using SpotifyAPI.Web;
using SpotifyAPI.Web.Auth; using System.Reflection; using System.Diagnostics; namespace GenXdev.Helpers { public static class Spotify { public static string VERSION = "0.5"; public static UInt32 APPCOMMAND = 0x0319; public static IntPtr CMD_PLAYPAUSE = (IntPtr)917504; public static int CMD_MUTE = 524288; public static int CMD_VOLUMEDOWN = 589824; public static int CMD_VOLUMEUP = 655360; public static IntPtr CMD_STOP = (IntPtr)851968; public static int CMD_PREVIOUS = 786432; public static int CMD_NEXT = 720896; private static readonly object padlock = new object(); private static readonly string clientId = "e7efbeae0f3f4409986218f5573ffd85"; public static string RequestAuthenticationUri(int port) { var loginRequest = new LoginRequest(new Uri("http://localhost:" + port.ToString() + "/callback"), clientId, LoginRequest.ResponseType.Token) { Scope = new[] { Scopes.UserReadPlaybackPosition, Scopes.UserLibraryRead, Scopes.UserLibraryModify, Scopes.PlaylistModifyPrivate, Scopes.PlaylistReadPrivate, Scopes.UserFollowRead, Scopes.PlaylistModifyPublic, Scopes.AppRemoteControl, Scopes.UserReadCurrentlyPlaying, Scopes.UserModifyPlaybackState, Scopes.UserReadPlaybackState, Scopes.PlaylistReadCollaborative, Scopes.UserFollowModify } }; return loginRequest.ToUri().ToString(); } public static string RequestAuthenticationTokenUsingOAuth(int port) { Console.SetOut(TextWriter.Null); var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var allResourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames(); foreach (var resourceName in allResourceNames) { // Console.WriteLine(resourceName); } EmbedIOAuthServer server = null; string token = null; async Task OnAuthorizationCodeReceived(object sender, AuthorizationCodeResponse response) { await Task.Delay(1); lock (padlock) { token = response.Code; } } try { server = new EmbedIOAuthServer( new Uri("http://localhost:" + port + "/callback"), port, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "GenXdev.Helpers.custom_site" ); server.Start().Wait(); server.AuthorizationCodeReceived += OnAuthorizationCodeReceived; System.Console.TreatControlCAsInput = true; while (true) { lock (padlock) { if (token != null) { return token; } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } } finally { if (server != null) { server.AuthorizationCodeReceived -= OnAuthorizationCodeReceived; server.Stop().Wait(); server = null; } } } public static void TransferPlayback(string apiKey, string deviceId) { var deviceIds = new List<string>(); deviceIds.Add(deviceId); var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Player.TransferPlayback(new PlayerTransferPlaybackRequest(deviceIds)).Wait(); } public static void Stop(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Player.SeekTo(new PlayerSeekToRequest(0) { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); client.Player.PausePlayback(new PlayerPausePlaybackRequest() { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); } public static void Start(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Player.ResumePlayback(new PlayerResumePlaybackRequest() { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); } public static void Pause(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Player.PausePlayback(new PlayerPausePlaybackRequest() { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); } public static void Previous(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Player.SkipPrevious(new PlayerSkipPreviousRequest() { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); } public static void Next(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Player.SkipNext(new PlayerSkipNextRequest() { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); } public static void RepeatSong(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Player.SetRepeat(new PlayerSetRepeatRequest(PlayerSetRepeatRequest.State.Track) { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); } public static void RepeatContext(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Player.SetRepeat(new PlayerSetRepeatRequest(PlayerSetRepeatRequest.State.Context) { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); } public static void RepeatOff(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Player.SetRepeat(new PlayerSetRepeatRequest(PlayerSetRepeatRequest.State.Off) { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); } public static void ShuffleOn(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Player.SetShuffle(new PlayerShuffleRequest(true) { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); } public static void ShuffleOff(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Player.SetShuffle(new PlayerShuffleRequest(false) { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); } public static List<Device> GetDevices(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey); return client.Player.GetAvailableDevices().Result.Devices; } public