriptions,

            Mandatory = $false
        [switch] $WatchLater,

            Mandatory = $false
        [switch] $Recommended,

            Mandatory = $false
        [switch] $Trending,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Select in Microsoft Edge"
        [switch] $Edge,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Select in Google Chrome"
        [switch] $Chrome

    begin {

        $LastVideo = "";

        $PowershellProcess = Get-PowershellMainWindowProcess
        $PowershellWindow = [GenXdev.Helpers.WindowObj]::GetMainWindow($PowershellProcess);

    process {

        [bool] $CurrentTab = ($Recommended -ne $true) -and ($Subscriptions -ne $true) -and ($Trending -ne $true) -and ($WatchLater -ne $true) -and (($Queries.Count -eq 0) -or [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($queries[0]));

        $Global:data = @{

            urls           = @();
            query          = $Query;
            description    = "";
            title          = "";
            subscribeTitle = "";
            playing        = $true;
            duration       = 0;
            position       = 0;
        function go($Url = $null) {

            $AllScreens = @([WpfScreenHelper.Screen]::AllScreens | ForEach-Object { $PSItem });
            $hostInfo = & { $H = Get-Host; $H.ui.rawui; }
            $size = "$($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width)x$($hostInfo.WindowSize.Height)";
            Write-Host "Hold on.. launching query".PadRight($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width, " ") -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::White)
            $browser = $null;

            if ($CurrentTab -ne $true) {

                if ($PowershellWindow.Count -gt 0) {

                    $PowershellScreen = [WpfScreenHelper.Screen]::FromPoint(@{X = $PowershellWindow.Position().X; Y = $PowershellWindow.Position().Y });
                    $PowershellScreenIndex = $AllScreens.IndexOf($PowershellScreen) + 1;

                    [int] $defaultMonitor = 1;

                    if ([int]::TryParse($Global:DefaultSecondaryMonitor, [ref] $defaultMonitor)) {

                        $Monitor = $defaultMonitor % ($AllScreens.Length + 1);
                    else {

                        $Monitor = 2 % ($AllScreens.AllScreens.Length + 1);

                    if ($monitor -lt 1) {

                        if ($monitor -lt 0) {

                            $monitor = $PowershellWindow;
                        else {

                            $monitor = $AllScreens.IndexOf([WpfScreenHelper.Screen]::PrimaryScreen) + 1;

                    if ($PowershellScreenIndex -eq $Monitor) {

                        if ($PowershellScreen.WorkingArea.Width -gt $PowershellScreen.WorkingArea.Height) {

                            Set-WindowPosition -Left -Monitor $Monitor
                            $browser = Open-Webbrowser -NewWindow -RestoreFocus -Chromium -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome -Right -Url $Url -PassThru -Force
                        else {

                            Set-WindowPosition -Bottom -Monitor $Monitor
                            $browser = Open-Webbrowser -NewWindow -RestoreFocus -Chromium -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome -Top -Url $Url -PassThru -Force

                if ($null -eq $browser) {

                    $browser = Open-Webbrowser -NewWindow -FullScreen -RestoreFocus -Chromium -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome -Url $Url -PassThru -Force

            $s = $null
            try {
                $s = $Global:chrome.GetAvailableSessions();
                Select-WebbrowserTab -Name "*youtube*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome -Force | Out-Null
            Catch {

                if ($Force -and ($null -eq $ByReference)) {

                    Close-Webbrowser -Chromium -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome -Force
                    go $Url

            $completed = $false;
            $job = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$PSScriptRoot\Open-AllYoutubeVideos.js");
            [int] $scrollPosition = -1;
            [int] $scrollPosition2 = -1;

            while (-not $completed) {

                try {

                    Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation "$job" -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome | ForEach-Object {

                        if ($completed) { return; }

                        try {

                            $Global:data = $PSItem;

                            $newsize = "$($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width)x$($hostInfo.WindowSize.Height)";
                            if ($newsize -ne $size) {

                                $size = $newsize;
                                $LastVideo = $null;
                            $hostInfo = & { $H = Get-Host; $H.ui.rawui; }
                            $sub = "";
                            $pause = " [P]ause | ";
                            $header = "[Q]uit | $sub$pause SPACE=Next | [0]..[9] = skip | â—€ -20sec | +20sec â–¶ | ".PadRight($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width, " ");
                            if ($header.Length -gt $hostInfo.WindowSize.Width) {

