
Shows a short alphabetical list of all PowerShell verbs.
Displays PowerShell approved verbs in a comma-separated list. If specific verbs
are provided as input, only matching verbs will be shown. Supports wildcards.
One or more verb patterns to filter the output. Supports wildcards.
If omitted, all approved verbs are shown.
# Shows all approved PowerShell verbs
Show-Verb -Verb "Get*"
# Shows all approved verbs starting with "Get"
showverbs "Set*", "Get*"
# Shows all approved verbs starting with "Set" or "Get" using the alias

function Show-Verb {

            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = "One or more verb patterns to filter (supports wildcards)",
            Mandatory = $False
        [string[]] $Verb = @()

    begin {
        Write-Verbose "Starting Show-Verb with filter patterns: $($Verb -join ', ')"

    process {

        # if no specific verbs requested, get all approved verbs
        if ($Verb.Length -eq 0) {

            $verbs = Get-Verb
        else {
            # filter verbs based on provided patterns
            $verbs = Get-Verb |
            ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue {

                $existingVerb = $PSItem

                foreach ($verb in $Verb) {

                    if ($existingVerb.Verb -like $verb) {


        # sort verbs alphabetically and return as comma-separated string
        ($verbs |
        Sort-Object { $PSItem.Verb } |
        ForEach-Object Verb -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -Join ", "

    end {