################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Synchronizes local and OneDrive key-value store databases. .DESCRIPTION Performs two-way synchronization between local and OneDrive shadow databases using a last-modified timestamp strategy. Records are merged based on their last modification time, with newer versions taking precedence. .PARAMETER SynchronizationKey Identifies the synchronization scope for the operation. Using "Local" will skip synchronization as it indicates local-only records. .EXAMPLE # Synchronize using default local scope Sync-KeyValueStore .EXAMPLE # Synchronize specific scope Sync-KeyValueStore -SynchronizationKey "UserSettings" #> function Sync-KeyValueStore { [CmdletBinding()] param( ####################################################################### [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Key to identify synchronization scope" )] [string]$SynchronizationKey = "Local" ####################################################################### ) begin { Write-Verbose "Starting key-value store sync with key: $SynchronizationKey" } process { # skip synchronization for local-only records if ($SynchronizationKey -eq "Local") { Write-Verbose "Skipping sync for local-only key" return } # resolve database file paths for local and shadow copies $localDb = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..\GenXdev.Local\KeyValueStores.sqllite.db" $shadowDb = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path "~\OneDrive\GenXdev.PowerShell.SyncObjects\KeyValueStores.sqllite.db" Write-Verbose "Local DB: $localDb" Write-Verbose "Shadow DB: $shadowDb" # ensure database files exist by initializing if needed if (-not ([System.IO.File]::Exists($localDb) -and [System.IO.File]::Exists($shadowDb))) { Write-Verbose "Initializing missing database files" Initialize-KeyValueStores } # sql query to perform bidirectional sync based on last modified timestamp $syncQuery = @" ATTACH DATABASE @shadowDb AS shadow; -- sync from shadow to local INSERT OR REPLACE INTO main.KeyValueStore SELECT * FROM shadow.KeyValueStore s WHERE s.synchronizationKey = @syncKey AND ( NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM main.KeyValueStore m WHERE m.synchronizationKey = s.synchronizationKey AND m.storeName = s.storeName AND m.keyName = s.keyName AND m.lastModified >= s.lastModified ) ); -- sync from local to shadow INSERT OR REPLACE INTO shadow.KeyValueStore SELECT * FROM main.KeyValueStore m WHERE m.synchronizationKey = @syncKey AND ( NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM shadow.KeyValueStore s WHERE s.synchronizationKey = m.synchronizationKey AND s.storeName = m.storeName AND s.keyName = m.keyName AND s.lastModified > m.lastModified ) ); "@ # prepare parameters for sql query execution $params = @{ 'shadowDb' = $shadowDb 'syncKey' = $SynchronizationKey } Write-Verbose "Executing sync query with parameters" Invoke-SQLiteQuery -DatabaseFilePath $localDb -Queries $syncQuery -SqlParameters $params } end { Write-Verbose "Sync operation completed" } } ################################################################################ |