############################################################################### BeforeAll { $Script:testRoot = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$env:TEMP\GenXdev.FileSystem.Tests\" -CreateDirectory } AfterAll { $Script:testRoot = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$env:TEMP\GenXdev.FileSystem.Tests\" -CreateDirectory # cleanup test folder Remove-AllItems $Script:testRoot -DeleteFolder } ############################################################################### Describe "Rename-InProject" { It "should pass PSScriptAnalyzer rules" { # get the script path for analysis $scriptPath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\Functions\GenXdev.FileSystem\Rename-InProject.ps1" # run analyzer with explicit settings $analyzerResults = GenXdev.Coding\Invoke-GenXdevScriptAnalyzer ` -Path $scriptPath [string] $message = "" $analyzerResults | ForEach-Object { $message = $message + @" -------------------------------------------------- Rule: $($_.RuleName)` Description: $($_.Description) Message: $($_.Message) `r`n "@ } $analyzerResults.Count | Should -Be 0 -Because @" The following PSScriptAnalyzer rules are being violated: $message "@; } BeforeAll { Push-Location $Script:testRoot } AfterAll { Pop-Location Remove-AllItems $Script:testRoot -DeleteFolder } BeforeEach { # Setup test directory structure $Script:testDir = Join-Path $Script:testRoot "rename-test" New-Item -Path $Script:testDir -ItemType Directory -Force # Create test files with content using Unix-style line endings $Script:files = @{ "oldfile.txt" = "This is oldtext in a file" "subdir/nested.txt" = "More oldtext content" "OldName/test.txt" = "oldtext in subdirectory" } foreach ($file in $Script:files.Keys) { $path = Join-Path $Script:testDir $file New-Item -Path (Split-Path $path) -ItemType Directory -Force # Use Set-Content with -NoNewline to avoid adding line endings Set-Content -Path $path -Value $Script:files[$file] -NoNewline } Push-Location $Script:testDir } AfterEach { Pop-Location Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $Script:testRoot "rename-test") -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } It "Replaces text content in files" { Rename-InProject -Source .\ -FindText "oldtext" -ReplacementText "newtext" # Trim any line endings when comparing content $content = (Get-Content "oldfile.txt" -Raw).TrimEnd() $content | Should -Be "This is newtext in a file" $nestedContent = (Get-Content "subdir/nested.txt" -Raw).TrimEnd() $nestedContent | Should -Be "More newtext content" } It "Renames files containing search text" { Rename-InProject -Source .\ -FindText "old" -ReplacementText "new" Test-Path "newfile.txt" | Should -BeTrue Test-Path "oldfile.txt" | Should -BeFalse } It "Renames directories containing search text" { Rename-InProject -Source . -FindText "OldName" -ReplacementText "NewName" Test-Path "NewName" | Should -BeTrue Test-Path "OldName" | Should -BeFalse Test-Path "NewName/test.txt" | Should -BeTrue } It "Performs no changes in WhatIf mode" { Rename-InProject -Source . -FindText "oldtext" -ReplacementText "newtext" -WhatIf $content = (Get-Content "oldfile.txt" -Raw).TrimEnd() $content | Should -Be "This is oldtext in a file" Test-Path "oldfile.txt" | Should -BeTrue } It "Skips binary files" { # Create a fake binary file $binPath = "test.exe" [byte[]]$bytes = 1..10 [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes((Join-Path $Script:testDir $binPath), $bytes) Rename-InProject -Source . -FindText "old" -ReplacementText "new" # Binary file should remain unchanged Test-Path $binPath | Should -BeTrue $newBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes((Join-Path $Script:testDir $binPath)) $newBytes | Should -Be $bytes } } |