                                $scrollPosition = ($scrollPosition + 1) % $header.length;
                                try {
                                    $header = "$header $header".Substring($scrollPosition, $hostInfo.WindowSize.Width);
                                catch {
                                    try {
                                        $header = "$header $header".Substring(0, $hostInfo.WindowSize.Width);
                                    catch {

                            $scrollPosition = -1;
                            $scrollPosition2 = -1;
                            $videoInfo = "$($Global:data.title)$($Global:data.description)"

                            if ($videoInfo -ne $LastVideo) {

                                Write-Host $header -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::White)
                                $header = "$($Global:data.title)".Replace("`r", "").Replace("`n", "`r").Replace("`t", " ").Trim().PadRight($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width, " ");
                                if ($header.Length -gt $hostInfo.WindowSize.Width) {

                                    $scrollPosition2 = ($scrollPosition2 + 1) % $header.length;
                                    try {
                                        $header = "$header $header".Substring($scrollPosition, $hostInfo.WindowSize.Width);
                                    catch {
                                        try {
                                            $header = "$header $header".Substring(0, $hostInfo.WindowSize.Width);
                                        catch {

                                Write-Host $header -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::black) -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Gray)
                                [int] $nn = 0;
                                $txt = "$($Global:data.description)".Replace("Show less", "").Replace("Show more", "").Replace("`r", "").Replace("`n", "`r").Replace("`t", " ").Trim();
                                Write-Host ((($txt -Split "`r"  | ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue {
                                                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PSItem)) {
                                                    $nn = $nn + 1;
                                                else {
                                                    $nn = 0
                                                if ($nn -lt 2) {
                                                    $s = $PSItem.Trim();
                                                    for ([int] $i = $hostInfo.WindowSize.Width - 1; $i -lt $s.length - 1; $i += $hostInfo.WindowSize.Width - 3) {

                                                        $s = $s.substring(0, $i) + "`r" + $s.substring($i);

                                        ) -Join "`r" -Split "`r" | Select-Object -First ($hostInfo.WindowSize.Height - 3)) -Join "`r`n")

                                $LastVideo = $videoInfo

                            [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $hostInfo.WindowSize.Height - 1);
                            [Console]::BackgroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Blue;
                            [Console]::ForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Yellow;
                            try { [Console]::Write([System.TimeSpan]::FromSeconds([Math]::Round($Global:data.Position, 0)).ToString()) } catch {}
                            [Console]::SetCursorPosition($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width - 9, $hostInfo.WindowSize.Height - 1);
                            try { [Console]::Write([System.TimeSpan]::FromSeconds([Math]::Round($Global:data.Duration - $Global:data.Position, 0)).ToString()) } catch {}
                            [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);

                            while ([Console]::KeyAvailable) {

                                [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $hostInfo.WindowSize.Height - 2);
                                $c = [Console]::ReadKey();

                                switch ("$($c.KeyChar)".ToLowerInvariant()) {

                                    "q" {
                                        $completed = $true;
                                        [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                        Write-Host "Quiting..".PadRight($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width, " ") -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Yellow)

                                        if ($null -ne $browser) {

                                            $browser.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null

                                    " " {

                                        [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                        Write-Host "Skipping to next video".PadRight($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width, " ") -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Yellow)

                                        Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation "window.close(); data.done = true; = true; return; " -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome | Out-Null
                                        Start-Sleep 1 | Out-Null
                                        Select-WebbrowserTab -Name "* youtube*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome -Force | Out-Null
                                        $LastVideo = "";
                                        [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                        Write-Host $header -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::White)

                                    "s" {

                                        [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                        Write-Host "Toggling subscription".PadRight($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width, " ") -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Yellow)

                                        Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation "window.oayv.toggleSubscribeToChannel(); return data;" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome | Out-Null

                                        [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                        Write-Host $header -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::White)

                                    "p" {

                                        [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                        Write-Host "Toggling pause video".PadRight($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width, " ") -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Yellow)

                                        $LastVideo = "";
                                        Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation "window.oayv.togglePauseVideo(); return data; " -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome | Out-Null

                                        [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                        Write-Host $header -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::White)

                                    default {

                                        [int] $n = 0;
                                        if ([int]::TryParse("$($c.KeyChar)", [ref] $n)) {

                                            [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                            Write-Host "Skipping to position".PadRight($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width, " ") -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Yellow)

                                            Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation "window.oayv.setVideoPosition($n); return data;" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome | Out-Null;

                                            [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                            Write-Host $header -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::White)
                                        else {
                                            if ($c.Key -eq [ConsoleKey]::RightArrow) {

