
Retrieves data from a SQLite database view.
Gets records from a specified view in a SQLite database, either using a connection
string or database file path. Allows limiting the number of records returned.
.PARAMETER ConnectionString
The connection string to connect to the SQLite database.
.PARAMETER DatabaseFilePath
The file path to the SQLite database file.
The name of the view to query data from.
The maximum number of records to return. Use -1 to return all records.
Default is 100.
Get-SQLiteViewData -DatabaseFilePath "C:\data\mydb.sqlite" -ViewName "UserView"
-Count 10
Get-SQLiteViewData "C:\data\mydb.sqlite" "UserView"

function Get-SQLiteViewData {

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "DatabaseFilePath")]
    param (
            Position = 0,
            Mandatory = $true,
            ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionString',
            HelpMessage = 'The connection string to the SQLite database.'

            Position = 0,
            Mandatory = $true,
            ParameterSetName = 'DatabaseFilePath',
            HelpMessage = 'The path to the SQLite database file.'

            Position = 1,
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'The name of the view.'

            Position = 2,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Number of records to return. -1 for all records.'
        [ValidateRange(-1, [int]::MaxValue)]
        [int]$Count = 100

    begin {
        Write-Verbose "Starting Get-SQLiteViewData for view: $ViewName"

    process {
        # construct the query based on count parameter
        $query = if ($Count -eq -1) {
            "SELECT * FROM $ViewName"
        else {
            "SELECT * FROM $ViewName LIMIT $Count"

        Write-Verbose "Executing query: $query"

        # set the query parameter
        $PSBoundParameters["Queries"] = $query

        # execute the query using invoke-sqlitequery
        Invoke-SQLiteQuery @PSBoundParameters

    end {
        Write-Verbose "Completed querying view: $ViewName"