
Gets the current UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) date and time.
Returns the current UTC date and time as a System.DateTime object. This function
provides a standardized way to retrieve UTC time across different systems and
time zones. The returned DateTime object can be used for timestamp
synchronization, logging, and cross-timezone operations.
$currentUtc = UtcNow
Returns the current UTC time as a DateTime object.
$timestamp = (UtcNow).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
Gets the current UTC time and formats it as a string.

function UtcNow {


    begin {

        # log function execution for debugging purposes
        Write-Verbose "Starting UtcNow function execution"

    process {

        # retrieve the current utc time using .net datetime for precision
        Write-Verbose "Retrieving current UTC datetime"

    end {