static void ClearQueue(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); // The Spotify Web API does not offer a direct way to clear the playback queue. // This workaround re-starts playback with only the currently playing track, // effectively discarding any queued items. try { var currentlyPlaying = client.Player.GetCurrentlyPlaying(new PlayerCurrentlyPlayingRequest(PlayerCurrentlyPlayingRequest.AdditionalTypes.All)).Result; if (currentlyPlaying?.Item != null) { client.Player.ResumePlayback(new PlayerResumePlaybackRequest() { Uris = new string[0], DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error in ClearQueue: {ex.Message}"); } } static string GetActiveDeviceId(SpotifyClient client, string apiKey) { var devices = client.Player.GetAvailableDevices().Result.Devices; foreach (var device in devices) { if (device.IsActive) return device.Id; } foreach (var device in devices) { return device.Id; } var processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("Spotify"); if (processes.Length == 0) { var path = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "Spotify\\Spotify.exe"); if (File.Exists(path)) { Process.Start(path); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("Spotify"); } } foreach (var process in processes) { if (process.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) continue; var windows = GenXdev.Helpers.WindowObj.GetMainWindow(process); foreach (var w in windows) { w.SendMessage(APPCOMMAND, IntPtr.Zero, CMD_PLAYPAUSE); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); w.SendMessage(APPCOMMAND, IntPtr.Zero, CMD_STOP); } } devices = client.Player.GetAvailableDevices().Result.Devices; foreach (var device in devices) { if (device.IsActive) return device.Id; } foreach (var device in devices) { return device.Id; } return null; } public static List<Device> SetActiveDevice(string apiKey, string deviceId) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Player.TransferPlayback(new PlayerTransferPlaybackRequest(new string[1] { deviceId })).Wait(); return client.Player.GetAvailableDevices().Result.Devices; } public static SearchResponse Search(string apiKey, string Query, SpotifyAPI.Web.SearchRequest.Types SearchType = SearchRequest.Types.Track) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); SearchResponse foundTracks = client.Search.Item(new SearchRequest(SearchType, Query)).Result; return foundTracks; } public static object SearchAndPlay(string apiKey, string Query, SpotifyAPI.Web.SearchRequest.Types SearchType = SearchRequest.Types.Track) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); SearchResponse foundTracks = client.Search.Item(new SearchRequest(SearchType, Query)).Result; var Uris = new List<string>(); try { if ((SearchType & SearchRequest.Types.Artist) > 0 && foundTracks.Artists != null && foundTracks.Artists.Items != null && foundTracks.Artists.Items.Count > 0) { var artist = foundTracks.Artists.Items[0]; var albums = client.Artists.GetAlbums(artist.Id).Result.Items; var uris = new List<string>(); foreach (var album in albums) { var albumTracks = client.Albums.GetTracks(album.Id).Result.Items; uris.AddRange(albumTracks.Select(track => track.Uri)); } // Log URIs for debugging Console.WriteLine("Artist URIs: " + string.Join(", ", uris)); client.Player.ResumePlayback(new PlayerResumePlaybackRequest() { Uris = uris.ToArray(), DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); return new { Artist = artist, Albums = albums }; } if ((SearchType & SearchRequest.Types.Track) > 0 && foundTracks.Tracks != null && foundTracks.Tracks.Items != null && foundTracks.Tracks.Items.Count > 0) { var item = foundTracks.Tracks.Items[0]; client.Player.ResumePlayback(new PlayerResumePlaybackRequest() { Uris = new string[1] { item.Uri }, DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); return new { Artist = item.Artists[0].Name, Album = item.Album.Name, Track = item.Name }; } if ((SearchType & SearchRequest.Types.Album) > 0 && foundTracks.Albums != null && foundTracks.Albums.Items != null && foundTracks.Albums.Items.Count > 0) { var item = foundTracks.Albums.Items[0]; var albumTracks = client.Albums.GetTracks(item.Id).Result.Items; var uris = albumTracks.Select(track => track.Uri).ToArray(); client.Player.ResumePlayback(new PlayerResumePlaybackRequest() { Uris = uris, DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); return new { Artist = item.Artists[0].Name, Album = item.Name }; } if ((SearchType & SearchRequest.Types.Episode) > 0 && foundTracks.Episodes != null && foundTracks.Episodes.Items != null && foundTracks.Episodes.Items.Count > 0) { var item = foundTracks.Episodes.Items[0]; client.Player.ResumePlayback(new PlayerResumePlaybackRequest() { ContextUri = item.Uri, DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); return new { Episode = item.Name, Description = item.Description, }; } if ((SearchType & SearchRequest.Types.Show) > 0 && foundTracks.Shows != null && foundTracks.Shows.Items != null && foundTracks.Shows.Items.Count > 0) { var item = foundTracks.Shows.Items[0]; client.Player.ResumePlayback(new PlayerResumePlaybackRequest() { ContextUri = item.Uri, DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); return new { Publisher = item.Publisher, Show = item.Name }; } if ((SearchType & SearchRequest.Types.Playlist) > 0 && foundTracks.Playlists != null && foundTracks.Playlists.Items != null && foundTracks.Playlists.Items.Count > 0) { var item = foundTracks.Playlists.Items[0]; client.Player.ResumePlayback(new PlayerResumePlaybackRequest() { ContextUri = item.Uri, DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); return new { Artist = item.Owner.DisplayName, Playlist = item.Name }; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error in SearchAndPlay: {ex.Message}"); Console.WriteLine($"Stack Trace: {ex.StackTrace}"); } return null; } public static List<FullPlaylist> GetUserPlaylists(string apiKey, string[] filters) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); var playlists = new List<FullPlaylist>(); Paging<FullPlaylist> results = client.Playlists.CurrentUsers().Result; if (results.Items == null) { return playlists; } while (results.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in results.Items) { var found = true; if (filters != null) { found = false; foreach (var filter in filters) { var re = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape(filter).Replace("\\*", ".*"), System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (re.Match(item.Id).Success || re.Match(item.Uri).Success || re.Match(item.Name).Success) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) continue; playlists.Add(item); var firstTrackItemRef = item.Tracks; var trackItemRef = item.Tracks; if (trackItemRef.Items == null) { trackItemRef.Items = new List<PlaylistTrack<IPlayableItem>>(); } trackItemRef = client.Playlists.GetItems(item.Id, new PlaylistGetItemsRequest(PlaylistGetItemsRequest.AdditionalTypes.All)).Result; if (trackItemRef.Items == null) { continue; } while (trackItemRef.Items.Count > 0) { if (trackItemRef != firstTrackItemRef) { foreach (var track in trackItemRef.Items) { firstTrackItemRef.Items.Add(track); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trackItemRef.Next)) { trackItemRef = client.Playlists.GetItems(item.Id, new PlaylistGetItemsRequest(PlaylistGetItemsRequest.AdditionalTypes.All) { Offset = trackItemRef.Offset + trackItemRef.Items.Count }).Result; if (trackItemRef.Items == null) break; } else { break; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(results.Next)) { results = client.Playlists.CurrentUsers(new PlaylistCurrentUsersRequest() { Offset = results.Offset + results.Items.Count }).Result; } else { break; } } return playlists; } public static void AddToPlaylist(string apiKey, string playlistId, string[] uris) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); var tracks = new List<string>(uris); while (tracks.Count > 0) { List<string> currentBatch = tracks.GetRange(0, Math.Min(50, tracks.Count)); tracks.RemoveRange(0, currentBatch.Count); client.Playlists.AddItems(playlistId, new PlaylistAddItemsRequest(currentBatch)).Wait(); } } public static List<SavedTrack> GetLibraryTracks(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); var tracks = new List<SavedTrack>(); Paging<SavedTrack> results = client.Library.GetTracks().Result; while (results.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in results.Items) { tracks.Add(item); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(results.Next)) { results = client.Library.GetTracks(new LibraryTracksRequest() { Offset = results.Offset + results.Items.Count }).Result; } else { break; } } return tracks; } public static FullPlaylist NewPlaylist(string apiKey, string name, bool publicPlaylist = false, bool collabrative = false, string description = "") { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); var currentUser = client.UserProfile.Current().Result; return client.Playlists.Create(currentUser.Id, new PlaylistCreateRequest(name) { Collaborative = collabrative, Description = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description) ? null : description, Public = publicPlaylist }).Result; } public static void ChangePlaylistDetails(string playlistId, string apiKey, string name = "", bool? publicPlaylist = null, bool? collabrative = null, string description = "") { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Playlists.ChangeDetails(playlistId, new PlaylistChangeDetailsRequest() { Collaborative = collabrative, Description = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description) ? null : description, Public = publicPlaylist, Name = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) ? null : name, } ); } public static void RemoveFromPlaylist(string apiKey, string playlistId, string[] uris) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); var tracks = (from q in uris select