############################################################################### BeforeAll { $Script:testRoot = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$env:TEMP\GenXdev.FileSystem.Tests\" -CreateDirectory } AfterAll { $Script:testRoot = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$env:TEMP\GenXdev.FileSystem.Tests\" -CreateDirectory # cleanup test folder Remove-AllItems $testRoot -DeleteFolder } ############################################################################### Describe "Find-DuplicateFiles" { It "should pass PSScriptAnalyzer rules" { # get the script path for analysis $scriptPath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\Functions\GenXdev.FileSystem\Find-DuplicateFiles.ps1" # run analyzer with explicit settings $analyzerResults = GenXdev.Coding\Invoke-GenXdevScriptAnalyzer ` -Path $scriptPath [string] $message = "" $analyzerResults | ForEach-Object { $message = $message + @" -------------------------------------------------- Rule: $($_.RuleName)` Description: $($_.Description) Message: $($_.Message) `r`n "@ } $analyzerResults.Count | Should -Be 0 -Because @" The following PSScriptAnalyzer rules are being violated: $message "@; } BeforeAll { # Setup test folders with duplicate files $path1 = Join-Path $testRoot "dup_test1" $path2 = Join-Path $testRoot "dup_test2" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path1, $path2 -Force | Out-Null # Create identical files with identical content "test content" | Set-Content -Path "$path1\file1.txt" -Encoding UTF8 "test content" | Set-Content -Path "$path2\file1.txt" -Encoding UTF8 # Give them the same last modified dates $date = Get-Date Set-ItemProperty -Path "$path1\file1.txt" -Name LastWriteTime -Value $date Set-ItemProperty -Path "$path2\file1.txt" -Name LastWriteTime -Value $date $unique1 = Join-Path $testRoot "unique1" $unique2 = Join-Path $testRoot "unique2" # Create unique files "unique1" | Set-Content -Path $unique1 -Encoding UTF8 "unique2" | Set-Content -Path $unique2 -Encoding UTF8 } AfterAll { Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $testRoot "dup_test*") -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } It "Ignores size comparison when specified" { "different content" | Set-Content -Path "$path2\file1.txt" -Encoding UTF8 # Give them the same last modified dates $date = Get-Date Set-ItemProperty -Path "$path1\file1.txt" -Name LastWriteTime -Value $date Set-ItemProperty -Path "$path2\file1.txt" -Name LastWriteTime -Value $date $dups = Find-DuplicateFiles -Paths $path1, $path2 -DontCompareSize $dups.Count | Should -Be 1 $dups[0].Files.Count | Should -Be 2 } It "Doesn't ignore last modified date comparison when specified" { "different content" | Set-Content -Path "$path2\file1.txt" -Encoding UTF8 $dups = Find-DuplicateFiles -Paths $path1, $path2 -DontCompareSize $dups.Count | Should -Be 0 } It "Finds no duplicates when files are unique" { Remove-Item "$path2\file1.txt" $dups = Find-DuplicateFiles -Paths $path1, $path2 $dups | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } } |