################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a key-value store from the database. .DESCRIPTION Removes all entries for a specified store from the database. For local stores, performs a physical delete. For synchronized stores, marks entries as deleted and triggers synchronization. .PARAMETER StoreName The name of the key-value store to remove. .PARAMETER SynchronizationKey The synchronization scope identifier. Defaults to "Local" for non-synchronized stores. .EXAMPLE Remove-KeyValueStore -StoreName "ConfigurationStore" -SynchronizationKey "Cloud" #> function Remove-KeyValueStore { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param ( ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Name of the store to delete" )] [string]$StoreName, ######################################################################## [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Key to identify synchronization scope" )] [string]$SynchronizationKey = "Local" ######################################################################## ) begin { # get the full path to the sqlite database file $databaseFilePath = GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path ` "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\..\GenXdev.Local\KeyValueStores.sqllite.db" ` -CreateDirectory Write-Verbose "Using database at: $databaseFilePath" } process { # ensure database exists, create if not if (-not (Test-Path $databaseFilePath)) { Write-Verbose "Database not found, initializing new database" Initialize-KeyValueStores } # get current user identity for audit trail $lastModifiedBy = "$env:COMPUTERNAME\$env:USERNAME" Write-Verbose "Operation performed by: $lastModifiedBy" # determine sql operation based on synchronization mode if ($SynchronizationKey -eq "Local") { $operation = "Deleting local store" $sqlQuery = @" DELETE FROM KeyValueStore WHERE storeName = @storeName AND synchronizationKey = @syncKey; "@ } else { $operation = "Marking sync store as deleted" $sqlQuery = @" UPDATE KeyValueStore SET deletedDate = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, lastModified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, lastModifiedBy = @modifiedBy WHERE storeName = @storeName AND synchronizationKey = @syncKey; "@ } # check if user wants to proceed with the operation if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($StoreName, $operation)) { # prepare parameters for sql query $params = @{ 'storeName' = $StoreName 'syncKey' = $SynchronizationKey 'modifiedBy' = $lastModifiedBy } # execute the database operation Write-Verbose "Executing database operation for store: $StoreName" Invoke-SQLiteQuery ` -DatabaseFilePath $databaseFilePath ` -Queries $sqlQuery ` -SqlParameters $params # trigger synchronization for non-local stores if ($SynchronizationKey -ne "Local") { Write-Verbose "Triggering synchronization for key: $SynchronizationKey" Sync-KeyValueStore -SynchronizationKey $SynchronizationKey } } } end { } } ################################################################################ |