
Disables Spotify repeat mode for the currently active device.
This function disables the repeat mode on the currently active Spotify device
using the Spotify Web API. It requires a valid Spotify API token which is
automatically retrieved using Get-SpotifyApiToken.

function Set-SpotifyRepeatOff {

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    [Alias("norepeat", "repeatoff")]

    begin {

        # output verbose information about disabling repeat mode
        Write-Verbose "Disabling Spotify repeat mode on active device..."

    process {

        # get the current spotify api authentication token
        $token = Get-SpotifyApiToken

        # use ShouldProcess to confirm the operation
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Spotify active device", "Turn off repeat mode")) {

            # call the spotify api to disable repeat mode

    end {