################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a value from a key-value store database. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves a value for a specified key from a SQLite-based key-value store. The function supports optional default values and synchronization across different scopes. .PARAMETER StoreName The name of the key-value store to query. .PARAMETER KeyName The key whose value should be retrieved. .PARAMETER DefaultValue Optional default value to return if the key is not found. .PARAMETER SynchronizationKey Optional key to identify synchronization scope. Defaults to "Local". .EXAMPLE Get-ValueByKeyFromStore -StoreName "AppSettings" -KeyName "Theme" -DefaultValue "Dark" .EXAMPLE getvalue AppSettings Theme #> function Get-ValueByKeyFromStore { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")] [OutputType([System.String])] [Alias("getvalue")] param ( ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "Name of the store to retrieve the key from" )] [string]$StoreName, ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "Key to retrieve from the specified store" )] [string]$KeyName, ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 2, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "A optional default value" )] [string]$DefaultValue = $null, ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 3, ParameterSetName = "Default", HelpMessage = "Key to identify synchronization scope" )] [string]$SynchronizationKey = "Local" ######################################################################## ) begin { # construct the path to the sqlite database file $databaseFilePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path ` "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..\GenXdev.Local\KeyValueStores.sqllite.db" ` -CreateDirectory Write-Verbose "Database path: $databaseFilePath" } process { # initialize database if it doesn't exist if (-not (Test-Path $databaseFilePath)) { Write-Verbose "Database not found, initializing..." Initialize-KeyValueStores } # sync with external store if not using local scope if ($SynchronizationKey -ne "Local") { Write-Verbose "Syncing store with key: $SynchronizationKey" Sync-KeyValueStore -SynchronizationKey $SynchronizationKey } # prepare sql query to retrieve value $sqlQuery = @" SELECT value FROM KeyValueStore WHERE storeName = @storeName AND keyName = @keyName AND synchronizationKey = @syncKey AND deletedDate IS NULL; "@ # set up query parameters $params = @{ 'storeName' = $StoreName 'keyName' = $KeyName 'syncKey' = $SynchronizationKey } Write-Verbose "Querying store '$StoreName' for key '$KeyName'" # execute query and get result $result = Invoke-SQLiteQuery ` -DatabaseFilePath $databaseFilePath ` -Queries $sqlQuery ` -SqlParameters $params # return result or default value if ($result) { Write-Verbose "Value found" return $result.value } else { Write-Verbose "No value found, returning default" return $DefaultValue } } end { } } ################################################################################ |