
Retrieves and lists all GenXdev cmdlets and their details.
Searches through installed GenXdev modules and script files to find cmdlets,
their aliases, and descriptions. Can filter by name pattern and module name.
Pattern to match cmdlet names or aliases. Supports wildcards (*).
.PARAMETER BaseModuleName
One or more GenXdev module names to search. Can omit GenXdev prefix.
Skip searching in local module paths.
.PARAMETER OnlyPublished
Limit search to published module paths only.
.PARAMETER FromScripts
Search in script files instead of module files.
Get-GenXDevCmdlets -CmdletName "Get-*" -BaseModuleName "Console" -NoLocal
gcmds Get-*

function Get-GenXDevCmdlets {

    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "Get-GenXDevCmdlets")]
            Position = 0,
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Search pattern to filter cmdlets"
        [Alias("Filter", "CmdLet", "Cmd", "FunctionName", "Name")]
        [string] $CmdletName = "*",
            Position = 1,
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "GenXdev module names to search"
        [Alias("Module", "ModuleName", "BaseModule")]
        [string[]] $BaseModuleName = @("GenXdev*"),
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Skip searching in local module paths"
        [switch] $NoLocal,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Only search in published module paths"
        [switch] $OnlyPublished,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Search in script files instead of modules"
        [switch] $FromScripts

    begin {

        # log search criteria for diagnostics
        Write-Verbose ("Searching for cmdlets matching '$CmdletName' in modules: " +
            "$($BaseModuleName -join ',')")

        # resolve path to scripts directory
        $scriptFilePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path `
            -FilePath "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..\..\Scripts\*.ps1" `

    process {

        if ($FromScripts) {

            $CmdletName = @($CmdletName | ForEach-Object { "$([IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($scriptFilePath))\$PSItem.ps1" } )

            # process all ps1 files in scripts directory
            Get-ChildItem $CmdletName -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {

                # skip test files to avoid processing test code
                if ($_.Name -like "*.Tests.ps1") { return }

                # read entire function content for processing
                $functionContent = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName)

                # determine function definition start line
                $lineNo = Get-FunctionStartLine -Content $functionContent

                # extract function aliases from content
                $aliases = Get-FunctionAliases `
                    -FileName ($_.FullName) `
                    -FunctionContent $functionContent

                $scriptFilePath = $_.FullName
                # build path for corresponding test file
                $functionTestFilePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path `
                    -FilePath ([IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($_.FullName, ".Tests.ps1"))

                # return object with function details
                    Name               = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(
                    ModuleName         = "GenXdev.Scripts"
                    BaseModule         = "GenXdev.Scripts"
                    LineNo             = $lineNo
                    Description        = Get-FunctionDescription `
                        -FileName ($_.FullName) `
                        -FunctionContent $functionContent
                    Aliases            = $aliases -join ", "
                    ScriptFilePath     = $scriptFilePath
                    ScriptTestFilePath = $functionTestFilePath
            } | Sort-Object { $_.BaseModule + "_" + $_.ModuleName + "_" + $_.Name }


        # handle single cmdlet test scenario
        if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CmdletName) -or ($CmdletName -eq "*"))) {

            Get-Command -Name $CmdletName -CommandType @("Cmdlet", "Function", "Alias") | ForEach-Object {

                $cmd = $_

                if ($cmd -is [System.Management.Automation.AliasInfo]) {

                    $cmd = $cmd.ResolvedCommand

                [string] $BaseModule = $cmd.ModuleName

                $functionPath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..\..\Modules\$($BaseModule)\1.128.2025\Functions\$($cmd.Name).ps1"

                Get-ChildItem ($functionPath) -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {

                    # prepare function details
                    $functionContent = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName)
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($functionContent)) { return }
                    $lineNo = Get-FunctionStartLine -Content $functionContent
                    $scriptFilePath = $_.FullName
                    $functionTestFilePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path `
                        -FilePath "$([IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($ScriptFilePath))\..\..\Tests\$([IO.Path]::GetFileName([IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($ScriptFilePath)))\$(

                    # return function information object
                        Name               = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.Name)
                        ModuleName         = ([IO.Path]::GetFileName([IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($_.FullName)))
                        BaseModule         = $BaseModule
                        LineNo             = $lineNo
                        Description        = (
                            Get-FunctionDescription `
                                -FileName ($_.FullName) `
                                -FunctionContent $functionContent
                        Aliases            = $aliases -join ", "
                        ScriptFilePath     = $scriptFilePath
                        ScriptTestFilePath = $functionTestFilePath


        # prepare module search parameters
        $invocationParams = GenXdev.Helpers\Copy-IdenticalParamValues `
            -FunctionName "GenXdev.Helpers\Invoke-OnEachGenXdevModule" `
            -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters

        # process each matching module
        GenXdev.Helpers\Invoke-OnEachGenXdevModule @invocationParams -Script {


            if (-not ($module.Name -like "GenXdev*")) { return }

            [string] $BaseModule = $module.Name

            # process each function file in module
            @(Get-ChildItem .\Functions\*.ps1 -File -Recurse `
                    -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) | ForEach-Object {

                $functionContent = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName)
                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($functionContent)) { return }
                $aliases = @(Get-FunctionAliases `
                        -FileName ($_.FullName) `
                        -FunctionContent $functionContent)

                # prepare function details
                $lineNo = Get-FunctionStartLine -Content $functionContent
                $scriptFilePath = $_.FullName
                $functionTestFilePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path `
                    -FilePath "$([IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($ScriptFilePath))\..\..\Tests\$([IO.Path]::GetFileName([IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($ScriptFilePath)))\$(

                # return function information object
                    Name               = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(
                    ModuleName         = ([IO.Path]::GetFileName(
                    BaseModule         = $BaseModule
                    LineNo             = $lineNo
                    Description        = Get-FunctionDescription `
                        -FileName ($_.FullName) `
                        -FunctionContent $functionContent
                    Aliases            = $aliases -join ", "
                    ScriptFilePath     = $scriptFilePath
                    ScriptTestFilePath = $functionTestFilePath
        }.GetNewClosure() | Sort-Object { $_.BaseModule + "_" + $_.ModuleName + "_" + $_.Name }

    end {

Helper function to extract function descriptions from sourcecode.
The path to the script file.
.PARAMETER FunctionContent
The content of the function to parse.

function Get-FunctionDescription {

    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly", "Get-FunctionDescription")]
            Position = 0,
            Mandatory = $true

            Position = 1,
            Mandatory = $true

    $FunctionContent = $null -eq $FunctionContent ? "" : $FunctionContent

    # check if file is in Scripts folder
    $FromScripts = $FileName.StartsWith((GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path `
                -FilePath "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..\..\Scripts\"))

    try {
        # build regex pattern based on file location
        $pattern = $FromScripts ?
        "\.SYNOPSIS\s*`r`n([^\r\n]*[\r\n]*)\r\n\r\n([^#][^>])*#>" :
            ("\.SYNOPSIS\s*`r`n([^\r\n]*[\r\n]*)\r\n\r\n([^#][^>])*#>\s*" +

        # extract synopsis
        $match = [regex]::Match(
            ([System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase -bor

        if ($match.Success) {
            return $match.Groups[1].Value.Trim()
    catch {
        Write-Verbose "Failed to get description: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    return ""

Helper function to extract function aliases from sourcecode.
The path to the script file.
.PARAMETER FunctionContent
The content of the function to parse.

function Get-FunctionAliases {

    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly", "Get-FunctionAliases")]
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "Get-FunctionAliases")]

            Position = 0,
            Mandatory = $true

            Position = 1,
            Mandatory = $true

    $FunctionContent = $null -eq $FunctionContent ? "" : $FunctionContent

    try {
        $content = $FunctionContent.ToLowerInvariant();

        # extract aliases from module functions
        [int] $i = $content.IndexOf("#>");
        $i = $content.IndexOf(
            "function $([IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FileName).ToLowerInvariant())", [Math]::Max(0, $i))

        if ($i -lt 0) {
            $i = $content.IndexOf("[cmdletbinding(", [Math]::Max(0, $i))
            if ($i -lt 0) {
                $i = 0
        $i2 = $content.IndexOf("param(", [Math]::Max(0, $i))
        if ($i2 -lt 0) {

            $i2 = $content.ToLowerInvariant().IndexOf("[parameter", [Math]::Max(0, $i))
        $i = $content.IndexOf("[alias(", [Math]::Max(0, $i))

        if ($i -ge 0 -and $i2 -gt $i) {
            $aliases = $content.Substring($i + 7)
            $aliases = $aliases.Substring(0, $aliases.IndexOf(")")).Replace(
                "'", "`"")
            $aliases = $aliases -replace "[\)\[\]\`"]", ""
            return (@($aliases -split ",") | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() })
    catch {
        Write-Verbose "Failed to get aliases: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    return [string]::Empty

Helper function to find the starting line number of a function.
The content to search for the function start.

function Get-FunctionStartLine {

    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly", "Get-FunctionStartLine")]
            Position = 0,
            Mandatory = $true

    $Content = $null -eq $Content ? "" : $Content

    $lineNo = $Content.IndexOf("#>")
    if ($lineNo -lt 0) { $lineNo = $Content.IndexOf("[CmdletBinding") }
    if ($lineNo -lt 0) { $lineNo = $Content.IndexOf("params") }
    if ($lineNo -lt 0) { $lineNo = $Content.IndexOf("begin {") }
    if ($lineNo -lt 0) { $lineNo = $Content.IndexOf("process {") }
    if ($lineNo -lt 0) { $lineNo = 0 }
    else {
        $lineNo = $Content.Substring(0, $lineNo).Split("`n").Count + 1

    return $lineNo
