################################################################################ <# .SYNOPSIS Adds tracks to the user's Spotify liked songs library. .DESCRIPTION This function allows you to add one or more tracks to your Spotify liked songs library. If no track IDs are provided, it will attempt to like the currently playing track. .PARAMETER TrackId An array of Spotify track IDs that should be added to your liked songs. If not provided, the currently playing track will be liked instead. .EXAMPLE Add-SpotifyTracksToLiked -TrackId "spotify:track:123456789" .EXAMPLE like "spotify:track:123456789" .EXAMPLE Get-SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying | Add-SpotifyTracksToLiked #> function Add-SpotifyTracksToLiked { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("like")] param( ######################################################################## [Alias("Id")] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "The Spotify track IDs to add to liked songs" )] [string[]] $TrackId = @() ######################################################################## ) begin { # retrieve spotify api authentication token for subsequent requests $apiToken = Get-SpotifyApiToken Write-Verbose "Retrieved Spotify API token" } process { if ($TrackId.Length -eq 0) { # if no track specified, get the currently playing track Write-Verbose "No track ID provided, checking currently playing track" $CurrentlyPlaying = Get-SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying if ($null -eq $CurrentlyPlaying -or $CurrentlyPlaying.CurrentlyPlayingType -ne "track") { Write-Warning "There are no tracks playing at this time" return } # add the currently playing track to liked songs Write-Verbose "Adding currently playing track to liked songs" Add-SpotifyTracksToLiked -TrackId ($CurrentlyPlaying.Item.Id) # return the track that was liked $CurrentlyPlaying.Item } else { # add the specified tracks to liked songs Write-Verbose "Adding $($TrackId.Length) track(s) to liked songs" [GenXdev.Helpers.Spotify]::AddToLiked($apiToken, $TrackId) } } end { } } ################################################################################ |