Primary task:
Analyze and fix a failed unit-test: $Prompt Secondary task: If the error resides in the tested script itself, let me know instead of outputing the corrected version, I will add it to the session for us to edit it together. Ensure compliance with these 22 requirements: 1) Check for obvious coding bugs, technical debt, and language spelling errors. 2) If no paramsetnames are used, and there are no positional attributes for parameters, but adding them would improve functionality, add them. 3) Functions must start and end with a line containing 80 hash (#) characters. 4) Ensure the existence a simular line, with the right indent, with (#) characters all the way, up and including column #79, between each parameter(!) and function(!) you encounter. 5) Don't add Pester configurations or change $VerbosePreference 6) If you determine that a '| Out-Null' is unnecessary, remove it. However, if adding to an ArrayList, ensure '| Out-Null' is used to suppress index output. Prefer: $null = Some-Command 7) Variables used in test files should be set using the $Script:somevar syntax. Preferably in global BeforeAll and AfterAll blocks 8) Describe methods should add the CmdletName as first word in the description followed by a space, this is might important to detect what function was tested, since we need to parse the name from the Describe title!! 9) Each line of code that is not trivially understandable must have a code comment above it in plain English without capital letters. Follow the guidelines from the book 'Code complete 2nd edition' By reading only the code comments, one should fully understand what the code does and how it does it. 10) ONLY use BeforeAll or AfterAll or simular blocks inside a Describe blocks! 11) Use the latest best practices for PowerShell, .NET, Windows, or any other relevant API. 12) Fix any code-smell issues. 13) Use Write-Verbose to show essential informative messages without harming performance. 14) Always insert exactly one empty line after each opening curly brace { before starting the code block's contents. Do not insert empty lines before closing curly braces }. This provides clear visual separation of code blocks while keeping closures compact. The first line of actual code should always be preceded by one empty line after an opening brace. 15) Never place an empty line between a code comment and its referenced code line. And never commands on the same line, always above it. 16) Always place at least one empty line between each code line or code line and comment for a preceeding code line.. 17) Treat this as a refactoring: do not add or rename parameters. Dependent code should remain working.You can NOT introduce different beheiviors, even if it are better code practices. 18) Prefer [Prefer [System.IO] file routines above the standard PowerShell ones, never use [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath use 'GenXdev.FileSystem\Expand-Path $somevar' instead! 19) function parameters start with Uppercase, internal variables start with lowercase, enforce this. 20) For readibility enforce that all code have new lines after '|' pipeline symbols, and after parameters using back-ticks ` wraps. Never use back-ticks to wrap items that are seperated by dots . this would break the code. 21) Enforce that each line is wrapped so that they dont exceed 80 characters, just like this prompt text. When wrapping string, make sure they are wrapped in parenthesis () ! 22) Use mocking when needed, use the correct form for -CommandName; e.g: "GenXdev.AI\Start-AudioTranscription" instead of just the function name! ################################################################################ If really necessary you can create a rule exception for ScriptAnalyzer rules: function Get-SpotifyLyrics { [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "")] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "Get-SpotifyLyrics")] [Alias("lyrics")] param( # params ) # function implementation } ################################################################################ After processing, please: 1. Provide a numbered checklist confirming each requirement was addressed 2. Highlight any requirements that couldn't be fully met and explain why 3. Summarize major changes made to meet requirements For each file modified, provide: 1. Path as header 2. Brief summary of changes 3. Code block starting with filepath comment 4. Use "# ...existing code..." for unchanged sections Never ask if I want to proceed, assume yes in those cases. Always proceed by implementing these changes systematically. |