                                                [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                                Write-Host "Skipping 20 seconds forward".PadRight($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width, " ") -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Yellow)
                                                Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation "window.oayv.forwardInVideo(); return data;" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome | Out-Null;

                                                [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                                Write-Host $header -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::White)
                                            else {
                                                if ($c.Key -eq [ConsoleKey]::LeftArrow) {

                                                    [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                                    Write-Host "Skipping 20 seconds backwards".PadRight($hostInfo.WindowSize.Width, " ") -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Yellow)
                                                    Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation "window.oayv.backwardsInVideo(); return data;" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome | Out-Null;

                                                    [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                                    Write-Host $header -BackgroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::Blue) -ForegroundColor ([ConsoleColor]::White)
                        catch {
                            if ($LastVideo -ne "") {
                                $completed = $true;

                        Select-WebbrowserTab -Name "*youtube*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Edge:$Edge -Chrome:$Chrome | Out-Null

                        if ((@($Global:chromeSessions).Count -eq 0) -or ($null -eq $Global:chrome)) {

                            throw "No active session"
                catch {

                    $completed = $true;

        try {

            if ($CurrentTab) {


            if ($Queries.Count -gt 0) {

                foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

                    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Query) -eq $false) {

                        go "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))"

            if ($Subscriptions -eq $true) {

                go ""

            if ($Recommended -eq $true) {

                go ""

            if ($WatchLater -eq $true) {

                go ""

            if ($Trending -eq $true) {

                go ""
        finally {

function Open-GoogleQuery {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-GoogleQuery: Opens a google query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1,
            "Bork, bork, bork!",
            "Chinese (Simplified)",
            "Chinese (Traditional)",
            "Elmer Fudd",
            "Haitian Creole",
            "Krio (Sierra Leone)",
            "Kurdish (Soranî)",
            "Mauritian Creole",
            "Nigerian Pidgin",
            "Northern Sotho",
            "Norwegian (Nynorsk)",
            "Portuguese (Brazil)",
            "Portuguese (Portugal)",
            "Scots Gaelic",
            "Seychellois Creole",
            "Spanish (Latin American)",
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The language of the returned search results"
        [string] $Language = $null

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $code = "www"

            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Language)) {

                $code = (Get-WebLanguageDictionary)[$Language]

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "https://$$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))";

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


Performs a Google query in the previously selected webbrowser tab, and download all found pdf's into current directory
Performs a Google query in the previously selected webbrowser tab, and download all found pdf's into current directory
Parameter description
The maximum number of results to obtain, defaults to 200
PS D:\Downloads>
    mkdir pdfs;
    cd pdfs;
    Copy-PDFsFromGoogleQuery scientific, paper, co2
PS D:\Downloads>
    mkdir pdfs;
    cd pdfs;
    Copy-PDFsFromGoogleQuery -Query "scientific paper co2" | Select-Object -First 10 | Open-Webbrowser
Requires the Windows 10+ Operating System

function Copy-PDFsFromGoogleQuery {


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The maximum number of results to obtain, defaults to 200"
        [int] $Max = 200,
            "Bork, bork, bork!",
            "Chinese (Simplified)",
            "Chinese (Traditional)",
            "Elmer Fudd",
            "Haitian Creole",
            "Krio (Sierra Leone)",
            "Kurdish (Soranî)",
            "Mauritian Creole",
            "Nigerian Pidgin",
            "Northern Sotho",
            "Norwegian (Nynorsk)",
            "Portuguese (Brazil)",
            "Portuguese (Portugal)",
            "Scots Gaelic",
            "Seychellois Creole",
            "Spanish (Latin American)",
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The language of the returned search results"
        [string] $Language = $null

    begin {


    process {

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Language)) {

                $list = Get-GoogleSearchResultUrls -Max $Max -Query "filetype:pdf $Query"
            else {
                $list = Get-GoogleSearchResultUrls -Max $Max -Query "filetype:pdf $Query" -Language $Language

            $list | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit 64 -Parallel {

                try {

                    $destination = [IO.Path]::Combine(
                                ).Replace("\", "_").Replace("/", "_").Replace("?", "_").Replace("*", "_").Replace(" ", "_").Replace("__", "_") +

                    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PSItem -OutFile $destination

                    Get-ChildItem $destination
                catch {



Opens a Wikipedia query in a webbrowser
Opens a Wikipedia query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches

function Open-WikipediaQuery {


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))";

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters

Opens a Bing query in a webbrowser
Opens a Bing query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches

function Open-BingQuery {


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))";

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


function Open-WikipediaNLQuery {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-WikipediaNLQuery: Opens a 'Wikipedia - The Netherlands' query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))"

