################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the default web language key based on the system's current language settings. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the current system language and culture settings and maps them to the corresponding web language dictionary key used by translation services. .EXAMPLE Get-DefaultWebLanguage Returns "English" for an English system, "Dutch" for a Dutch system, etc. #> function Get-DefaultWebLanguage { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param() begin { # get the current system culture info $systemCulture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentUICulture Write-Verbose "System culture: $($systemCulture.Name)" } process { # get the dictionary of supported languages $webLanguages = Get-WebLanguageDictionary # get the reversed dictionary (language codes to names) $reversedDict = @{} foreach ($key in $webLanguages.Keys) { $reversedDict[$webLanguages[$key]] = $key } # try to find exact match first (e.g. "pt-BR" for Brazilian Portuguese) if ($reversedDict.ContainsKey($systemCulture.Name)) { return $reversedDict[$systemCulture.Name] } # try to match just the language part (e.g. "pt" for Portuguese) $languageCode = $systemCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName foreach ($entry in $webLanguages.GetEnumerator()) { if ($entry.Value -eq $languageCode) { return $entry.Key } } # default to English if no match found Write-Verbose "No matching language found, defaulting to English" return "English" } } ################################################################################ |