new PlaylistRemoveItemsRequest.Item() { Uri = q }).ToList<PlaylistRemoveItemsRequest.Item>(); while (tracks.Count > 0) { List<PlaylistRemoveItemsRequest.Item> currentBatch = tracks.GetRange(0, Math.Min(50, tracks.Count)); tracks.RemoveRange(0, currentBatch.Count); client.Playlists.RemoveItems(playlistId, new PlaylistRemoveItemsRequest() { Tracks = currentBatch }).Wait(); } } public static void RemoveFromLiked(string apiKey, string[] trackIds) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); var tracks = new List<string>(trackIds); while (tracks.Count > 0) { List<string> currentBatch = tracks.GetRange(0, Math.Min(50, tracks.Count)); tracks.RemoveRange(0, currentBatch.Count); client.Library.RemoveTracks(new LibraryRemoveTracksRequest(currentBatch)).Wait(); } } public static void AddToLiked(string apiKey, string[] trackIds) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); var tracks = new List<string>(trackIds); while (tracks.Count > 0) { List<string> currentBatch = tracks.GetRange(0, Math.Min(50, tracks.Count)); tracks.RemoveRange(0, currentBatch.Count); client.Library.SaveTracks(new LibrarySaveTracksRequest(currentBatch)).Wait(); } } public static CurrentlyPlaying GetCurrentlyPlaying(string apiKey) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); return client.Player.GetCurrentlyPlaying(new PlayerCurrentlyPlayingRequest(PlayerCurrentlyPlayingRequest.AdditionalTypes.All)).Result; } public static List<TrackAudioFeatures> GetSeveralAudioFeatures(string apiKey, string[] trackIds) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); return client.Tracks.GetSeveralAudioFeatures(new TracksAudioFeaturesRequest(trackIds)).Result.AudioFeatures; } public static TrackAudioFeatures GetSeveralAudioFeatures(string apiKey, string trackId) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); return client.Tracks.GetAudioFeatures(trackId).Result; } public static FullTrack GetTrackById(string apiKey, string trackId) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); return client.Tracks.Get(trackId).Result; } public static void ReorderPlaylist(string apiKey, string playlistId, int RangeStart, int InsertBefore, int? RangeLength) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); client.Playlists.ReorderItems(playlistId, new PlaylistReorderItemsRequest(RangeStart, InsertBefore) { RangeLength = RangeLength }); } public static List<PlaylistTrack<IPlayableItem>> GetPlaylistTracks(string apiKey, string playlistId) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); var tracks = new List<PlaylistTrack<IPlayableItem>>(); Paging<PlaylistTrack<IPlayableItem>> results = client.Playlists.GetItems(playlistId).Result; while (results.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in results.Items) { tracks.Add(item); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(results.Next)) { results = client.Playlists.GetItems(playlistId, new PlaylistGetItemsRequest() { Offset = results.Offset + results.Items.Count }).Result; } else { break; } } return tracks; } public static object SearchAndAdd(string apiKey, string Query, SpotifyAPI.Web.SearchRequest.Types SearchType = SearchRequest.Types.Track) { var client = new SpotifyClient(apiKey); SearchResponse results = client.Search.Item(new SearchRequest(SearchType, Query)).Result; var Uris = new List<string>(); if ((SearchType & (SearchRequest.Types.Track)) > 0 && results.Tracks?.Items?.Count > 0) { var item = results.Tracks.Items[0]; client.Player.AddToQueue(new PlayerAddToQueueRequest(item.Uri) { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); return new { Artist = item.Artists[0].Name, Album = item.Album.Name, Track = item.Name }; } if ((SearchType & (SearchRequest.Types.Album)) > 0 && results.Albums?.Items?.Count > 0) { var item = results.Albums.Items[0]; client.Player.AddToQueue(new PlayerAddToQueueRequest(item.Uri) { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); return new { Artist = item.Artists[0].Name, Album = item.Name }; } if ((SearchType & (SearchRequest.Types.Episode)) > 0 && results.Episodes?.Items?.Count > 0) { var item = results.Episodes.Items[0]; client.Player.AddToQueue(new PlayerAddToQueueRequest(item.Uri) { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); return new { Episode = item.Name, Description = item.Description, }; } if ((SearchType & (SearchRequest.Types.Show)) > 0 && results.Shows?.Items?.Count > 0) { var item = results.Shows.Items[0]; client.Player.AddToQueue(new PlayerAddToQueueRequest(item.Uri) { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); return new { Publisher = item.Publisher, Show = item.Name }; } if ((SearchType & (SearchRequest.Types.Playlist)) > 0 && results.Playlists?.Items?.Count > 0) { var item = results.Playlists.Items[0]; client.Player.AddToQueue(new PlayerAddToQueueRequest(item.Uri) { DeviceId = GetActiveDeviceId(client, apiKey) }).Wait(); return new { Artist = item.Owner.DisplayName, Playlist = item.Name }; } return null; } } } |