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


function Open-YoutubeQuery {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-YoutubeQuery: Opens a Youtube query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))"

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


function Open-IMDBQuery {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-IMDBQuery: Opens a "Internet Movie Database" query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))&ref_=nv_sr_sm="

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


function Open-InstantStreetViewQuery {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-InstantStreetViewQuery: Opens a "InstantStreetView" query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))"

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


function Open-StackOverflowQuery {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-StackOverflowQuery: Opens a "Stack Overflow" query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))"

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


function Open-WolframAlphaQuery {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-WolframAlphaQuery: Opens a "Wolfram Alpha" query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))";

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


function Open-GithubQuery {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-GithubQuery: Opens a Github query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,
            Mandatory = $false
        [string] $Language = "",

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Language)) {

            $Language = ""
        else {

            $Language = "l=$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Language))&"

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Language")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Language") | Out-Null;

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))$Language&type=repositories"

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


function Open-GoogleSiteInfo {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-GoogleSiteInfo: Opens a "Google siteinfo" query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Queries"] = @("site:$Query", "link:$Query", "related:$Query");

            Open-GoogleQuery @PSBoundParameters


function Open-BuiltWithSiteInfo {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-BuiltWithSiteInfo: Opens a BuildWith query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches

            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))"

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


function Open-WhoisHostSiteInfo {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-WhoisHostSiteInfo: Opens a "Whois HostInfo" query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))"

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


function Open-WaybackMachineSiteInfo {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-WaybackMachineSiteInfo: Opens a Waybackmachine query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "*/$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))"

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


function Open-MovieQuote {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-MovieQuote: Opens a video of a movie quote


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))"

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


function Open-SimularWebSiteInfo {

    # DESCRIPTION Open-SimularWebSiteInfo: Opens a "Simular web" query in a webbrowser, in a configurable manner, using commandline switches


            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "The query to perform"
        [string[]] $Queries,

        [Alias("m", "mon")]
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "The monitor to use, 0 = default, -1 is discard, -2 = Configured secondary monitor"
        [int] $Monitor = -1

    DynamicParam {

        Copy-CommandParameters -CommandName "Open-Webbrowser" -ParametersToSkip "Url", "Monitor"

    begin {


    process {

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Queries")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Queries") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Url")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Url", "Url") | Out-Null;

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Monitor")) {

            $PSBoundParameters.Add("Monitor", $Monitor);

        foreach ($Query in $Queries) {

            $PSBoundParameters["Url"] = "$([Uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))"

            Open-Webbrowser @PSBoundParameters


Returns a reversed dictionary for all languages supported by Google Search
Returns a reversed dictionary for all languages supported by Google Search

