################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a list of all installed GenXdev modules, their cmdlets and aliases. .DESCRIPTION Searches through installed GenXdev modules and returns detailed information about their cmdlets, including names, aliases, and descriptions. Supports filtering by module name and cmdlet name patterns. .PARAMETER Filter A search pattern to filter cmdlets. Supports wildcards. If no wildcards are provided, pattern is wrapped with * on both sides. .PARAMETER ModuleName One or more GenXdev module names to search. Defaults to all modules (*). The "GenXdev." prefix is optional and will be added if missing. .EXAMPLE Get-GenXDevCmdlets -Filter "Get-*" -ModuleName "Console" .EXAMPLE cmds Get-* #> function Get-GenXDevCmdlets { [CmdletBinding()] param( ######################################################################## [parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $false, HelpMessage = "Search pattern to filter cmdlets" )] [string] $Filter = "*", ######################################################################## [parameter( ParameterSetName = "ModuleFilter", Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "GenXdev module names to search" )] [string[]] $ModuleName = @("*") ) begin { # ensure search pattern has wildcards for partial matches if (-not $Filter.Contains("*")) { $Filter = "*$Filter*" } # normalize module names by adding GenXdev prefix if not present $ModuleName = "GenXdev." + $ModuleName.Replace("GenXdev.", "") Write-Verbose "Searching for cmdlets matching '$Filter' in modules: $($ModuleName -join ',')" } process { # initialize results collection for found cmdlets $results = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new() # get all matching modules including their nested modules $modules = Get-Module "$($ModuleName.TrimEnd("*"))*" -All | ForEach-Object { $module = $PSItem $module.NestedModules | ForEach-Object { $_ } $module } | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object { $_.Name.Length } foreach ($module in $modules) { # get all exported commands from the module $exportedCommands = $module.ExportedCommands.Values | ForEach-Object { $_ } | Select-Object -Unique $exportedCommands | ForEach-Object -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue { if ($PSItem.CommandType -eq "Function") { # get all aliases for this function $aliases = ((Get-Alias -Definition ($PSItem.Name) ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object Name) -join ", ").Trim() } else { $aliases = "" } # check if command matches filter criteria if ((($PSItem.Name -like $Filter) -or ($aliases -like $Filter)) -and (($PSItem.Module.Name -eq $moduleName) -or ($PSItem.Module.Name -like "$($ModuleName.TrimEnd("*"))*"))) { if ($PSItem.CommandType -eq "Function") { # format display string with name and aliases $nameAndAliases = if ($aliases) { "$($PSItem.Name) --> $aliases" } else { $PSItem.Name } # get function description from help or script block $desc = Get-FunctionDescription -Command $PSItem # add function info to results $null = $results.Add( @{ NameAndAliases = $nameAndAliases Name = $PSItem.Name Aliases = $aliases Description = $desc ModuleName = $PSItem.Module.Name Position = 0 } ) } } } } # sort and return results by module name length, function name length $results | Sort-Object { ( $_.ModuleName.Length.ToString().PadLeft(4, "0") + $_.Name.Length.ToString().PadLeft(4, "0") + $_.Position.ToString().PadLeft("5", 0) + $_.ModuleName + "_" + $_.Name ) } -Unique } end { } } ######################################################################## <# .SYNOPSIS Helper function to extract function descriptions from help or script block. .PARAMETER Command The function info object to get the description for. #> function Get-FunctionDescription { param([System.Management.Automation.FunctionInfo]$Command) try { # try getting description from help documentation $help = Get-Help $Command.Name -Detailed -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($help.Description.Text) { return $help.Description.Text } # fallback to parsing description from script block comments $pattern = "#\s*DESCRIPTION\s+$($Command.Name):([^`r`n]*)" $match = [regex]::Match("$($Command.ScriptBlock)".Replace("`u{00A0}", " "), $pattern) if ($match.Success) { return $match.Groups[1].Value.Trim() } } catch { Write-Verbose "Failed to get description for $($Command.Name): $($_.Exception.Message)" } return "" } ################################################################################ |