################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Imports all GenXdev PowerShell modules into the global scope. .DESCRIPTION Scans the parent directory for GenXdev modules and imports each one into the global scope. Uses location stack management to preserve the working directory and provides visual feedback for successful and failed imports. Tracks function count changes during the import process. .PARAMETER DebugFailedModuleDefinitions When enabled, provides detailed debug output for modules that fail to import. .EXAMPLE Import-GenXdevModules -DebugFailedModuleDefinitions # Imports modules with debug output for failures .EXAMPLE reloadgenxdev # Imports all modules using the alias #> function Import-GenXdevModules { [CmdletBinding()] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute( "PSUseSingularNouns", "" )] [Alias("reloadgenxdev")] ################################################################################ param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Enable debug output for failed module definitions" )] [Switch] $DebugFailedModuleDefinitions ) ################################################################################ begin { # store current location for later restoration Write-Verbose "Saving current location to location stack" Push-Location # prepare console output variables $esc = [char]0x1b Write-Output ( "$esc[36m$("## Reloading genXdev..".PadRight([Console]::WindowWidth - 1, " "))" + "$esc[0m" ) # capture initial function count [int] $functionCountBefore = @(Get-GenXDevCmdlets).Length } process { try { # navigate to modules parent directory Write-Verbose "Changing to parent module directory" Set-Location "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\.." # find and process each genxdev module Write-Verbose "Scanning for GenXdev modules" Get-ChildItem ".\GenXdev*" -dir | ForEach-Object { $name = $PSItem.Name try { # attempt module import Write-Verbose "Importing module: $name" $importError = $null $null = Import-Module $name ` -Scope Global ` -ErrorVariable ImportError ` -Force if (($null -ne $importError) -and ($importError.Length -gt 0)) { throw ($ImportError | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue) } # show success message Write-Output ( "$esc[32m$("- [✅] $name".PadRight([Console]::WindowWidth - 1, " "))" + "$esc[0m" ) } catch { if ($DebugFailedModuleDefinitions) { # debug mode: validate and retry import Assert-ModuleDefinition -ModuleName $name $importError = $null $null = Import-Module $name ` -Scope Global ` -ErrorVariable ImportError ` -Force if (($null -ne $importError) -and ($importError.Length -gt 0)) { Write-Output ( "$esc[91m$("- [❌] $importError".PadRight( [Console]::WindowWidth - 1, " " ))$esc[0m" ) } } else { # show failure message Write-Verbose "Failed to import module: $name" Write-Output ( "$esc[91m$("- [❌] $name".PadRight( [Console]::WindowWidth - 1, " " ))$esc[0m" ) } } } } finally { # restore original location Write-Verbose "Restoring original location" Pop-Location } } end { # calculate and display function count changes [int] $functionCountAfter = @(Get-GenXDevCmdlets).Length $functionsAdded = $functionCountAfter - $functionCountBefore $text = $functionsAdded -lt 0 ? ( ", removed $($functionsAdded * -1) functions" ) : ( $functionsAdded -eq 0 ? "" : ", added $functionsAdded functions" ) Write-Output ( "$esc[36m$("## Reloaded genXdev$text".PadRight( [Console]::WindowWidth - 1, " " ))$esc[0m" ) } } ################################################################################ |