function Get-WebLanguageDictionary {

    $result = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary"[String, string]"
    $result["Afrikaans"] = "af";
    $result["Akan"] = "ak";
    $result["Albanian"] = "sq";
    $result["Amharic"] = "am";
    $result["Arabic"] = "ar";
    $result["Armenian"] = "hy";
    $result["Azerbaijani"] = "az";
    $result["Basque"] = "eu";
    $result["Belarusian"] = "be";
    $result["Bemba"] = "bem";
    $result["Bengali"] = "bn";
    $result["Bihari"] = "bh";
    $result["Bork, bork, bork!"] = "xx-bork";
    $result["Bosnian"] = "bs";
    $result["Breton"] = "br";
    $result["Bulgarian"] = "bg";
    $result["Cambodian"] = "km";
    $result["Catalan"] = "ca";
    $result["Cherokee"] = "chr";
    $result["Chichewa"] = "ny";
    $result["Chinese (Simplified)"] = "zh-CN";
    $result["Chinese (Traditional)"] = "zh-TW";
    $result["Corsican"] = "co";
    $result["Croatian"] = "hr";
    $result["Czech"] = "cs";
    $result["Danish"] = "da";
    $result["Dutch"] = "nl";
    $result["Elmer Fudd"] = "xx-elmer";
    $result["English"] = "en";
    $result["Esperanto"] = "eo";
    $result["Estonian"] = "et";
    $result["Ewe"] = "ee";
    $result["Faroese"] = "fo";
    $result["Filipino"] = "tl";
    $result["Finnish"] = "fi";
    $result["French"] = "fr";
    $result["Frisian"] = "fy";
    $result["Ga"] = "gaa";
    $result["Galician"] = "gl";
    $result["Georgian"] = "ka";
    $result["German"] = "de";
    $result["Greek"] = "el";
    $result["Guarani"] = "gn";
    $result["Gujarati"] = "gu";
    $result["Hacker"] = "xx-hacker";
    $result["Haitian Creole"] = "ht";
    $result["Hausa"] = "ha";
    $result["Hawaiian"] = "haw";
    $result["Hebrew"] = "iw";
    $result["Hindi"] = "hi";
    $result["Hungarian"] = "hu";
    $result["Icelandic"] = "is";
    $result["Igbo"] = "ig";
    $result["Indonesian"] = "id";
    $result["Interlingua"] = "ia";
    $result["Irish"] = "ga";
    $result["Italian"] = "it";
    $result["Japanese"] = "ja";
    $result["Javanese"] = "jw";
    $result["Kannada"] = "kn";
    $result["Kazakh"] = "kk";
    $result["Kinyarwanda"] = "rw";
    $result["Kirundi"] = "rn";
    $result["Klingon"] = "xx-klingon";
    $result["Kongo"] = "kg";
    $result["Korean"] = "ko";
    $result["Krio (Sierra Leone)"] = "kri";
    $result["Kurdish"] = "ku";
    $result["Kurdish (Soranî)"] = "ckb";
    $result["Kyrgyz"] = "ky";
    $result["Laothian"] = "lo";
    $result["Latin"] = "la";
    $result["Latvian"] = "lv";
    $result["Lingala"] = "ln";
    $result["Lithuanian"] = "lt";
    $result["Lozi"] = "loz";
    $result["Luganda"] = "lg";
    $result["Luo"] = "ach";
    $result["Macedonian"] = "mk";
    $result["Malagasy"] = "mg";
    $result["Malay"] = "ms";
    $result["Malayalam"] = "ml";
    $result["Maltese"] = "mt";
    $result["Maori"] = "mi";
    $result["Marathi"] = "mr";
    $result["Mauritian Creole"] = "mfe";
    $result["Moldavian"] = "mo";
    $result["Mongolian"] = "mn";
    $result["Montenegrin"] = "sr-ME";
    $result["Nepali"] = "ne";
    $result["Nigerian Pidgin"] = "pcm";
    $result["Northern Sotho"] = "nso";
    $result["Norwegian"] = "no";
    $result["Norwegian (Nynorsk)"] = "nn";
    $result["Occitan"] = "oc";
    $result["Oriya"] = "or";
    $result["Oromo"] = "om";
    $result["Pashto"] = "ps";
    $result["Persian"] = "fa";
    $result["Pirate"] = "xx-pirate";
    $result["Polish"] = "pl";
    $result["Portuguese (Brazil)"] = "pt-BR";
    $result["Portuguese (Portugal)"] = "pt-PT";
    $result["Punjabi"] = "pa";
    $result["Quechua"] = "qu";
    $result["Romanian"] = "ro";
    $result["Romansh"] = "rm";
    $result["Runyakitara"] = "nyn";
    $result["Russian"] = "ru";
    $result["Scots Gaelic"] = "gd";
    $result["Serbian"] = "sr";
    $result["Serbo-Croatian"] = "sh";
    $result["Sesotho"] = "st";
    $result["Setswana"] = "tn";
    $result["Seychellois Creole"] = "crs";
    $result["Shona"] = "sn";
    $result["Sindhi"] = "sd";
    $result["Sinhalese"] = "si";
    $result["Slovak"] = "sk";
    $result["Slovenian"] = "sl";
    $result["Somali"] = "so";
    $result["Spanish"] = "es";
    $result["Spanish (Latin American)"] = "es-419";
    $result["Sundanese"] = "su";
    $result["Swahili"] = "sw";
    $result["Swedish"] = "sv";
    $result["Tajik"] = "tg";
    $result["Tamil"] = "ta";
    $result["Tatar"] = "tt";
    $result["Telugu"] = "te";
    $result["Thai"] = "th";
    $result["Tigrinya"] = "ti";
    $result["Tonga"] = "to";
    $result["Tshiluba"] = "lua";
    $result["Tumbuka"] = "tum";
    $result["Turkish"] = "tr";
    $result["Turkmen"] = "tk";
    $result["Twi"] = "tw";
    $result["Uighur"] = "ug";
    $result["Ukrainian"] = "uk";
    $result["Urdu"] = "ur";
    $result["Uzbek"] = "uz";
    $result["Vietnamese"] = "vi";
    $result["Welsh"] = "cy";
    $result["Wolof"] = "wo";
    $result["Xhosa"] = "xh";
    $result["Yiddish"] = "yi";
    $result["Yoruba"] = "yo";
    $result["Zulu"] = "zu";

    return $result;
